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1 By Hans Meeder Meeder Consulting Group National Policy and Funding Update August 2012 Hans Meeder, MEEDER CONSULTING.

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Presentation on theme: "1 By Hans Meeder Meeder Consulting Group National Policy and Funding Update August 2012 Hans Meeder, MEEDER CONSULTING."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 By Hans Meeder Meeder Consulting Group National Policy and Funding Update August 2012 Hans Meeder, MEEDER CONSULTING

2 About Meeder Consulting Our Hope At Meeder Consulting, we want young Americans to engage in learning toward a career goal with passion, purpose and preparation. The Need For American youth to have passion, purpose and preparation, we believe education and training must be much more relevant and engaging. What We Do Spark change by challenging and inspiring leaders that change is necessary and doable; Identify promising practices, such as career-themed education and STEM education, and spread knowledge about these practices; Support employers and educators creating effective partnerships to connect learning with the workplace; Help educators and administrators lead by setting clear vision and communicating effectively with various stakeholders; Inform policy decisions at the local, state and national levels.

3 About Meeder Consulting Meeder Consulting conducts research on promising education practices re: high school improvement and workforce preparation, advises state governments and national education organizations on education policy. Founder Hans Meeder -- 25-year career in education public policy and research. U.S. Department of Education Deputy Assistant Secretary: National Alliance of Business, Sr. Vice President; 21 st Century Workforce Commission, Executive Director; U.S. Congress, Staff to the Committee on Education and Workforce.

4 Other Reports and Projects

5 Hillary Clinton’s Top Ten List of Campaign Promises 10. "Bring stability and long term security to 'The View.'“ 9. "Each year on my birthday, every American gets a cupcake.“ 8. "You'll have the option of rolling dice against the IRS for double-or-nothing on your taxes.“ 7. "Having trouble getting a flight and Air Force One is available -- it's yours.“ 6. "My Vice President will never shoot anybody in the face.“

6 Hillary Clinton’s Top Ten List of Campaign Promises 5. "Turn Gitmo into a Dairy Queen as soon as possible.“ 4. "For over a century there have been only two Dakotas -- I plan to double that.“ 3. "We will finally have a President who doesn't mind pulling over and asking for directions. Am I right, ladies?“ 2. "I will appoint a committee to find out what the heck is happening on 'Lost.'“ 1. "One more pantsuit joke and Letterman disappears."

7 What is the Most Pressing Federal Policy Issue Facing CTE? FUNDING

8 FY 2012 Appropriations Perkins essentially level funded for FY 2012 at $1,130,859,000 Some issues with state allocations from OVAE earlier in spring Only threat is across-the-board cut to Oct. funding

9 How About for 2013-2014?

10 FY 2013 Appropriations Process Perkins level funded in both House and Senate bills Process has stalled, conversations shifting to Continuing Resolution Good outlook, but… – House and Senate far apart on totals – Possibilities of across-the-board cuts – Looming sequestration and “fiscal cliff”

11 What is the Impact of Sequestration?

12 Sequestration Originated in Budget Control Act of 2011 Congress hoped to agree on $1.2 trillion in cuts In absence of those, sequestration kicks in January 2013 Cuts split between defense and domestic programs –approximately 9% Congress can still make a deal, but many competing political pressures

13 Sequestration Non-defense discretionary coalition – Sign-on letter with 3,000 groups – Legislation forcing OMB to plan/release information – Rallies and hearings Pressure is mounting from private employers as well

14 The future of the Perkins Act?

15 Secretary Arne Duncan on CTE “To this end, there’s an urgent need to re- imagine and remake career and technical education. CTE has an enormous, if often overlooked impact on students, school systems, and our ability to prosper as a nation...To accomplish these things, the mission of CTE will have to change. It can no longer simply be about earning a diploma and landing a job after high school. The goal of CTE 2.0 should be that students earn a postsecondary credential or an industry-recognized certification – and land a job that leads to a successful career.” Rigor, Relevance and the Future of CTE, Remarks prepared for U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, April 19, 2011

16 Perkins Blueprint Released on April 19, 2012 at an Iowa Community College Titled “Investing in America's Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Career and Technical Education”

17 U.S. Department of Education Perkins Reauthorization Proposal Strong Collaborations and Partnerships Collaboration Through Consortia A Match Requirement to Solidify Collaboration Among Employers, Industry, and Labor Meaningful Accountability and Rewards Based Upon Clear Metrics Within-state Competitions to Ensure That All Students Can Access Rigorous, Relevant, and Results-driven CTE Programs Common Definitions to Improve Student Outcomes and Close Equity Gaps

18 U.S. Department of Education Perkins Reauthorization Proposal Rewarding High-performing Programs State Conditions for Success and Innovation Competitive Resources for Local Innovations Increased Support for Local Program Implementation and Innovation State Conditions for Success and Innovation Competitive Resources for Local Innovations Competitive Resources to Drive Systemic State Reforms

19 Perkins Blueprint 10% of total set-aside for innovation fund States would have to secure private-sector match & meet certain conditions 5% of the state total for admin funding and 15% for leadership activities States would “identify in-demand occupations in high-growth industry sectors”

20 Perkins Blueprint States would run competitions for funding these areas Only consortia of LEAs and postsecondary institutions and their partners would be allowed to apply Grants awarded for entire period of law Consortia must use common measures Performance-based funding would be awarded to high-performing consortia

21 Perkins Blueprint Concerns arise with specific details of theme implementation: – Competitive grants – Mandatory secondary-postsecondary consortia – Funding limited to high-growth career areas identified at state level – State grant funding redirected to national Innovation Fund – Private sector match – State conditions to receive funding

22 Perkins Blueprint ACTE Response – Numerous conversations with OVAE before Blueprint release discussing concerns – OVAE listening session during National Policy Seminar – Press statement expressing concerns after Blueprint release and follow-up interviews with press – Information distribution to state leaders and members – Organization of call with other key education and workforce groups to discuss common concerns – Meetings with key Members of Congress to discuss concerns and counter positive statements

23 How Will the Administration’s Perkins Blueprint Affect Me?

24 Perkins Blueprint It isn’t likely that the Blueprint will have much impact Administration’s Blueprint is only a proposal – not a law! Administration cannot implement without Congress approving legislation

25 When will Perkins be authorized? Not any time soon! Current law “expires” June 30, 2013 Congress not likely to discuss Perkins at all before 2013, final reauthorization not likely even then Changes are years away

26 26 By Hans Meeder Meeder Consulting Group Hans Meeder MEEDER CONSULTING

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