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The Role and Constitution of a Regional Public University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role and Constitution of a Regional Public University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role and Constitution of a Regional Public University

2 Characteristics Work with undergraduates and Master’s students – few, if any, Ph.D programs Moderately selective in admissions – Many working adults and commuter students

3 Role Educate a diverse student body – Wide range of backgrounds, preparation, and experiences Center of educational and economic renewal – What does this mean to us? Teach undergraduates, mentor students, engage community through outreach efforts.

4 Goal of the Student Succeed, graduate, and get a job. Graduating from college and becoming economically self- reliant.

5 Student Expectations Capable, relevant instruction for their future path Faculty prepared and willing to teach a diverse population of students

6 So…. What does it take in terms of faculty, staff, and administration to do that? What types of professional development does it take?

7 Our next Faculty Forum… Developing a definition of Shared Governance for MSU-Northern Date: TBA

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