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Modelling a Jeep from a “Blueprint”. 1. Import jpeg graphic (file…import…) and place in SketchUp. I entered 50’ to keep image large, making it easier.

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling a Jeep from a “Blueprint”. 1. Import jpeg graphic (file…import…) and place in SketchUp. I entered 50’ to keep image large, making it easier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling a Jeep from a “Blueprint”

2 1. Import jpeg graphic (file…import…) and place in SketchUp. I entered 50’ to keep image large, making it easier to work on. 2. Open Layers Window and make two new layers, name them Jeep1 and Jeep2, or whatever works. 3. Click on the bubble next to jeep1 to make that layer active.

3 4. Start by tracing the fender in the side view. Make sure every point stays on the face of image. 5. Push/pull fender and move away from image.

4 6. Now, trace over top view of fender, using arc and line tools. Again, make sure everything is on face. 7. Double click and copy face of fender (I moved it along red axis). 8. Push/pull, and rotate fender 90 degrees. Make sure protractor is either red, or green (depending on how you set up your image-do not rotate if protractor is black!) 9. Make both extrusions of the fender components.

5 10. Move the top view extrusion so that the midpoints of the parts intersect cleanly at a single point.

6 12. Scale the side extrusion of the fender so it exactly the same length as the top view (we will work off the top view for scale). 13. Select both components and explode them (right click, explode). 14. Intersect faces and clean up selections.

7 15. You should now have a fender…(this one hasn’t been fully deleted yet) 16. Make it into a component, and move it away, we will bring it back later.

8 17. Now we’re going to work on the hood…trace half the top view of the hood, stay on the green axis as you draw the centre line (I know, the draing is rotated a little) 18. Copy/move surface away from image (along red or green axis, and push/pull).

9 19. Now, trace the front view of the grill, including headlamps, turn signals, and grill holes. To make the grill holes, I drew a circle on the far left hole, copied the circle to the bottom of the hole, and drew lines to make a rectangle with round ends. I then used used the move tool to copy that grill along the green axis, and typed in /4 to get even spacing.

10 20. Scale the longer grill holes accordingly. Erase the grill hole to the right of your center line, and close up the grill.

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