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Rain Masking (Gauge Response Times) John Goddard and thanks to Elizabeth Slack for help with data Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Rain Masking (Gauge Response Times) John Goddard and thanks to Elizabeth Slack for help with data Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rain Masking (Gauge Response Times) John Goddard and thanks to Elizabeth Slack for help with data Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research

2 Equipment mounted on portakabin roof. Optical Rain Gauge Ground located gauges 500 metre Range at Chilbolton Cluster of gauges

3 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research DeviceManufacturerTechniqueCollector AreaRange/ Calibration RAL RRDC[1] Gauge (on roof)[1] RCRU (MKIV)Volumetric Drop150cm²5-200mm/hr, 0.004mm/drop Optical Rain GaugeSci Tech Inc. (ORG700) Optical Extinction300cm²0.1-3000mm/hr Impact DistrometerDistromet Ltd (RD-69) Impact Momentum 50cm²0.3mm-5mm (drop diameter) Rain SensorR&D Instrumet (SN-R) Volumetric Drop50cm²0.01mm/drop Tipping Bucket GaugeRWMunro (R100)Bucket Volume324cm² (8"diam)0.2mm/bucket Self-Syphoning Capacitance Gauge RMYoung (50202)Water Level ~ Capacitance 100cm²50mm/Syphon RAL RRDC Gauge (on ground) RCRU (MKIV)Volumetric Drop150cm²5-200mm/hr, 0.004mm/drop RAL RRDC Gauge (on ground) RCRU (MKIV)Volumetric Drop324cm² (8"diam)3-100mm/hr, 0.002mm/drop [1][1] Abbreviation RAL RRDC Gauge = Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Rapid Response Drop Counting Rain Gauge. Rain Sensors deployed at Chilbolton

4 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research Drop Counting Gauge Optical Gauge Tipping Bucket Gauge Distrometer Rain Sensor Syphon Gauge

5 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research 2 July 2002 16.38Spurious (?) drop on DC8 16.41Impact distrometer 16.41Optical gauge records rain 16.49DC6 records first drop 16.57Rain Sensor 17.00Tipping bucket (1020 mins.)

6 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research 2 July 2002 08.10Optical gauge and distrometer only 08.30Start of event recorded by most instruments

7 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research 4 July 2002 22.35Small event on optical gauge and impact distrometer 22.45Optical gauge and impact distrometer record stronger rain 22.55DC8 records first drop 23.01DC6 records first drop 23.20Tipping bucket (~1400 mins.)

8 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research 8 July 2002 (1) 06.25Spurious count on Rain Sensor 06.44 Optical gauge records rain 06.48DC6 and DC8 record first drops 07.47Tipping bucket (~468 mins.)

9 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research 8 July 2002 (2) 13.15Optical gauge records rain (795 min.) 13.18DC6 and DC8 record first drops 13.19Rain Sensor records drop 13.19Tipping bucket (~799 mins.)

10 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research 15.40Optical gauge records rain (940 min.) 15.54DC8 record first drops 15.55DC 6 records first drops 15.57Rain Sensor records drop 15.58Tipping bucket (~958 mins.) 8 July 2002 (3)

11 Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research Conclusions Distrometer and Optical gauge - both good indicators of precipitation onset Drop counting gauges lag these by 2-5 minutes (maybe depending on how wet the collector has remained since the last event) Tipping bucket gauge - not useful for this purpose - lags of tens of minutes in weak precipitation - 2 factors, collector wetting and bucket capacity

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