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Cisco IBLM-Migrate to Accelerate Programme

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Presentation on theme: "Cisco IBLM-Migrate to Accelerate Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cisco IBLM-Migrate to Accelerate Programme
Sales Methodology Training 1 1

2 Agenda Provide Strategic Overview of IBLM -Migrate to Accelerate
Present the IBLM - Migrate to Accelerate Sales Methodology Enable Your Adoption and Integration with Your Current Sales Process Position Next Steps for Execution 2 2

3 What is IBLM - Migrate to Accelerate?
Programme to drive installed base migration Cisco and 3rd party equipment Commercial customer focused Modular framework Simplified sales methodology 3 3

4 The Opportunity European Markets $3.5 B Austria $122M
Belgium-Luxemburg $53 M Denmark $42 M Finland $21 M France $245M Germany $665M Greece $3.5M Ireland $18 M Israel $35 M Italy $504 M Netherlands $301 M Norway $15 M Portugal Spain $154 M Sweden $31 M Switzerland $315 M UK $945 M European Markets $3.5 B Opportunity estimated based on Cisco Commercial sales from FY02 to FY06 and deducted by 30% 4 4 4 4

5 IBLM - Migrate to Accelerate Goals and Objectives
Address $3.5 Billion Installed Base Market Opportunity (Cisco only) Enable Partners to protect current Installed Base from aggressive competition Leverage Cisco and partner competitive advantages by providing model that encourages solution selling Increase Customer Loyalty Drive Partner Profitability 5 5

6 Value Propositions Partner Customer
Profitability through scalable and repeatable sales process Profitability through increased services sales Financial reward to stay competitive and protected Holistic approach toward customer network lifecycle management Increased customer loyalty and retention driven by proactive customer engagement Partner Enable technology-led business transformation and innovation Risk mitigation through proactive network assessments before problems occur Reduced risk of downtime by ensuring mission critical network components are covered Increased IT efficiency and productivity through network optimisation Customer Key Points There are many advantages when you follow a methodology to address the Installed base opportunity. Here are a couple of examples of the benefits for you as a partner but also to your customers. Profitability through increased services sales One of the objectives of the sale methodology is to ensure a holistic view on the customers network. That means covering both product and services opportunities. So the methodology will help you to uncover the higher margin services opportunities that will not just help you drive profitability but also strengthen your customer relationships Profitably through scalable and repeatable sales process When using a methodology that is repeatable and scalable you will be able to lower your cost of sales and thereby be more profitable. Financial reward to stay competitive and protected The incentives that Cisco will offer you to drive this model will help you stay competitive even if you spend more time in the presales process driving assessments etc. (will be described further in module 4) Customer growth though holistic approach – cover the whole customer network The methodology will help you uncover ALL opportunities within a given customer instead of limiting yourself to a specific product or technology. This will mean a high probabilityto increase the size of the opportunity Increased customer loyalty through closer engagement Increased customer retention through proactive approach to network refresh The whole methodology drives closer customer relationship through the proactive and differentiated approach to your customers installed base. Raising the conversation from products/solutions to customer business needs and thereby engage at a different level with your customers will strengthen the relationship and ultimately position you better with your customers making. Also your customers will benefit from this model. Taking a holistic view on the IT infrastructure and put it into the context of business needs you can help them achieve business transformation objectives through new technology offerings. Avoid risk By having a regular network check through assessing the state of the network Reduced time and effort needed to have the network running Solve any issues before they become real problems Service coverage for risk reduction Avoid uncovered equipment that could cause network downtime

7 Migrate to Accelerate – Sales Methodology
IT Centric Non IT Centric Strategic Tactical Identify Assess Close Key points The MtA sales methodology offers a simplified approach, that is modular and adaptable to the diversity of the Small and Medium Business customer marketplace. The three phases of the MtA are: Identify Assess Close In order to be effective and efficient, the first step is to ‘identify’ your market opportunities. By analyzing your market, you will better understand your customers needs at a high level and you will be able to align to the demand generation plays most relevant to your customers business needs. In the Assess phase, you Assess your customer’s business needs first and then their network, either manually or with the FREE Smart Care Discovery Tool, to identify obsolete and competitive equipment as well as opportunities to transform their networks to an architecture that can optimize their business performance. Lastly, in the Close phase, Close the deal, accelerate existing pipeline opportunities, uncover support opportunities, and increase your profitability by leveraging all of the available Cisco resources, including reference architectures, financing offers, and incentives, such as the enhanced Network Assessment Bonus that you will be eligible for if you perform a Smart Care Discovery assessment. A Simplified Approach To Profitability and Long-Term Customer Loyalty

