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Rapid industrialization & militarization under slogan Fukoku Kyōhei - led to emergence as 2oth century world power "Enrich ____________ & Strengthen ____________"

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2 Rapid industrialization & militarization under slogan Fukoku Kyōhei - led to emergence as 2oth century world power "Enrich ____________ & Strengthen ____________" Imperialistic goal = Conquest of lands in Asia-Pacific region … at one point ruling over 2.8 mil sq miles Asian _____________________________________

3 Emperor style government = _____________ ___________ Meiji (Mutsuhito), Taishō (Yoshihito), & Shōwa (Hirohito) Intention of forming a modern nation-state capable of resisting western intrusion & domination Compete with their _________-__________ Policy

4 Begins with Boshin War when Emperor Meiji’s forces were able to defeat of the last Tokugawa Shogun - Yoshinobu Meiji’s military supported by ________ & __________ Gather information on western social & economic systems to bring modernization


6 “The rise of Japan to a world power during the past 80 years is the greatest miracle in world history. The mighty empires of antiquity, the major political institutions of the Middle Ages and the early modern era, the Spanish Empire, the British Empire, all needed centuries to achieve their full strength. Japan's rise has been meteoric. After only 80 years, it is one of the few great powers that determine the fate of the world.” - Albrecht Fürst von Urach

7 -Emphasis on expanding military & economic power: -In______________ & Te______________ -M________________ style economy based on importing raw materials & exporting finished products like T___________ -Means for national development & stability: -W_________________ of Govt & Society -Eliminating Sh__________ & Sa___________

8 Emperor is head of Empire with H________ as having rights of sovereignty Supreme command of A____ & N_____ (Kaigun) Responsible for economic modernization - includes providing "model factories"

9 S_______ of I___________ = political & economic necessity - prevent foreign states from blocking access to raw materials & crucial sea-lanes Using expanded m___________ to defend vital natural resources essential for expansion Japan begins to implement plan to build an extensive empire in Asia

10 Sino-Japanese War (vs China) = control of K_____ - including Liaodong Peninsula & Taiwan Russo-Japanese War fought for control of Ports A_________ + V___________ 1 st modern war where an A________ country defeats a major European power Victory greatly raised Japan's stature in world

11 Seize upon opportunity of European countries distracted by War – Japan expands its Sphere of Influence in Asia & Pacific regions Allied with Britain to wage war on G___________ to take over their colonies in Asia & Pacific region


13 Industrialization requires heavy resources – Japan has critical lack – therefore, reliant on overseas Iron ore, rubber, & _______ Acquiring resource-rich territories could establish economic self-sufficiency & independence M____________ & northern C________ Competition with ________ for many of these

14 Japanese troops crushed a major Chinese garrison – killing 300,000 - including c_________ Turns American public opinion & USA responds with major E________ S__________ - cutting off vital resources such as iron & oil

15 Faced with losing resources from USA Tri-_________ with Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy Plans of securing new sources of raw materials from M___________ and E_____ I_______

16 Occupation of more Indochina (Vietnam & Cambodia) Occupation of East Indies (Malaysia & Singapore) Result: US expanding econ sanctions (oil & scrap steel embargo) Result: Heightened potential of war with Communist Soviet Union (Russia)


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