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Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style.

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1 Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style

2 Today’s Agenda

3 Needs of the Global Marketplace American employers need a workforce that is skilled, adaptable, creative, and equipped for success in the global marketplace. “ ” Investing in America’s Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Career and Technical Education US Department of Education, April 2012

4 A National Goal for America’s Future “ ” To win the future we must out-educate our global competitors by giving every child a world-class education and opening the doors of college and opportunity to all students. President Barack Obama President, United States of America Winning the Future: President Obama’s Budget

5 College and Career Readiness Effective, high- quality CTE programs are aligned with college- and career-readiness standards as well as the needs of employers, industry, and labor. “ Investing in America’s Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Career and Technical Education US Department of Education, April 2012 ”

6 Industry Certifications Ensure Readiness Secondary schools must go beyond the three R’s to prepare students for a competitive workforce and college atmosphere. Technical certification ensures that students are truly college- and career-ready.

7 Certiport – World Leader in Certification Exams

8 Who is Certiport? Founded in 1997 Pioneered computer-based application certification testing Creator and sole administrator of the Microsoft Office Specialist since 1998 Products available in 152 countries and 27 languages Over 12,000 test centers around the world Over 10,000,000 million exams delivered to date Over 150 full-time employees in Utah

9 Increases the likelihood of graduation and prepares students to enter the workforce. AcademicBusiness Government Individuals Grow enrollment by attracting students with learning outcomes for tomorrow’s jobs. Certified employees are more competent, more productive, and more independent. Enhances national economic competition, providing social support to up-skill the unemployed Who benefits from certification?

10 INTERNET AND COMPUTING CORE CERTIFICATION: IC 3 Key ApplicationsComputing Fundamentals Living Online

11 Digital literacy is the common element required for college and career readiness Regardless of career or academic goals, digital literacy skills are required IC 3 is the place to begin when planning technology needs for college and career readiness

12 IC 3 Exam Objectives Computing Fundamentals 1.What is an OS and what does it do? 2.Manage computer files and folders 3.PC configuration, Control Panel, OS drivers 4.Common computer terminology 5.Types of Computers & Mobile devices 6.Computer performance 7.Installing/Uninstalling Software 8.Understanding SW licenses 9.Types of software applications & tools 10.Troubleshooting basic software problems 11.Troubleshooting basic hardware problems 12.Devices and Peripherals 13.Backup and Restore Key Applications 1.Common Application Features 2.Basic Text Formatting 3.Navigating Files and Folders 4.Working with multimedia files 5.Word processing activities and methods 6.Tables & Lists 7.Page Layout 8.Spreadsheet components 9.Worksheet Layout 10.Working with Data 11.Presentation activities 12.Inserting content 13.Slide Management 14.Slide Design 15.Basic Database Interactions 16.Record Managements 17.Collaboration 18.Sharing files Living Online 1.Internet, Browsers, and WWW 2.Navigation on the internet using a browser 3.Internet Connection 4.Network types and features, capabilities 5.Network connection troubleshooting 6.E-mail communication 7.Real-Time communication 8.Digital citizenship /“NETIQUETTE” 9.Communication standards 10.Legal and responsible use of computers 11.Secure online communication or activity 12.Ergonomics 13.Research fluency 14.Using Search Engines 15.Evaluate search results 16.Using advanced features of search engines

13 IC 3 Growth IC 3 is one of the fastest Growing Certifications in the World

14 Global Digital Literacy Council The Global Digital Literacy Council (GDLC): a group of experts from academia, government, and industry who determine the standard for training and certification in digital literacy which becomes IC 3 IC 3 Global Standard 4 (GS4) is being ratified by GDLC chapters from around the world

15 IC 3 GS4 The most recent IC 3 standard Includes new technology and concepts Keeps IC 3 current with the newest technologies Aligned to ISTE NETS-S standard

16 IC 3 GS4 16 What’s new for GS4? Cloud Computing Remote systems and databases Database Basic functions, queries Working with multi-media files Digital Citizen Proper use of email, social networks, texting Copyrights Safe Computing Identity and data protection Critical Thinking Evaluating internet sources and articles for validity

17 Thank You! Copyright © 2011 Certiport Corporation. All rights reserved. Certiport and the Certiport Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Certiport Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 17

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