8 Identify Phase A Two-Step Process To:
Identify Your Opportunity With Precision Generate Demand Based on Customer Relevancy 8 8

9 Commercial Partner and Customer Diversity
IT Centric Non IT Centric Strategic Tactical MIGRATE to ACCELERATE Network Is An Asset Network As A Service Solutions-Focused (Business Transformation) 1000 Employees Systems Integrators (Technology Integration) PARTNERS Competitive Technology Product Reseller 100 Employees Network Is A Cost Key Points The Commercial marketplace is very dynamic and diverse relative to customer profiles and the Cisco Partners who service them. This slide depicts this diversity and demonstrates how MtA will address this diversity. On the left side are partner profiles and on the right side are customer profiles. MtA will position all partners to successfully engage with all customers within their installed base of customers – regardless of their segmented profile. MtA will enable these interaction and drive opportunity identification by effectively by targeting the needs of each customer profile. The rest of this training will demonstrate the specifics of ‘how.’ Customers

10 Identify Your Market Opportunity
Cisco Data Partner Intelligence: CRM, Past Sales, Service Contracts… Obsolete Network Components Opportunity Size Segment Customer Profiles Network As An Asset or Cost? IT Centric Cisco Network? Size Propensity to Buy Strategic Positioning Competitive Assessment Customer Base Analysis Identify your total addressable opportunity Align to MTA Plays with precision: Architecture Technology Generic Product Refine your sales methodology and GTM Develop key sales metrics and incentives to reward superior performance Key Points Rather than taking a ‘shot-gun’, or ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, the MtA sales methodology recommends are targeted laser-beam approach. Given the diversity depicted on the last slide, it is clear that different customer profiles will have different needs and requirements. Your first task will be to understand you installed base opportunity and then to segment your customers based on their size, technology perspective, and current infrastructure. In order to successfully accomplish this customer segmentation, you will first need to draw upon your various sources of customer intelligence. The very best source of reliable market intelligence about your current customers and prospective ones like them resides within your firm. In addition to your own customer information sources, you may receive additional market intelligence from Cisco through your usual in-country contacts. While the specific available information may vary country by country, it is recommended that you engage with your Channel Account Team or usual Cisco contacts to determine which data may be available for your firm to utilize, including: Propensity to buy models on a regional and device-level basis; Customer wallet size and wallet share data; Specific device buying compelling event and trigger information. The output of your market analysis should result in your knowledge of your total addressable market opportunity, the ability to align to the MtA demand generation plays, and should lead to the refinement of your sales go-to-market methodology, tailored around the customer profiles your AMs will be engaging with. Lastly, it is recommended to establish sales metrics and incentives to drive specific new behaviors, as a result of the new methodology, as well as to reward superior performance. 10

11 Segmenting Your Customers
Identify Your Opportunity With Precision: Which customer profiles will be your best targets? Which Plays are most relevant to these customer profiles? What are your competitive advantages? Key Points Now that you have effectively analyzed your customer base and segmented your customers, how will you know which customer segments will be the best targets and which plays to select for each customer profile. Ultimately, based on your competitive advantages within the market segments you serve, you will need to determine where you will likely have the greatest successes. Then, you can prioritize your efforts to maximize your successes. The following slides will provide more details about each of the plays types that will be covered in the MtA initiative. Please note that each play type – and the actual plays themselves will reside in Campaign Builder. We will provide additional information about Campaign Builder after the play types are reviewed in the following slides.

12 Which Plays are Most Relevant to Your Customers ?
Key Points You should understand the different play types and how to align the available plays to your segmented customers. The following will describe each play type in greater detail. Architectural plays are the most strategic plays and will likely cater to those customers who perceive IT as an asset or enabler – and the network as the platform. In order to be effective in executing architectural plays, you will need to have the ability to offer the technologies covered by the architectural approach, initially, the Smart Business Architecture for Small and Medium Businesses. The architectural approach will provide a long-term customer roadmap that can address their dynamic business needs now and into the future. --- Technology plays will be focused on a single technology and its respective underlying business drivers. Given their extensive business oriented impact, it is expected that technology plays will likely orient around UC / Collaboration or Security. Generic plays are designed for your installed base customers who have little or no Cisco network infrastructure. The objective of these plays is to drive competitive, or non-Cisco) network conversion, and these plays will focus on Cisco’s best of breed functionality, capabilities, and reliability. There is tremendous market opportunity within the SMB market segment for network conversion. Product plays are the most tactical of all demand generation plays . They will focus on driving device-level upgrades and migration, such as Pix to ASA. More information about each play type is available in the MtA Sales Methodology. ****** Rebecca to provide play training information ***** 12

