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Team 8 Training June, 2002 Christina Brehme Emily Lim Cécile Rozuel Pauliina Saresma.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 8 Training June, 2002 Christina Brehme Emily Lim Cécile Rozuel Pauliina Saresma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 8 Training June, 2002 Christina Brehme Emily Lim Cécile Rozuel Pauliina Saresma

2 1 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

3 2 Training Objectives 1.Build, develop and maintain a strong corporate culture (BP and BP Centro) 2. Develop loyalty to the organization through employee’s job satisfaction 3.Increase productivity and profitability 4. Manage career advancement and development

4 3 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

5 4 Training Requirements 1.Be adapted to the needs of the organization (organization analysis) 2.Be adapted to the needs of employees (person analysis, HRIS) 3.Be cost-effective (training centers, videotapes and video-conferences) 4.Be integrated to the management process and objectives 5.Use efficiently the already-existing training programs and capabilities of BP 6.Be both external (consulting services outsourced) and internal (BP or BP Centro trainers)

6 5 Continuous improvement Enhanced communication between Managers Organize regular meetings with upper Managers and colleagues (i.e. Facility Managers meeting each month with their Regional Manager to share experience  Cooperation) For all employees  reinforce the concept of TQM via conferences and meetings Encourage feedback and employee initiatives at all levels Using IT as often as possible: - to facilitate access to updated data - to act proactively to changes saving costs Benchmarking and regular review of our current position on the market (TQM, market share, productivity, profitability…)

7 6 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

8 7 Cultural Issue Stage 1: Top Managers come from other BP international division (Country Managers) In charge of recruiting and training their local subordinates (Regional Managers, Facility Managers and their assistants) Top Management training in the UK Headquarters Middle-Management training at the Finnish/Baltic training center On-the-job training in Finnish centers for Russian and Baltic employees (lateral promotion) Stage 2: Middle-Managers from Finland promoted to Top Management positions Both external and internal Managers to implement expansion plans in Russia and the Baltic countries Top Management training in the UK Headquarters Middle-Management training at the Finnish/Baltic or the Russian training center

9 8 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

10 9 Training Policy Preparation by BP Headquarters HR Managers (set guidelines for training) Coordination by HR Country Managers, with participation of Regional Managers: - needs assessment - instructional objectives - choice of training methods - post-training evaluation - training schedule - integration to career development and succession planning Favor on-the-job training methods to: - encourage active participation - ease understanding - maximize cost-efficiency

11 10 Training Policy For all employees: - orientation packet - a 2- 4 days compulsory training period on work time per year (TQM, General Management training programs, Communication Improvement programs, Safety…) - 3 other possibilities per year to enroll in a training program (if required  compulsory training to gain specific skills) - possibility to take computers or languages courses at Open Universities on free time (fees paid by the company) For key individuals: - more specifically oriented training programs - lateral promotion - experience as assistant to key functions (« job rotation »)

12 11 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

13 12 Orientation Packet Purpose: facilitate integration, develop corporate identification and pride For all employees when integrating BP Centro Provided at the Finnish/Baltic training center (stage 1&2) or the Russian training center (stage 2) Set up by HR Managers from BP HQ and BP Centro Top Managers Content: - Presentation of the company (strategic goals, mission, culture, location) - Presentation of the organizational structure (incl. Top Managers) - Behavorial expectations - Explanation of job duties - Performance evaluation criteria - General conditions of employment (EEO, hours, employee benefits) - Safety regulations New employees presented to their direct supervisor in smaller teams

14 13 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

15 14 Organizational structure Countrymanager Baltic Headquarter BP Senior- management Regional Manager Headquarter Europe ”BP-Centro” (incl. Finland, Russia. Baltic) and Marketing, HRM, Finance, Operation Countrymanager Finland Countrymanager Russia Regional Manager Regional Manager Facility Manager Facility Manager Facility Manager Facility Manager Contract Employees Contract Employees Contract Employees Middle Management Labour Level VP HRM VP Finance VP Operation VP Marketing Country Specific Officer

16 15 Country Management Training Program Provided at the UK Headquarters Trainers: - consulting firms - experienced managers from BP and BP Centro US - « professional » trainers (« gurus » i.e. Michael T. Bagley at Ingersoll-Rand) Objectives: - enhance corporate culture - ease information flow and communication (vertically, horizontally) - enhance interpersonal skills - train for crisis management and conflict resolution - assess readiness for transition to Baltic countries and Russia (managing change)

17 16 Country Management Training Program Methods: - coaching, mentoring, tutoring - seminars and conferences (emphasis on concern for people) - case studies (assistants  managers) - role playing (voluntary) Don’t forget: - pre-training evaluation of expectations - post-training appreciation of training programs (Expectations matched? Critics? Remarks for future improvement? )

18 17 Regional Management Training Program Provided at the training centers Trainers: - consulting firms (for key training programs) - experienced managers from BP, BP Centro US Objectives: - enhance corporate culture - specify internal policies and procedures - enhance interpersonal and communication skills - build positive organizational atmosphere - identify future top managers - manage change

19 18 Regional Management Training Program Methods: - coaching, tutoring, mentoring - staff meetings - seminars and conferences (emphasis on concern for people) - management games (if possible created for the company) - role playing (voluntary) - lateral transfer (assistant positions) Don’t forget: - pre-training evaluation of expectations - post-training appreciation of training programs (Expectations matched? Critics? Remarks for future improvement? ) - transfer of learning - integration to career development / succession planning

20 19 Facility Management Training Program Provided at the training centers Trainers: - experienced managers from BP, BP Centro - external professional trainers / experts Objectives: - enhance corporate culture - improve relations and communication with franchisees - enhance quality control management - develop / update technological skills - develop leadership skills - identify future top managers

21 20 Facility Management Training Program Internship programs with Business Schools, Colleges and Universities in Finland, the Baltic countries and Russia to recruit students as Assistant to Facility Managers Regular updating training program in computers, hygiene regulation, safety legislation, team management… Methods: - computer-based training (CAI, CMI) - audiovisual methods i.e. video-conferences (cost-efficient) - management games (develop pride and loyalty) - role playing (incl. lower-skilled jobs) Don’t forget: - pre and post-training evaluation - transfer of learning - integration to career development / succession planning

22 21 Training Objectives Training Requirements Cultural Issue Training Policy Orientation Packet Training Needs per Level Conclusion

23 22 Conclusion Training aims to: - develop corporate culture - identify key individuals for internal promotion - identify potential employees from universities and colleges through internship programs - increase productivity and flexibility - ensure up-to-date KSAs to adapt to changing environments and situations After each training program: - encourage feedbacks for future improvement - evaluate the training program (transfer of training, results, learning) - compare pre-training performance evaluation with post-training evaluation Create an organizational structure opened to changes, improvements and initiatives

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