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Melissa Daniels Shannon Knapp Laurie LaFever Sally Meyers David Shaw STLE Bucket Report November 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Melissa Daniels Shannon Knapp Laurie LaFever Sally Meyers David Shaw STLE Bucket Report November 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Melissa Daniels Shannon Knapp Laurie LaFever Sally Meyers David Shaw STLE Bucket Report November 2014 1

2  WHAT ARE THE GOALS AND TASKS OF YOUR BUCKET WORK? Scope 2 Our work: Advancing NSCSD toward the essential conditions described by ISTE and promoting systemic planning around the effective use of technology and digital learning to achieve the goal of college and career readiness for all students.

3 The tech bucket is working along with the district technology committee toward… 3 Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology The development of a standards based curriculum framework for digital learning and digital citizenship, based on the ISTE standards A procedure for equitable access to digital resources including ongoing differentiated professional learning opportunities Pathways for consistent communication regarding tech needs, resources and policies Curation of digital resources for ease of access by students and staff Engaging and supporting connected educators through PLCs and COPs

4 WHAT WAS THE IMPACT OF THE BUCKET WORK? Impact 4 The district technology committee is now ISTE standards based and has subcommittees working on the prioritized tasks: Digital Age Learning (Instruction) Excellence in Professional Practice (Professional Learning) Systemic Improvement (Infrastructure) The district has realigned resources to provide a tech integration specialist two days a week. Transparent and equitable processes for requesting PL and tech resources are being developed. Resources and information for leveraging technology for teaching and learning are the focus

5 Challenges and Triumphs 5 +A culture shift to authentic collaboration around the goal of technology integration for increasing student achievement to prepare for college and careers is occurring in our district -We need more stakeholders involved! +Skilled staff members are integrating technology to increase engagement, student achievement and improve instructional practice -We need to balance individual v. group needs +/- Autonomy: To be innovative we will have failures and solutions! -We need staff time dedicated to locating and utilizing current resources.

6 WHAT IS THE PLAN FOR ONGOING COMMUNICATION AND SUSTAINABILITY OF THE WORK? Sustainability 6 Developing pathways for consistent communication of technology policy and procedures (Building level committees, curated resources, online collaboration platforms) Participating in the development of a multi-year district tech plan Exploring models for supporting district staff with ongoing coaching and professional learning opportunities around technology Building capacity in staff and students that will allow them to build further skills independently

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