13 Which Plays are Relevant to Your Customers?
Architectural Plays Provide a strategic roadmap approach Encompass long-term customer needs Multi-technology Modular – can be built over time Key Points Architectural plays are the most strategic plays and will likely cater to those customers who perceive IT as an asset or enabler – and the network as the platform. In order to be effective in executing architectural plays, as a partner, you will need to have the ability to offer the technologies covered by the architectural approach, initially, the Smart Business Architecture for Small and Medium Businesses. The architectural approach will provide a long-term customer roadmap that can address their dynamic business needs now and into the future. Target customer profiles include the following attributes: Likely 250 employees or more Mixed (multi-vendor) or outdated infrastructure View ‘network as the platform’ and IT as an ‘asset’, ‘investment’, or ‘enabler’ Value long-term approach and single-vendor architecture 13

14 Which Plays are Relevant to Your Customers?
Technology Plays Single technology focused Roadmap approach within given technology portfolio Customer Profiles: Current investment in a given Cisco technology Current or near term compelling event Key Points: Technology plays will be focused on a single technology and its respective underlying business drivers. Given their extensive business oriented impact, it is expected that technology plays will likely orient around UC / Collaboration or Security. Technology plays could provide a longer term roadmap approach within their broad technology portfolio. For example, a customer may have and use core UC, but may be an excellent candidate for collaborative technologies now or in the future, especially if you can demonstrate how collaboration can improve financial performance. Target customer profiles include: Current investment in a given Cisco technology – or complementary one yet not currently exploiting full technology capabilities Example: Core UC, as above Current or near term compelling event which will require technology expansion – or capability expansion within a given technology Growth or expansion Expense containment 14

15 Which Plays are Relevant to Your Customers?
Generic Plays Competitive (non-Cisco) network technology Significant market opportunity Product Plays Tactical plays Drive device-level upgrades and migration Key Points: Generic plays are designed for your installed base customers who have little or no Cisco network infrastructure. The objective of these plays is to drive competitive, or non-Cisco) network conversion, and these plays will focus on Cisco’s best of breed functionality, capabilities, and reliability. There is tremendous market opportunity within the SMB market segment for network conversion. Product plays are the most tactical of all demand generation plays . They will focus on driving device-level upgrades and migration, such as Pix to ASA. Typical Customer Profiles that will respond to these plays are Typically smaller customers Perceive IT as a ‘cost’ May not place value in larger architectural strategies – or may not have large enough network 15

16 Generating Demand Based On Customer Relevancy
Execute Plays With Campaign Builder Log into Campaign Builder Search for ‘MTA’ Review Play summaries Select the relevant plays which are aligned to your customer profiles Develop a long-term customer roadmap Key Points: All plays will reside within the Campaign Builder tool in Partner Central. To access Campaign Builder, visit:

17 Campaign Builder Best Practices
Leverage available ‘Propensity to Buy’ data Execute customer-relevant Plays Target a population large enough to deliver expected results Measure your success Refine your strategies as necessary Key Points: In order to maximize your success in executing these plays, it is recommended that you employ the following Campaign Builder best practices: Leverage and evaluate the available ‘Propensity to Buy’ data relative to your targeted markets. Contact your Channel Account Team, or usual local Cisco contact, to determine if additional relevant market intelligence and Propensity to Buy data for this Migrate to Accelerate initiative is available, and if so, to obtain this information. Invest in additional Propensity to Buy intelligence, as necessary, from within the Campaign Builder tool. Based on your customer segmentation, use the appropriate play campaign resources and align your targeted demand generation toward those customers identified as having the highest propensity to buy. Target a population large enough to deliver your desired results Track your results, measure your success, and refine your approach, as appropriate, when executing future campaign.

