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1 Basic Training Principles Dr. Ayers HPHE 1650. 2 n Overload –Doing more than you are used to n Progression –Gradually increasing overload (frequency,

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1 1 Basic Training Principles Dr. Ayers HPHE 1650

2 2 n Overload –Doing more than you are used to n Progression –Gradually increasing overload (frequency, intensity, time or some combination) n Specificity –Choose activities that target desired systems n Regularity –“Use it or lose it” n Individuality –Start at your base fitness level, using your own goals and keep your genetics in mind

3 Applying the Basic Training Principles n Exercise prescription: designing an individualized PA program to enhance fitness, reduce risk factors for disease, and ensure participant safety. n FITT guidelines –Frequency: how often –Intensity: how hard –Time: how long –Type: what kind

4 4 n Movement Prep –Whole-body activity (tag, game) lasting 5-10 mins. Dynamic/active stretching can serve this role in MS/HS –Use Physical Best activities n Main activity –Explain purpose of lesson/activity & how this relates to class/personal goals –PA pyramids for children and teens (p. 42-3) n Cool-down –Light activity to return heart rate to near resting levels –Closure: review lesson, preview next lesson (overlap) –3-5 mins. and include static stretching Physical Activity Session Components

5 Social Support and Safety Guidelines n Providing social support –Characteristics of a supportive environment (p. 48) –Role of the physical education teacher (social support) n Establishing a safe environment –Preventive maintenance –Pre-instructional planning –Emergency response planning –Overtraining injuries

6 Summary n Fitness is a journey, not a destination. –PA is a lifelong behavior –Help children and teens become self-reliant n Decision making guidance: –Principles of training –FITT guidelines –PA program structure –Social support and safety

7 7 Fitness Components n Aerobic capacity n Muscular strength/endurance n Flexibility n Body composition (+ Nutrition)

8 So What? n What affirmed something you already knew? n What was news to you today? n What could you confidently explain to someone else? n How will you use this in your personal fitness planning? Next class: THRZ calculation sheet due

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