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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL-BASED PS/RTI IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Plan Overview & Development."— Presentation transcript:


2 Year 3 Training Outline Influences Skills to Reinforce –Problem Solving Process –Intervention Dev/Support –Intervention Integrity –Integrating the Tiers –Decision Rules –Scheduling New Skills –Tier 3 Data Sources –Characteristics of Tier 3 Interventions –Tier 3 Scheduling/Resource Mapping –Integrating the Tiers –Eligibility Other Indications from Data Review –Staff Involvement –Parent Involvement –School Implementation Plan –Using Data to Inform Implementation –Scaffolding –District-School Communication –Facilitation –Graphing/Technology Let’s look at the data which drove a few of these decisions

3 Staff Involvement

4 School Implementation Plan District-School Communication

5 Skills Training School Level Blueprint for Implementation Facilitated Through: Implications for Training Plan Problem Solving Process Scaffolding New Skills School Implementation Plan District-School Communication Staff Involvement

6 Blueprint model: Response to Intervention: Blueprints for Implementation—School Building Level Published by: National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) Available for free download:

7 Change model… The School Building Level blueprint outlines implementation of PS/RtI based on three stages: Consensus Infrastructure Implementation Where have you seen this model before?

8 Consensus Objectives for School level consensus- building: Time and support for building consensus Access to consensus-building tools Understanding of importance of building consensus prior to building infrastructure and implementation (NASDSE, 2008)

9 Infrastructure Objectives for school level infrastructure: School-based leadership team (SBLT) Training for SBLT Guiding questions used to develop building infrastructure (NASDSE, 2008)

10 Implementation Objectives for school level implementation include: Master calendar/schedule built around instructional needs of students Integrated tiers of support address students’ needs Scheduled dates for assessment and decision-making Evaluation plan is developed and used

11 NASDSE School-based Blueprint Overview Review blueprint –Outline handout available for use as quick reference tool. Three sections – based on change model Focus of initial efforts will be on the Consensus section. –Define and establish rationale for adoption of PS/RtI –Define leadership, roles/responsibilities of DBLT –Define decisions made at district vs. building level

12 School Building Level Plan: Consensus 5 Main Actions involved with consensus development plans –Communication plans b/w DBLT and SBLT –Communication plans b/w SBLT and bldg. staff –Conduct Needs Assessment at regular intervals –Develop decision rules for moving past consensus activities –Plan for sustainability of target consensus goals over time.

13 Get Ready… Who will facilitate the activity? Who will take notes? Who will monitor time? Approx. 15-20 minutes to work on each of 4 Table Activities.

14 Action #1: Communication – District/Bldg Table Activity #1 Use District PS/RtI Implementation Plan Take 15-20 minutes to discuss answers

15 Action #2 Communication – SBLT/Bldg. Staff Table Activity #2 Discuss current awareness and activities in use for building school-wide consensus. Take 15-20 minutes to discuss answers.

16 Actions #3 & #4 Target Consensus Needs & Next Steps Table Activity #3 (combination of Actions 3 and 4) What needs assessment will be used? What criteria will be used to determine when to shift from mostly consensus to more infrastructure development? Take 15-20 minutes to discuss answers.

17 Action #5 Plan for Sustainability Table Activity #4 How will PS/RtI be incorporated into existing school plans/projects? How will fidelity of using Problem-solving model be monitored? How will information be shared with all stakeholders about status of PS/RtI implementation efforts and positive student outcomes? Take 15-20 minutes to discuss answers.

18 School Building Level Plan: Infrastructure Table activity Development of PS/RtI procedures for school. Tier 1 and 2 structures are required before defining Tier 3 structures Please bring a copy of the completed activity on Day 3. Thank You!

19 School Building Level Plan: Implementation 1.Data Management/Procedures 2.Evaluation of Implementation of PS/RtI 3.Increasing Staff Involvement Materials Needed –Plan blueprint –Master calendar/schedules –Resource/Assessment Maps

20 1. Data Management Procedures You’ll need: –Resource Map –School Calendar/Daily Schedules –Assessment maps if separate from your resource map

21 1. Data Management Procedures Resource Map/Assessment Map School Calendar and Daily Schedule Existing infrastructure for Tiers 1 and 2 Scheduling Data school-wide ( and keeping it sacred ): –Examples: Tier 1: 1 week after assessment windows close Tier 2: 1st Wednesday of every month; Tier 2: Every 20 instructional days Tier 3: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays Identifying personnel to manage data

22 1. Data Management Procedures Name of Test Skill(s) Measured Type of Assessment (S/D/PM/O) Duration in Minutes Where Given (Room#) When Given (Dates?) By Whom (Name/ Title)

23 Data Analysis Teaming Data Analysis Team Script. Revised February, 2008. Pennsylvania Department of Education. Adapted from Kovaleski, J. F., & Pedersen, J. (2008). Best practices in data analysis teaming. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology, V. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. based/teamprocess based/teamprocess

24 2. Monitoring PS/RtI Implementation Data Menu: –Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation (SAPSI) –Belief Survey –Perceptions of Skills Survey –Perceptions of Practices Survey –School Satisfaction Survey –Direct Skill Assessments –Tier1/Tier 2 Critical Component Checklists –Tier 3 Critical Component Checklists –Tier 1/Tier 2 PS Observation Protocols –Tier 3 PS Observation Protocols

25 2. Monitoring PS/RtI Implementation Discussion As a team, review the data menu and discuss: What has been used to monitor implementation Data sources that have yielded good information re: implementation Other data you’ve used for the purpose of monitoring implementation of PS/RtI.

26 3. Staff Involvement Feedback on Consensus section of school PS/RtI Plan. Directions: Using the feedback you have been provided, discuss current plans to engage more staff about PS/RtI. –Do staff know how to use PS model? –Do staff have a role in assessment use? –Do staff have ideas for infrastructure/procedures? Concerns? –How will the responsibility of maintaining implementation efforts be shared over time?

27 Next Steps 1.How will your team ensure that the School-based Plan will be maintained as a “ working document ” that guides implementation in a practical manner and is updated periodically? 2.Discuss plans for continued PS/RtI professional development during the 2011-12 school year. (e.g., top priorities, target audiences, target topics, PD for SBLT and staff) 3.Given projected funding and staffing allocations, what changes to the current infrastructure will be necessary to support implementation in the upcoming school year? 4.Discuss ways that your team can encourage support from and collaboration with the DLT. 5.How will you celebrate successes related to both student outcomes and the achievement of implementation goals?

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