18 Identify Phase Readiness – Call to Action
Read through the Migrate to Accelerate Sales Methodology Review the available VoDs Log into Campaign Builder and review the MTA play assets Segment your customers and align to relevant plays Develop a go-to-market plan

19 Assess Phase A Two-Step Process To Assess:
The business needs of your customers Your customer’s network and its ability to enable the customer’s business performance Key Points: 19

20 Business Needs Assessment…
Proactively engage with all business decision makers Identify and quantify customer business needs Align technology strategy to address business needs Position the value of a Network Assessment Key Points: Selling technology solutions in today's economic climate is proving to be ever more challenging, and to be successful your solutions must offer a compelling financial return relative to your customer’s investment. In order to demonstrate such compelling financial impact, your AMs will first need to identify and quantify your respective customers’ business needs. Business Needs Assessments can be defined as the formal process of identifying your customer’s specific business goals, objectives and/or requirements, and collaborating with your customers to help them understand the benefits of network transformation and how it can help them realize these business objectives. It is recommended that, when engaging with customers, your AMs: Proactively and consistently engage with business decision makers who have the authority to set create budgets, especially if there is a compelling financial business case Position their business relevance by demonstrating their knowledge of the customer’s business issues and objectives Engage with all key customer stakeholders, identify expanded business requirements and benefits, and build a holistic vision for how your solutions can optimize their business performance while quantifying the business impact 20

21 … Leads to a Network Assessment
Assess the customer’s network to determine if it can enable the customer business initiatives – current and long term Discovery Assessments (empowered by Smart Care) Manual Network Assessment Key Points Once customer business objectives have been clearly established and verified, the next step is to determine whether or not the customer’s current network infrastructure can enable these objectives. Based on the size of your customer and their network as well as their tolerance for network assessments, there are two options for network assessments under this phase: Manual Network Assessments Discovery Assessments powered by Smart Care Discovery and Inventory 21

22 Migrate to Accelerate – Sales Methodology
IT Centric Non IT Centric Strategic Tactical Identify Assess Solutions-Focused (Business Transformation) Network Is An Asset Network As A Service 1000 Employees Systems Integrators (Technology Integration) PARTNERS Competitive Technology Product Reseller Key Points: This slide demonstrates how the MtA sales methodology will apply to all partner and customer profiles as you progress through the different phases of the model. In the ‘Assess’ Phase, Business Needs Assessments will apply to all customer situations – this ensures that your solutions will address the long term needs of your customers and are aligned to their business strategies. However, depending on your customer’s profile, the sales methodology provide flexibility and adaptability to assess their networks either manually or by using the Discovery Assessment powered by Cisco Smart Care. We will discuss each of these methods in the upcoming slides. Network Is A Cost 100 Employees Customers

23 Network Assessments – you have 2 choices
What Manual Network Assessment Discovery Assessment empowered by Smartcare How SE inventories and documents devices in the network or receives an inentory list from your customer. SE then researches and identifies network gaps or vulnerabilities Fully automated assessment via free software tool to discover the whole network and its current status relative to both products and services Why If you customer does not want an automated assessment. If you are not a SmartCare partner and not whish to become one If your customers network is very small and it does not make sense to do an automated assessment It uncovers all the network both products and services coverage It gives a complete overview also of equipment that has not been sold by you It qualifies you for incremental incentives with Cisco both on produt and Services

24 Discovery Assessments empowered by Smart Care
Did you know? 77% of customer network devices are not under service contracts 14% of devices are obsolete Discovery Assessments are: FREE to Partners Designed for the Small and Medium Business Market Easy and quick to perform Powered by the Smart Care Discovery and Inventory tool AND ………. 24

25 Discovery Assessments
Will qualify you to receive an additional 5% discount with the Network Assessment Bonus! *** More details to be provided in the Close Phase *** 25

26 Discovery Assessments
Targeted for Partners who: Already offer Smart Care services Smart Care registered (FREE) Eligibility for the Network Assessment Bonus incentive Key Points: Smart Care Discovery Assessments allow your SE, using the Smart Care Discovery Tool, to quickly inventory your customers’ networks to reveal potential risks, identify Cisco hardware and software that have reached lifecycle milestones, flag security advisories on discovered Cisco equipment, and reveal competitive equipment and opportunities for trade-ins. 26

27 Discovery Assessments
Customer Profile: Larger customers within Commercial segment View the network as an asset May be interested in additional services Understand the business value of a long-term network architecture roadmap Additional Notes: For more information, visit: Smart Care (on Partner Central) Smart Care Discovery and Inventory training: 27

