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Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 20081 SLS F illing P attern F eedback (FPF) system Charge Distribution Control in.

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Presentation on theme: "Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 20081 SLS F illing P attern F eedback (FPF) system Charge Distribution Control in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 20081 SLS F illing P attern F eedback (FPF) system Charge Distribution Control in SLS Storage Ring

2 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 2 Why? SLS Storage Ring Bunch Train Camshaft Bucket  total ring length = 960 ns  each RF bucket = 2 ns  electron bunch length ~ few tens of picoseconds Provide any desired bunch pattern i.Which buckets to fill ii.How much charge/current

3 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 3 Better charge distribution Without filling pattern feedback With filling pattern feedback Longer lifetime in the middle of bunch train

4 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 4 Better beam stability X-BPM positions at 4S and 6S Filling pattern feedback starts

5 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 5 How? ■ Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) after bending magnet ■ Sample APD reading with fast ADC ■ Sort readings into buckets and integrate ■ Calibrate and scale readout ■ Compare to reference pattern ■ Sort buckets according to charge difference ■ Distribute bucket list for next injections ► Adjust electron gun trigger delay (linac timing) ► Transfer charges from BO to SR at the right time (main timing)

6 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 6 FANFAN CPUCPU EVGEVG Main timing IOC LAN 2. Distribute bucket list (CA) EVREVR CPUCPU Injection control IOC Pulsed magnets triggers EVREVR CPUCPU ADCADC VHQVHQ MOTMOT DLYDLY CPUCPU Linac timing IOC E-gun trigger EVREVR Avalanche Photo Diode Timing events 1. Sample filling pattern 3. Synchronize bucket list Filling pattern IOC

7 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 7 Filling pattern readout Sampled bunch Integrated bunches

8 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 8 Bucket list distribution problem IOC_1 (filling pattern) IOC_3 (main timing) IOC_2 (linac timing) 632781632781 632781632781 10 25 15 33 58 90 CA 10 25 15 33 58 90 Synchronization over network not reliable

9 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 9 Bucket list synchronization IOC_1 IOC_3 IOC_2 newcurrent = ? copy recv. generate bucket list unlock_event CA

10 Dirk Zimoch for Babak Kalantari, EPICS Collaboration Meeting October 2008 Filling Pattern Feedback 10 Actual pattern Ref. pattern Filling pattern control panel

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