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SGIP/GB CME WORKING GROUP MEETING March 16, 2010 Mladen Kezunovic.

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Presentation on theme: "SGIP/GB CME WORKING GROUP MEETING March 16, 2010 Mladen Kezunovic."— Presentation transcript:

1 SGIP/GB CME WORKING GROUP MEETING March 16, 2010 Mladen Kezunovic

2 1.Roll call 2.Overview of the WG charter, goals, objectives, and on-going activities 3.Feedback on the documents/efforts in progress: OPMAN, General Marketing One-Pager,, One Pager for Regulators 4.Brainstorming on: - WG direction - Importance and means of Communications - Importance and means of Marketing - Importance and means of Education 5. Solicitation of additional interest in participation 6. Summary of discussions and next steps A GENDA 2 March 16, 2010

3 Board Member Representatives: Mladen Kezunovic, WG Chair, Texas A&M University Paul Centolella, Ohio PUC Brent Hodges, Reliant Energy Perry Pederson, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Todd Rytting, Panasonic Tariq Samad, Honeywell Matthew Theall, Intel Steve Widergren, SGIP Chair, Pacific Northwest Labs with support from… SGIP Administrator & EnerNex Team Members: Erich Gunther Carrie Parks Jeny Dowlin Anto Budiardjo NIST Team Members: Mark Bello George Arnold M EMBERSHIP 3 March 16, 2010

4 WG charter Goals Objectives On-going activities O VERVIEW 4 March 16, 2010

5 C HARTER 5 March 16, 2010 Promotes awareness, understanding and value of SGIP and SGIPGB activities and knowledge base to the smart grid stakeholder community and disseminates information and announcements related to decisions and actions of the SGIP and SGIPGB.

6 The goals fall into three areas: Inform SGIP and other stakeholders about activities of SGIP and SGIPGB Market the efforts and outcomes of SGIP and SGIPGB to all stakeholders Educate what the interoperability means and what are the benefits The objectives are to facilitate the creation of: Strategic announcements for informing SGIIP Members of major organization’s events and developments Marketing materials for promoting SGIP activities within organizations already participating in SGIP and attracting new participants Educational flyers and other artifacts to educate all the participants, as well as the public and regulators about importance of interoperability standards G OALS AND O BJECTIVES 6 March 16, 2010

7 General - OPMAN Communications -Website Marketing -General flyer Education -Flyer for regulators Other items of interest -Refinement of the charter -Engagement of volunteers and professional support O N - GOING ACTIVITIES 7 March 16, 2010

8 B RAINSTORMING ON WG direction Importance and means of Communications Importance and means of Marketing Importance and means of Education 8 March 16, 2010

9 1.Roll call 2.Overview of the WG charter, goals, objectives, and on-going activities 3.Feedback on the documents/efforts in progress: OPMAN, General Marketing One-Pager,, One Pager for Regulators 4.Brainstorming on: - WG direction - Importance and means of Communications - Importance and means of Marketing - Importance and means of Education 5. Solicitation of additional interest in participation 6. Summary of discussions and next steps A GENDA 9 March 16, 2010

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