28 Manual Network Assessments
SE visually inspects, inventories and documents customer network Manually researches to determine network status Identifies gaps, exposures, or vulnerabilities Key Points: Manual Network Assessments are network assessments where your SE will visually inspect and inventory customer network devices or, in some cases, are based on a customer meeting where the customer provides inventory of the network. SE will then research and determine the status of the network by identifying obsolete equipment, gaps, vulnerabilities relative to customers stated business objectives Intended for those partners who do not currently offer Cisco Smart Care Service and do not plan to in the near future. Targeted toward the following customer types: Smaller customers in terms of employees and network devices Non-IT Centric Reluctant to have an ‘intrusive’ network assessment or to share their network information with Cisco 28

29 The State of the Network
Action Items: Interpret business and network assessment results Can the network enable business performance? Identify gaps and develop recommendations Schedule a ‘read-out’ with your customer Develop a roadmap to address the customer requirements Short-term: Immediate sales opportunities Long-term: Architectural strategies Key Points: Whichever method deployed to assess the network, it is critical that your AM and SE schedule and meet with your customer to present your findings within the context of the customers stated business and technology objectives, define any gaps if they exist, and prioritize and mutually commit to the next steps. If the network does not require immediate action, it is in this meeting that you can position a longer-term roadmap, even if it might be several months out. More than likely; however, there will be an immediate opportunity for network transformation, whether limited to one device or an entire architecture, or ongoing network support or services. If such imminent opportunities exist, your account team’s next steps will be to design a solution based on the relevant network architecture, and to develop a compelling business case that demonstrates how the solution positively address the customer’s business objectives. This sales methodology addresses this in the Close Phase, next. 29

30 Assess Phase Readiness – Call to Action
Incorporate Business Needs Assessments into your sales methodology Determine if your firm is already Smart Care registered If necessary, have your SE take the Smart Care Discovery & Inventory training Develop a process for performing network assessments – regardless of option Incorporate Network Assessments into your sales methodology

31 Close Phase Three Key Elements to Enable Your Success
Reference Architectures Cisco Capital Financing Partner Incentives 31

32 Reference Architectures
Adhere to Cisco Smart Business Architecture when designing solutions Specific architecture for commercial business market segment Detailed Design and Deployment Guides Validated by Cisco engineers and customers Key Points: The Cisco Smart Business Architecture for Midsize Networks is a blueprint for designing and deploying a full-service, collaboration-ready network to support your customer’s business needs. It is designed to grow and evolve with your customer’s business, providing you a platform for deploying advanced capabilities including unified communications, collaboration technologies, and data center solutions. As a partner, Cisco Smart Business Architecture will help you gain account control, customer loyalty, and bigger, more profitable sales opportunities. 32

33 How does it accomplish this?
Smart Business Architecture vs Smart Business Architecture For Midsize Networks (100 –1,000 users) Smart Business Architecture Partners can quickly provide best-in-class integrated “systems” What is it? Mixed-vendors solutions Point products from mixed vendors increase complexity, costs, and risk How does this help compete? Prescriptive Modules Network foundation Network services End user services Systematic Approach Repeatable process How does it accomplish this? Key Points: The Cisco Smart Business Architecture for Midsize Networks is a blueprint for designing and deploying a full-service, collaboration-ready network to support a customer’s business needs. It is designed to grow and evolve with a customer’s business, providing you a platform for deploying advanced capabilities including unified communications, collaboration technologies, and data center solutions. Cisco Smart Business Architecture will help partners gain account control, customer loyalty, and bigger, more profitable sales opportunities. SBA provides detailed, step-by-step design and deployment guides – created by Cisco field engineers and validated by customers – that will help ensure the right outcome for customers and will reduce a partner’s required time in designing and implementing solutions. Partner Growth Increasing partner top line revenue and customer loyalty Partner Profitability Increasing profitability by decreasing partner expenses Why should I care? 33

34 Cisco Smart Business Architecture
Customer Value Proposition Architecture approach balances price and performance Long-term modular design blueprint can evolve based on customer needs and timing UC Collaboration Data Center Roadmap for growth and network-enabled business performance 34

