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Implementation of Amended CR Part 154
Staff & Curriculum Development Network March 5, 2015 Mid-West RBE-RN at Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
A three step ELL identification process by school staff, including: administration of the Home Language Questionnaire; an informal individual interview with the student; and the administration of a statewide English language proficiency identification assessment. Current regulations do not define the qualifications of staff required to administer the identification process. Current regulations do not require school districts to maintain records of forms generated during the identification and placement process in ELL student’s cumulative record. Implement a four step ELL identification process to ensure holistic and individualized decisions can be made by qualified personnel, including: administration of the Home Language Questionnaire; individual interview with the student with review of student work in English and home language for students with a disability, determine if the disability is a determinant factor affecting the student’s ability of demonstrate proficiency in English through an LPT administration of a statewide English language proficiency identification assessment. Qualified personnel is defined as a bilingual education or ESOL teacher, or a teacher trained in cultural competency, language development and the needs of English Language Learners. Records of notices and forms generated during the identification and placement process in ELL student’s cumulative record
Current regulations require school districts to make an effort to meet with parents or persons in parental relation at least twice a year to help them understand the goals of the program and how they might help their children. Parent notification and communication is required to be in the language best understood by the parents as indicated and on file in each ELL student’s cumulative record. School personnel is required to meet with parents or persons in parental relation at least once a year, in addition to other generally required meetings with parents, to discuss with parents their child’s academic content and language development progress and needs.
District Actions Inform central office, building, and CSE staff of identification procedures & parent communication/meeting requirements Review current identification process and align to new process Plan for ESOL teacher conducting identification process Plan for review of student work in home language and English Plan for review of an identified ELL with disabilities by LPT Plan ELL parent meeting agendas and communications Develop a sources for translators/interpreters
NYS Mandated Instructional Programs
“Each school district shall provide either a Bilingual Education or English as a New Language Program to students identified as English Language Learners. “ CR (d) English as a New Language (ENL) program required when When at least one student in the district is identified as an English Language Learner (ELL). [ ] Bilingual Education program required when: When there are 20 or more ELLs in the same grade across the district, who speak the same language [ (d)(3)]
Teacher Certifications & Roles
Title Certification Language of Instruction Teaching Role Bilingual Content teaching certification (elementary or secondary) plus bilingual extension Home language of the student Bilingual elementary or bilingual secondary class ESOL ESOL (K-12) certification English ENL class
Current regulations require school districts to provide English as a Second Language Program with two components: a language arts component and a content area instructional component English as a New Language (ENL) program is comprised of two components: Integrated ENL in a core content area (ELA, math, science, or social studies Stand-Alone ENL/ESL (ESL instruction with an ESOL teacher to develop the English language needed for academic success). [152.2(m)and(x)] ENL STAFF/CERTIFICATION CR PART 154 EXISTING REGULATION SUBPARTS & 154-2 ADOPTED REGULATION Current regulations require school districts to provide English as a Second Language instruction through a Stand-Alone model only. English as a New Language instruction is required to be offered through two settings: 1) Integrated ENL/ESL (ESL methodologies in content area instruction co-taught or individually taught by a dually certified teacher); and 2) Stand-Alone ENL/ESL (ESL instruction with an ESOL teacher to develop the English language needed for academic success). [152.2(m)and(x)]
District Actions Inform CO and building staff (principals, core course teachers, ESOL, counselors) of program requirements Determine co-teaching needs based on language proficiency levels for integrated ENL Seek certified staff & encourage dual certification Request development of certification and extension programs from IHEs Provide time in schedule for co-planning Develop a professional development plan for Co-planning and co-teaching strategies Second language acquisition Content understanding
Current regulations require school districts to implement bilingual programs comprised of two components: a language arts instructional component and a content area instructional component Bilingual Education program is comprised of three components: Language arts component (Home Language Arts) English as a New Language component Bilingual content area instructional components in at least two core content areas (math, science, social studies) STAFF/CERTIFICATION Bilingual Program Staff ENL Program Staff Bilingual Program staff require teachers with NYS certification in elementary or content area and a bilingual extension Counselors, SE staff, psychologists with bilingual extension English as a New Language instruction is required to be offered through two settings: 1) Integrated ENL/ESL (ESL methodologies in content area instruction co-taught or individually taught by a dually certified teacher); and 2) Stand-Alone ENL/ESL (ESL instruction with an ESOL teacher to develop the English language needed for academic success). [152.2(m)and(x)]
District Actions Inform CO and building staff (principals, core course teachers, ESOL, counselors) of program requirements Seek certified staff & encourage dual certification Request development of certification and extension programs from IHEs Determine co-teaching needs based on language proficiency levels for integrated ENL Provide time in schedule for co-planning Develop a professional development plan for administrators, content/classroom , bilingual, & ESOL teachers Co-planning and co-teaching strategies Second language acquisition’ Integrating language and content Native language literacy and language development
EXISTING REGULATION ADOPTED REGULATION Current regulations do not require school districts to annually identify ELLs not demonstrating adequate performance or provide appropriate support services to achieve and maintain academic success. Districts are required to annually identify ELLs not demonstrating adequate performance on the NYSESLAT and provide additional support services aligned to district wide intervention plans. [ (j)] SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING AND REPORTING Current regulations do not require school districts to report ELL program information for subpopulations of ELLs or by languages spoken in the school district. Current regulations do require school districts to provide information in reports regarding programs for ELLs, information provided to parents, methods to annually measure and track ELL progress, and systems to identify, assess, and exit students from ELL status School districts are required to provide additional information in reports regarding programs for subpopulations of ELLs including program information, if offered, by subpopulations and languages spoken in the school district. [ (c)]
District Actions Record systems for subpopulations of ELLs
Newcomers 0-3 yrs ELL Developing 4-6 yrs ELL Long Term: more than 6 yrs ELL Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) ELL students with disabilities : specific disability Former ELLs Data collection/analysis systems for Languages spoken ( home language) by students in the district Preferred language of ELL parents Meeting dates/agendas; languages of the meeting ELL progress on NYSESLAT; meeting state benchmarks
CR PART 154 EXISTING REGULATION SUBPARTS 154-1 & ADOPTED REGULATION Current regulations require in-service training to all personnel providing instruction or other services to ELLs, but do not require specific types of professional development beyond the general requirement of 175 hours of professional development over 5 years. School districts are required to ensure that at least 15% of professional development hours for all teachers and administrators, and 50% for Bilingual Education and ENL/ESL teachers be specific to the needs of ELLs, co-teaching strategies, and integrating language and content instruction for ELLs. If ELL enrollment makes up less than 5% of the school district’s total student population, the school district may request a waiver from the percentages in which the school district provides evidence that the district’s PD plan meets the needs of its ELLs, co-teaching strategies, and integrating language and content instruction for its ELLs
District Actions Cultivate partnerships for the design and delivery of professional development. Colleges Teacher centers RSE-TASC SESIS RBE-RN Title III consortia Integrate information, skills, strategies for ELLs in PD offerings
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