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San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Study Planning Process Fresno County Outreach & Technical Services August 22, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Study Planning Process Fresno County Outreach & Technical Services August 22, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Study Planning Process Fresno County Outreach & Technical Services August 22, 2006

2 Overview of Presentation Review Process to Move Forward Consultant Report - Outreach & Technical Support Building Consensus: What do Residents Want to Create Between Now & the Year 2050

3 Review Process to Move Forward Discuss Approach to Coordinate with Other Valley COGs/CTCs  Local Input  Regional Coordination Committee – COGs & CTCs  Regional Blueprint Advisory Committee (BRAC)  Local Review and Action on BRAC Recommendations

4 Consultant Report - Outreach & Technical Support Discussion of Project Phases  Phase 1 - Community Vision and Values  Phase 2 - Goals, Objectives & Performance Measures  Phase 3 - Blueprint Scenario Development Outreach Plan & Schedule

5 Community Vision & Values Outreach Process (Phase 1)  Identify the participants/groups  Prepare meeting/presentation materials  Schedule & conduct the meetings/presentations  Prepare a synopsis of presentation/meeting findings  Prepare the Phase 1 report  Present the Draft Report to the Fresno COG Board for Approval Consultant Report - Outreach & Technical Support

6 Goals, Objectives & Performance Measures Process (Phase 2)  Process will be staff driven considering the results and findings of Phase 1  Identify Goals & Objectives required to support the Vision & Values  Develop a set of performance measures for use in Phase 3 – Alternative Scenarios  Prepare the Phase 2 Report  Present the Draft Report to the Fresno COG Board

7 Consultant Report - Outreach & Technical Support Feedback on Local Blueprint Scenarios (Phase 3)  Apply outreach process developed for Phase 1  Assist with development of Geographic Information System (GIS) and traffic model files/data  Assist with land use/transportation scenario development process  Prepare the Phase 3 Report  Present the Phase 3 Report to the Fresno COG Board for Approval

8 Outreach Plan and Schedule

9 25 meetings/presentations with Stakeholder groups  Education  Building Industry/Economic Development  Environmental/Social Service  Cultural  Religious  Youth  General Public  Native American Tribes  Other Proposed Phase 1 Visioning Meetings & Workshops/Charettes

10 4 Blueprint Roundtable Meetings  Review Draft Study Reports and Process Proposed Phase 1 Visioning Meetings & Workshops/Charettes

11 5 workshops/charettes  Malls  Shopping Centers  Fresno County Fair  Major parks Proposed Phase 1 Visioning Meetings & Workshops/Charettes

12 Building Consensus on the What Future Residents Want to Create Between Now and the Year 2050 Coordinate Infrastructure Plans in the San Joaquin Valley with Local Community Goals Allow Each County in the San Joaquin Valley to Maximize Resources Utilizing the Same Data & Expertise Base to Make Planning Decisions Enable the Region to Better Understand that what we do Locally Affects the Entire Region

13 Building Consensus on the What Future Residents Want to Create Between Now and the Year 2050 Provide a Comprehensive & Integrated Decision-making Tool that will Allow for Scenario Planning, More Efficient Use of Resources, & an Understanding of Regional Impacts & Solutions Unite Regionally Both in Purpose & Identity to Address the Region’s Challenges

14 For Further Information:

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