35 Cisco Capital Finance - EasyLease
Maximum 0% Interest Lease Agreement Duration 36 months Fixed 42 month term in Italy Minimum Deal Size £1000 or €1000 Maximum Deal Size £200,000 or €250,000 Minimum Cisco Solution Required (including hardware, software and services) 70% 10% minimum Cisco hardware component Programme Duration July 31, 2010 Key Additional Points Leasing – Customer Benefits: Preserve cash for core operations No upfront costs! Improved cash flow Some solutions pay for themselves Predictability Avoid technology obsolescence Finance total solutions, including services Leasing – Partner Benefits: Elevates the conversation Focus on business value and ROI Greater profitability and margin protection Focus on monthly payment vs. total cost and cash outflows. In fact, the average deal grows by 34% when financed as customers see how much more they value they can afford without making a significant capital outlay Customer loyalty and retention Simplifies the ‘close’ 35

36 Migrate to Accelerate Incentive Details
Network Assessment Bonus 5% incremental discount on 1st deal per customer resulting from undertaking a SmartCare discovery Services ‘3for2’ 3 years of SmartNet or Smart Care for the price of 2 years Services ‘2for1’ 2 years of SmartCare services for the price of 1 year, on 1st deal per customer resulting from undertaking a SmartCare discovery Eligibility Avant Garde Plus and Avant Garde Start partners that are Select, Premier, Silver or Gold Combinability Combinable with WPL, Fast Track, Certification and Specialisation pricing programs Combinable with OIP, TMP, PDF and VIP

37 Migrate to Accelerate Incentive Options
5% + 6% + TMP 2% = 13% incremental discount 5% + full TMP credits incremental discount 5% + 6% = 11% incremental discount TMP TMP OIP OIP 5% incremental discount Network Assessment Bonus Network Assessment Bonus Network Assessment Bonus Network Assessment Bonus Discovery Only Discover and Migrate Discover & New Opportunity to Cisco Discover & New Opportunity to Cisco & TMP

38 Close Phase Readiness – Call to Action
Review the Smart Business Architecture resources and incorporate into your Solution Design Process Understand the available Cisco Programmes and Incentives that can help you close business: Cisco Capital – EasyLease Network Assessment Bonus Services 3for2

39 Migrate to Accelerate - Different Approaches
Identify Assess Close Analyse date Own and Cisco Drive Product / Techology / Architecture plays Full assessment of business needs with Business stakeholders Automated assessment Close deal using Reference architectures + incremental incentives (NAB and services) Partner 1 High touch engagment Analyse date Own and Cisco Drive product plays Formal discussion on business needs and manual assessment Close deal with base price+OIP/TMP Partner 2 Medium touch engagement Key Points Now that you have been through the entire Migrate to Accelerate sales methodology, you can see that its modular approach can apply to any partner and for any customer. In this slide, we are depicting three different customer scenarios: The Partner 1 scenario up top is of a high touch engagement Partner 2 is of a medium touch; and Partner 3, low touch To the right, you can see each of their sales activities in the respective sales activities in the Identify and Assess phases as well as the corresponding incentives in the Close phase. In essence, the greater investment in adopting Migrate to Accelerate’s methodology will receive greater Cisco incentives – and we believe significantly increase your opportunity to close profitable business and drive long-term customer intimacy. However, not every opportunity will indeed be – or require – a high touch engagement. In those circumstances, Migrate to Accelerate will still be a valuable process that helps you accelerate the opportunity and will reward you for your success as well. Analyse date Own Drive product plays Discussion on business needs Close deal using Base Pricing and TMP Partner 3 Low touch engagement 39

40 Which Process Demonstrates Your Value?
Technical Buyer Has a problem to be solved Invites 3 Vendors to Compete All Build a Solution All Submit a Proposal/Bid Outcome Significant effort, low return: Maybe you win the deal Little differentiation Lower margins No customer loyalty Ad-Hoc Migration Leverage Cisco’s Migrate to Accelerate Plays Outcome Strategically positioned Reduced competition Higher margins Long-term customer loyalty Higher win ratios Perform Customer Business Needs Analysis Perform Customer Network Assessment Build a Joint Long Term Migration Plan Point Product Selling… You either Win or Lose, But if you Win… How is the Margin? MtA… The customer understands your value-add… Customer Loyalty is Achieved….And Margins are higher because you are demonstrating how migration will enable business performance. Migrate to Accelerate

41 Migrate to Accelerate – Sales Methodology
IT Centric Non IT Centric Strategic Tactical Identify Assess Close A Simplified Approach To Profitability and Long-Term Customer Loyalty


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