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@ the Institute for Local Self-Reliance Who We Are Energy Self-Reliant States.

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2 @ the Institute for Local Self-Reliance Who We Are Energy Self-Reliant States

3 Overview State of Solar in Minnesota Opportunities for Cost Reductions The Value of Solar Policy Matters

4 A Small but Growing Market Photo credit: CERTs

5 Minnesota Solar = Expensive? From page 19 of the brilliant report, Tracking the Sun III: The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2009 (large pdf).Tracking the Sun III: The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2009

6 Cost of Solar != Market Size Solar PV Costs - Does State Market Size Matter? | Energy Self-Reliant States -

7 Opportunities for Cost Reductions German solar market 2006 -> 2010 grew from 2.7 GW -> 16 GW

8 Opportunities for Cost Reductions German solar market 2006 -> 2010 grew from 2.7 GW -> 16 GW $4.11 per Watt!

9 Opportunities for Cost Reductions $5.65 $4.80 $5.70 $5.09 $5.50 $4.78 $4.67 $5.20 $5.39 $5.50 Installed Cost for Residential Solar PV Group Purchase

10 Opportunities for Cost Reductions Solar PV Balance of System | Rocky Mountain Institute -

11 The Value of Distributed Solar Distributed Solar Power Worth Far More Than Electrons | Energy Self-Reliant States -

12 The Value of Distributed Solar Distributed Solar Power Worth Far More Than Electrons | Energy Self-Reliant States -

13 The Value of Solar Distributed Solar Power Worth Far More Than Electrons | Energy Self-Reliant States -

14 The Value of Solar Solving Solar's Variability with More Solar | Energy Self-Reliant States -

15 RPS Policies with Solar/DG Provisions Renewable portfolio standard with solar / distributed generation (DG) provision Renewable portfolio goal with solar / distributed generation provision / April 2011 Solar water heating counts toward solar provision WA: double credit for DG NV: 1.5% solar x 2025; 2.4 - 2.45 multiplier for PV UT: 2.4 multiplier for solar-electric AZ: 4.5% DG x 2025 NM: 4% solar-electric x 2020 0.6% DG x 2020 TX: double credit for non-wind (non-wind goal: 500 MW) CO: 3.0% DG x 2020 1.5% customer-sited x 2020 MO: 0.3% solar- electric x 2021 MI: triple credit for solar- electric OH: 0. 5% solar- electric x 2025 NC: 0. 2% solar x 2018 MD: 2% PV x 2022 DC: 0.4% solar x 2020 NY: 0.4788% customer- sited x 2015 DE: 3.5% PV x 2026; triple credit for PV NH: 0.3% solar- electric x 2014 NJ: 5,316 GWh solar- electric x 2026 PA: 0.5% PV x 2021 MA: 400 MW PV x 2020 OR: 20 MW solar PV x 2020; double credit for PV IL: 1. 5% PV x 2025 WV: various multipliers 16 states + DC have an RPS with solar/DG provisions DC Policy Matters: State Laws


17 Policy Matters: Local Rules Poor Solar Permitting Rules Increase Residential Solar Prices by Up To 20 Percent | Energy Self-Reliant States -

18 Policy Matters: Local Rules Poor Solar Permitting Rules Increase Residential Solar Prices by Up To 20 Percent | Energy Self-Reliant States -

19 Policy Matters: Local Rules Assessment of Mpls-St. Paul permitting: Permit pricing is about 2x higher than ideal… ~$500 in Minneapolis and ~$800 in St Paul…Minneapolis has a terrific submittal guidelines …St. Paul does not. [Minneapolis] clearly states their expectations: I.E what you need to submit to succeed and obtain a permit.

20 Policy Matters Ontario's Buy Local Renewable Energy Policy: An Update | Energy Self-Reliant States -

21 Policy Matters Solar Could Save Minnesota Schools Millions | Energy Self-Reliant States -

22 Summary Minnesota’s small market has high costs Promising cost reduction potential Policy needed – State standard – CLEAN Contract (feed-in tariff) – Local permitting Solar is Contagious | Energy Self-Reliant States-

23 Solar is Contagious Solar is Contagious | Energy Self-Reliant States- 1%

24 Thank you! John Farrell l l

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