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Army Continuing Education System (ACES)

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1 Army Continuing Education System (ACES)
Rey Harvey HQ, IMCOM G1 ACES 2 April 2015 IMCOM delivers and integrates base support to enable readiness for a self-reliant and globally-responsive All Volunteer Army The Army Continuing Education Division promotes lifelong learning, readiness, and resilience through flexible and relevant education programs, services, and systems in support of the Total Army Family Organization.

2 Army Continuing Education System
In Support of Continuing Education Counseling Collegiate and Career Readiness (BSEP) Post-Secondary Army Personnel Testing Academic Testing Education Benefits - Tuition Assistance - GI Bill In Support of Transition Counseling Higher Ed Track Kuder Journey Career Skills August 10, Title 10 USC 4302, Enlisted Members of Army: Schools So far as consistent with the requirements of military training and service, and under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Army with the approval of the President, enlisted members of the Army shall be permitted to study and receive instruction to increase their military efficiency and to enable them to return to civilian life better equipped for industrial, commercial, and business occupations. November 5, Title 10 USC 1142, Preseparation Counseling Requirement (b) Matters To Be Covered By Counseling.— Counseling under this section shall include the following: (1) A discussion of the educational assistance benefits to which the member is entitled under the Montgomery GI Bill and other educational assistance programs because of the member’s service in the armed forces. (4) Provision of information on civilian occupations and related assistance programs, including information concerning— (A) certification and licensure requirements that are applicable to civilian occupations; Better Soldiers, Better Citizens

ARMY CONTINUING EDUCATION SYSTEM IN SUPPORT OF VOW ACT OF 2011 ARMY CONTINUING EDUCATION SYSTEM HE Track: Identifying education goals Interpreting Interest Assessments Identifying education funding options Applying to educational institutions Higher Education (HE)Track ACES Transition Education Counseling (TEC) in Support of the VOW Act Base year 30 Sep 13 – 22 Sep 14 Current period of performance terminates 22 Sep 15 Armed Forces Service Cooperation (AFSC) Contracting Office: HR Solutions, Ft Knox, KY Rey Harvey/ / April 2015

4 Army Continuing Education System
Contract Line Identification Numbers (CLIN) HE Track Arm Education Center 0001 Phase –In ACES Transition Education Counseling Support 0002 ACES Transition Education Counseling Support 0003 Higher Education Workshop 0004 Other Direct Costs Rey Harvey/ / April 2015

5 “Sustain, Support and Defend”

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