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 1. An infant becomes securely attached to their caregiver who:  A. Responds consistently to the child’s needs  B. Frequently leaves the child with.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. An infant becomes securely attached to their caregiver who:  A. Responds consistently to the child’s needs  B. Frequently leaves the child with."— Presentation transcript:

1  1. An infant becomes securely attached to their caregiver who:  A. Responds consistently to the child’s needs  B. Frequently leaves the child with strangers  C. Always allows the child to cry out  D. Gives the child toys to play with  2. All of the following are ways to bond with a baby except: a.Long loving looks and touches b.Animated faces and voices c.Responsiveness, sensitivity, consistency, and being in tune with the child’s needs d.Letting the child cry and cry  3. Infants deprived of loving contact:  A. Will have birth defects  B. Will mature the same as other children  C. May suffer slower cognitive/mental development  D. Have a clearer understanding of a child’s needs  4. Children feel a safe and secure attachment (bond) when:  A. They can stand and walk on their own  B. They trust their parents and other adults who care for them  C. They are left alone  D. They are punished

2 Building yours, too.

3  Resiliency  Resiliency = the capacity to bounce back after disappointment or tragedy.  Self-Concept  Self-Concept = The total picture of who we are. ◦ Our looks and traits, how we feel, what we think, who we see when we look in the mirror…  A child’s self-concept is in place by age 5. Write your name on the card


5  Why is this important for them to have?  Do you still have the 100% you were born with? ◦ Why not? Imagine what you could do if you did! 3 people

6  head down,  eyes down,  negative talk,  aggressive,  bad posture,  often a show off,  with drawn,  insecure,  often belittles others,  critical of others,  puts others down.

7  compliments people,  positive talk,  head up,  eyes up,  walk tall,  bounces back,  gets along better with others,  self-confident,  risk taker,  self-reliant

8  4dTI 4dTI



11  2. Verbal and Non-verbal Communication ◦ Communication We hear, say, or See.  We believe it and may even become it.  10 positive words for every negative word or action might alter the affects of the negative. white

12 3. Positive and Negative Interactions  Why do we continue to hang around with or do that which brings us or other’s down?

13 As I see myself  Influences my actions  Which influences how others see me  Which influences how others react to me  Which now influences how I see myself

14 A Look at My Life

15 Self Concept Circle The person I think I am. The person others think I am. The person others think I think I am. My Actions Other’s Reactions To Me As Others See Me As I See Myself

16 Mrs. Smith

17 “I got two A’s”, the small boy said, his voice was filled with glee. His father bluntly asked, “Why didn’t you get three?” “Mom, I’ve got the dishes done,” the girl called from the door. Her mother very calmly said, “Did you sweep the floor?” “I mowed the grass,” the tall boy said, “and put the mower away.” His father asked him with a shrug, "Did you clean off the clay?” The children in the house next door seemed happy and content. The same things happened over there, but this is how it went.

18 “I’ve got two A’s,” the small boy said. His voice was filled with glee. His father proudly said, "That's great, I’m glad that you belong to me.” “Mom, I’ve got the dishes done,” the girl called from the door. Her mother smiled and softly said, “Each day I love you more.” “I’ve mowed the grass,” the tall boy said, “and put the mower away.” His father answered with much joy, “You’ve made my happy day.” Children deserve a little praise for tasks they’re asked to do. If they’re to lead a happy life, so much depends on you. Study guide scenarios

19  __________________________________________  Your Name   _________________________________________________  2 adjectives describing you   ___________________________________________________  3 Verbs that relate to you   ___________________________________________________  A 4 word phrase about you   _________________________________________________  1 word that explains who you are 

20 Snake/Search around the room 1.Your Self-concept cycle 2.Self Concept scenarios 3.Haiku Poem 4.Reflection #5

21 Provide more successes than failures for the child. Give the freedom to fail with acceptance.  Plan successes  Point out successes  Help the child perceive him/herself as successful  Provide practice to improve skills  If they have more failures than successes, back up to where success is achieved, and then move ahead gradually  As long as there are more successes than failures, children learn to not let a few failures get them down.  A child who is over- protected and not allowed to fail will learn to try only if success is guaranteed.

22 Give lots of encouragement. Give unconditional love.  Recognize the effort and improvement, not just the final accomplishment.  Support as they do new things. ◦ “I know you can do it” ◦ “You handled that really well” ◦ “You will make it next time”  Show appreciation. ◦ “Thanks, you were a big help”  Let child know that even if you do not approve of their behavior, you still love them.  Accept children as they are, not as they could be.  Respect your child.  Show them how much you care about them.

23 Allow independence. Eliminate the negative.  Let them do things for themselves.  Let them work through a problem.  Give them choices as early as possible.  Tell children what they can do, not what they cannot do.  Catch them doing something good more often than what they are doing wrong.

24 Do not set standards unreasonably high. Avoid ridicule.  They don’t have to be 100% all the time.  Know their abilities and work within those abilities.  Children are not miniature adults.  Do not over-estimate their maturity. ◦ Development if child  Be careful of nicknames.  Do not make fun of them, especially in front of others.

25 Allow exploration and encourage questions. Set limits.  Let them explore their environment.  Give them a chance to see cause and effect, such as what happens when a rock is dropped in water...  Play, get messy, touch  Set limits (boundaries and rules) ◦ It helps them to feel security, protected, valued, and loved.

26 Help your child develop their talents. Take their ideas, emotions and feelings seriously.  Every child needs to feel that they are good at something. ◦ Give them encouragement and opportunities to try new things.  Encourage their talents, not the ones you wish they had.  Do not belittle them ◦ “That is nothing to cry over”, or “You’ll get over it”.  Ask them for their advice and opinions. ◦ Listen to them and act on their thoughts.

27 Be a good role model. Give your children responsibility.  Improve your own self- image. Let your children see that you value yourself.  Let your children see you make mistakes, learn from them, and try again.  Give them chores that are appropriate for their age.  Give them family jobs so that they feel valued and important to the family.

28 Be available. Let children know when their behavior is appropriate  Give them support when they need it.  Spend time together. ◦ Work, talk, and share activities together.  Point out when they are meeting your expectations and requests.

29 High Self – Concept vs. Low Self-Concept ( eyes, posture, words, actions, friends, successes…) AWESOME Celebrate the AWESOME name on that 3x5 card Tie Dye Name Child Activity 1.Name Card 2.High and Low self-concept (#2) 3.Keys to Build a child’s self-concept around the room (#6) 4. Kid Scenarios – assignment #5


31  Self concept is the total picture of how a person thinks and feels about themselves.  Composite of the traits, values, thoughts, and feelings that we have for ourselves. Developed early in life and affects the way that person functions.  Based on what the important people in their life feel about them.  Impacts all areas of development

32  What we believe, think, hear, say, do and, see is what we become

33 a. Self-perception b. Communication both verbally and non- verbally c. Interactions with others both positive and negative

34  Let the child know that their behavior is appropriate  Allow the children to make choices and develop personal decision making skills  Support the child as they try new things  Allow room for independence  Encourage the development of skills and talents  Give permission to make mistakes and fail.

35  Rainbow Fish

36  Scenarios

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