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Southeast TN Regional Assessment Consortium An Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast TN Regional Assessment Consortium An Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast TN Regional Assessment Consortium An Overview

2 District Regional Assessment Specialists  Add the following information in this slide:  Name, grade level, school, email for all RAS in your school/district (whoever is presenting at this time)

3 Regional Assessment Specialists Regional Assessment Specialists were selected by district leaders to support the work of the Regional Assessment Consortium in:  Curriculum Mapping  Test Blueprinting  Assessment Creation Regional Assessment Specialists were supported by the Southeast CORE staff throughout this process.

4 Southeast CORE Support Staff MATH  Dr. April Irvin Regional Math Coordinator (615)295-6862 LOGISTICS  Shannon Moody Regional Data Analyst (615) 719-2276 ELA 3-8  Julie Deichert Academic Consultant – ELA (423) 457-7099 ELA High School  Sarah Ziegler Academic Consultant - ELA (423) 463-7128

5 Southeast TN Regional Assessment Consortium  Athens City Schools  Bradley County Schools  Dayton City School  Etowah City School  Grundy County Schools  Marion County Schools  McMinn County Schools  Meigs County Schools  Polk County Schools  Rhea County Schools  Richard Hardy Memorial School  Sequatchie County Schools All of these school districts have joined together with a common goal of sending Regional Assessment Specialists to work collaboratively with the SE CORE office to create quarterly curriculum maps, test blueprints, and assessments that align to the CCSS.

6 Measuring the results of instruction and obtaining data for instruction require multiple assessments that serve distinct purposes. Adated from Achievement Network calendar SepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay High-stakes Testing Paced Interim Lesson / Unit Assessments Type of assessment Teacher created to show standards mastery within a classroom lesson Benchmark Aug Univ. Screener/ Prog. Monitoring Aligned to state summative assessments. Used formatively Smaller, common assessments aligned to curriculum pacing guides

7 Confidentiality and Integrity  The curriculum maps, test blueprints, and assessments are the property of the districts listed within the consortium, and should not be published to public websites or shared with individuals outside of those 12 districts.

8 High School Considerations  High School work was created on the 4 quarter timeline. This will allow all districts in the consortium to use the maps.  Districts on block will work to combine quarterly maps and assessments in order to meet the requirements of their schedule.

9 Curriculum Maps

10 Intended Use – Curriculum Maps  The curriculum maps were created for ELA and Math in grades 3-11.  They are intended to be used as high level overviews that:  List the standards that will be assessed on each quarterly assessment  Are aligned to the TN State Standards (CCSS),  Are NOT aligned to SPIs or Textbooks  It is recommended that grade level/content teacher teams review the maps together and determine the best curricular resources available to teach the designated standards for each quarter.

11 Sample Curriculum Map - Math

12 Sample Curriculum Map - ELA

13 Where do I find my grade level’s maps?  All district curriculum supervisors were sent the following link to find the curriculum maps:  This link holds the maps for all 4 Quarters for all grade levels, and is open to all teachers, principals, and supervisors.  Some districts may have downloaded the maps and saved them to a network folder or chosen a different sharing system – check with your district supervisor to see if they have chosen a different method

14 Test Blueprints

15 Intended Use – Test Blueprints  The test blueprints were created for ELA and Math in grades 3-11.  They are intended to be used as High Level Test Blueprints  An outline of a test, not the actual questions  Aligned the standards to Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK)  Determined the most appropriate type of question (Selected Response, Constructed Response, Task or Writing Prompt)  Aligned number of questions and points to match the curriculum maps  These blueprints are a tool that can be used to see at what level each standard will be assessed on the upcoming quarterly assessment.

16 Where do I find my grade level’s blueprints?  The test blueprints are currently under review by the SE CORE staff, and will be available as tests are sent to vendors for uploading. The link below (same as the curriculum map link) will house the blueprints as well.  This link will hold the blueprints for all 4 Quarters for all grade levels, and is open to all teachers, principals, and supervisors.  Some districts may have downloaded the maps and saved them to a network folder or chosen a different sharing system – check with your district supervisor to see if they have chosen a different method

17 Quarterly Assessments

18  The quarterly assessments are intended to be used as a benchmark system in grade levels 3-11 (Math and ELA)  Our district is using __________ as a vendor to upload these tests to an online platform.  These assessments are currently being distributed to our vendor and will be available during our quarterly assessment windows for our students to take online.  If an online option is unavailable, the CORE office can support you in a paper/pencil option.

19 Feedback and Continued Work

20  The supervisors and directors from the districts involved in the Regional Assessment Consortium will meet after each quarterly assessment to discuss how the maps, blueprints, and assessments are being used.  Regional Assessment Specialists will be sent quarterly surveys to complete to give specific feedback on each grade level and quarterly map, blueprint, and assessment.  We want YOUR feedback too! Please notify your Regional Assessment Specialist of any concerns, questions, or celebrations that you’d like to pass on when gathering information.

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