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1 Steering Committee #3 August 20, 2012

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Summary of Workgroup Session #2 Discussion of Alternative Scenarios Preview of Community Meetings Next Steps in the Process Update on Public Outreach Efforts Scheduling Upcoming Meetings

3 Summary of Workgroup Session #2


5 Summary of Workgroup Meeting 123 participants Objectives of the meeting: – Integrate workgroups – Recognize complementary and competing goals – Compare two future scenarios to see if one achieves goals better than the other, or suggest a third scenario

6 2012

7 Source: Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company Very RuralRural Low Density Medium Density Moderate Density High Density Newfound Mountains Barnardsville and the Ivy Creek Valley Montreat, Riceville Grovemont, Dellwood in Hendersonville Downtown Mars Hill Downtown Asheville


9 Median household income Average energy consumption (kWh/mo) Vehicle miles traveled daily (VMT) Acres of farmland converted to new residential development Performance Measures 118,0009,217

10 Goals & Objectives BAUALT 1 “On-Model” Performance Measures “Off-Model” Performance Measures Suggested Alts Suggested Performance Measures

11 Part 1: BAU vs. Alternative 1 Evaluation of BAU and Alternative 1 Discussion of performance measures

12 BAU

13 ALT 1

14 Preserving ag land – need to do better than 3%, but 41% may be too high Need more transportation choices and ways to measure Need mixture of uses Preserving ag land – need to do better than 3%, but 41% may be too high Need more transportation choices and ways to measure Need mixture of uses

15 Results from Key Pad Polling

16 Part 2: Create a New Scenario Create a new scenario Suggest additional performance measures

17 Composite Map Results

18 Suggested Performance Measures Percent food locally produced Transit measure Gallons of stormwater run off Per capita investment in renewable energy Cost of infrastructure measure Workforce training programs graduation rates

19 Big Ideas Grow where infrastructure exists Co-locate jobs, housing and services Diversify uses & mix densities Protect natural assets

20 Goals & Objectives BAUALT 1 “On-Model” Performance Measures “Off-Model” Performance Measures Steering Committee Meeting Suggested Alts Suggested Performance Measures Draft Alt Scenarios 3 Refined Alt Scenarios Preferred Alt Refined Performance Measures Recommendations & Implementation Strategies Workgroup Session 2

21 Discussion of Alternative Scenarios

22 Alt 2: Focus on the Economy A place where businesses and workers thrive. Attract new employers

23 Support existing businesses Alt 2: Focus on the Economy A place where businesses and workers thrive.

24 Attract new employers Support existing businesses Diversify the economy Alt 2: Focus on the Economy A place where businesses and workers thrive.

25 Attract new employers Support existing businesses Diversify the economy Advance the workforce Alt 2: Focus on the Economy A place where businesses and workers thrive.

26 Performance Measures ‘On Model’

27 Performance Measures ‘Off Model’

28 Alt 3: Focus on Existing Communities Grow where infrastructure exists. Focus on existing communities

29 Revitalize & reuse Alt 3: Focus on Existing Communities Grow where infrastructure exists.

30 Focus on existing communities Revitalize & reuse Promote housing options Alt 3: Focus on Existing Communities Grow where infrastructure exists.

31 Focus on existing communities Revitalize & reuse More housing options Promote transportation options Alt 3: Focus on Existing Communities Grow where infrastructure exists.

32 Performance Measures ‘On Model’

33 Performance Measures ‘Off Model’

34 Alt 4: Focus on Resources A productive system of agricultural, natural and cultural assets. Preserve agriculture lands

35 Enhance water & air quality Alt 4: Focus on Resources A productive system of agricultural, natural and cultural assets.

36 Preserve agriculture lands Enhance water & air quality Enhance biodiversity Alt 4: Focus on Resources A productive system of agricultural, natural and cultural assets.

37 Preserve agriculture lands Enhance water & air quality Enhance biodiversity Cultivate cultural resources Alt 4: Focus on Resources A productive system of agricultural, natural and cultural assets.

38 Performance Measures ‘On Model’

39 Performance Measures ‘Off Model’

40 Alt 5: Focus on a Health A healthy, productive, self-reliant population. Improve access to care

41 Improve access to local foods Alt 5: Focus on a Health A healthy, productive, self-reliant population.

42 Improve access to care Improve access to local foods Improve access to physical activity & outdoor recreation options Alt 5: Focus on a Health A healthy, productive, self-reliant population.

43 Improve access to care Improve access to local foods Improve access to physical activity & outdoor recreation options Increase the supply of housing options Alt 5: Focus on a Health A healthy, productive, self-reliant population.

44 Improve access to care Improve access to local foods Improve access to physical activity & outdoor recreation options Increase the supply of housing options Community connections Alt 5: Focus on a Health A healthy, productive, self-reliant population.

45 Performance Measures ‘On Model’

46 Performance Measures ‘Off Model’

47 Key Objectives of Each Alternative Focus on Economy Attract new businesses Support existing businesses Diversify the economy Advance the workforce Focus on Existing Communities Focus on existing communities Redevelop and revitalize Promote housing options Promote transportation options Focus on Natural and Cultural Resources Preserve agriculture lands Enhance water and air quality Enhance biodiversity Cultivate cultural resources Focus on Healthy Population Improve access to care Improve access to local foods Improve access to physical activity and outdoor recreation options Increase housing options Community connections

48 Sample Performance Measure Matrix ObjectivePerformance Measure BAUAlt 1Alt 2Alt 3Alt 4Alt 5 Preserve agricultural resources Percentage of prime agricultural land converted to new single family housing units 41% (3%) Attract new employers Percentage of prime industrial land converted to new single family residential 52% (12%) Enhance water quality Acres of new impervious surface in critical watersheds 519 (470) Improve access to jobs Number of new jobs within ¼ mile of a transit route 52,031 (44,000)

49 Next Steps

50 Goals & Objectives BAUALT 1 “On-Model” Performance Measures “Off-Model” Performance Measures Steering Committee Meeting Suggested Alts Suggested Performance Measures Draft Alt Scenarios 3 Refined Alt Scenarios Preferred Alt Refined Performance Measures Recommendations & Implementation Strategies Workgroup Session 2

51 Preview of Community Meetings

52 November/December (Post-Election) Locations TBD Meeting Objectives: – Interactive – Provide feedback on scenarios – Indicate preferred direction for the region Virtual (on web site)

53 Scheduling Upcoming Meetings

54 Next 2 Steering Committee Meetings Steering Committee #4: October – Preparation for community meeting Steering Committee #5 : January – Review preferred alternative from community meetings – Draft recommendations & implementation strategies

55 THANK YOU!!! Contact us

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