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Ymir Vigfusson, Emory University Hjortur Bjornsson University of Iceland Ymir Vigfusson Emory University / Reykjavik University Trausti Saemundsson Reykjavik.

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Presentation on theme: "Ymir Vigfusson, Emory University Hjortur Bjornsson University of Iceland Ymir Vigfusson Emory University / Reykjavik University Trausti Saemundsson Reykjavik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ymir Vigfusson, Emory University Hjortur Bjornsson University of Iceland Ymir Vigfusson Emory University / Reykjavik University Trausti Saemundsson Reykjavik University Gregory Chockler University of London, Royal Holloway

2 Queries Results Queries Results Clients Memcache servers Database tier

3 Queries Results Queries Results Clients Memcache servers Database tier Too many cache servers is a waste of resources

4 Queries Results Queries Clients Memcache servers Database tier Results DRAMATIZATION Results Queries Too few cache servers overload the database

5 How do we optimize cache resources?

6  The key parameter is the cache size Hit rate for the current allocation

7 How do we optimize cache resources? Efficiency Time overheadSpace overhead Accuracy High fidelity to true hit rate curves Provable guarantees Usability Simple interfaceModularity

8 M IMIR Cache server HRC estimator Ghost list/ghost filter Hit(e) Miss(e) Set(e) Evict(e) Replacement algorithm Get/Set(e ) Aging policy Export-HRC()

9  Inclusion property:  Contents of a smaller cache are contained in a bigger cache given same input  Holds for LRU, LFU, OPT,... LRU list Idea: Produce LRU hit rate curves by tracking distance from head Stack distance

10 ghufertb  On every hit, determine stack distance  Accumulate in a Hit Rate Curve PDF ghufertb Stack distance # of hits eghufrtbeghufrtbteghufrb Mattson et al. (1970) Walking a linked list on every access is inefficient

11 Bennett & Kruskal (1975) Almasi et al. (2002) ghufertb  Could use self-balancing binary search trees  AVL tree, red-black trees,... log N Trees accentuate lock contention, hurting performance

12  Prior focus on exact results  Prior focus on very high stack distances Can we trade off accuracy for efficiency?

13  Extend LRU list with dataless „ghost“ entries 2N N


15  LRU list before hit on item e B Buckets g,h,ue,r,tfb,c,d,a Bucket #0 1 2 3 Each item tracks what bucket it is in

16 PDF update Hit rate curve (PDF) Stack distance Estimated # of hits B Buckets g,h,ue,r,tfb,c,d,a Bucket #0 1 2 3  Update statistics for e’s bucket Unit area uniformly distributed in bucket

17 e,g,h,ur,tfb,c,d,a PDF update Hit rate curve (PDF) Stack distance Estimated # of hits g,h,ue,r,tfb,c,d,a Bucket #0 1 2 3  Move e to front, tag with first bucket Unit area uniformly distributed in bucket Overflow looming

18 e,g,h,ur,tfb,c,d,ag,h,ufr,t,b,c,d,ae g,h,ue,r,tfb,c,d,a Bucket #0 1 2 3  When first bucket full, perform aging Overflow looming  Stacker: Walk list, bump items below average reuse distance to an older bucket on the right.  Rounder: Decrement bucket identifiers, shifting the frame of reference. Coalesce two oldest buckets. O(B) amortized O(1)

19 Hit rate curve (PDF) Stack distance Estimated # of hits  Periodically calculate and export the hit rate curve  Exponentially average the PDF Hit rate curve (CDF) Stack distance Cumulative hits

20  Maintain ghost list of length N  Hit on item e:  Update PDF statistics for e’s bucket  Move e to front of list, tag with first bucket  When front bucket full, perform aging  Periodically calculate and export HRC O(B) or O(1) O(1) O(log B)

21 ROUNDER STACKER 90% Accuracy: 98 - 99.8%


23 Hit rate curve (PDF) Stack distance Estimated # of hits OPT True stack distance Possible location ALG Unit area

24  Memcached + YCSB #BucketsMAE 81.2% 160.6% 320.4% 640.3% 1280.3% x 10 Each node has 6 Intel Xeon quad-core @ 2.4GHz; 48GB DRAM; 40Gbps QDR Infiniband interconnect; shared storage

25  Memcached + YCSB #BucketsMAE 81.2% 160.6% 320.4% 640.3% 1280.3% 2-5% throughput and latency degradation

26 PaperAreaKey ideaOnlinePrecisionParallel Mattson et al. 1970Storage Stack distance, LRU linear search NoExactNo Kim et al. OSDI´00V-MemoryNoApproxNo Almási et al. MSP’02Storage?LRU AVL-TreeNoExactNo Ding&Zhong PLDI’03CompilersCompressed treesNoApprox.No Zhou et al. ASPLOS’04V-MemoryNo Geiger ASPLOS’06V-Memory Infer page fault from I/O, ghost lists NoApprox.No RapidMRC ASPLOS’09V-MemoryFixed LRU bucketsNoApprox.No Hwang&Wood ICAC’13 Network caches Hash rebalancingYesN/A Wires et al. OSDI ´14StorageLRU counter stacksNo*Approx.No M IMIR SOCC ´14 Network caches Variable LRU buckets YesApprox.Yes

27 Optimizing cache resources by profiling hit rates online Efficiency 2-5% performance degradation Accuracy 98-99.8% on traces Usability M IMIR is modularSimple algorithms



30 Optimizing cache resources by profiling hit rates online Efficiency Time: O(log B) Space: O(1) 0-2% throughput degradation Scalability Online profiling Composable estimate Accuracy 98-99.8% on tracesError = O(1/B) Can we do cost-benefit analysis of other cloud services? What should be evicted from a distributed cache? How should variable miss penalties be treated? Where should we place data in a cache hierarchy? Can we relieve cache hot spots? Can we do cost-benefit analysis of other cloud services? What should be evicted from a distributed cache? How should variable miss penalties be treated? Where should we place data in a cache hierarchy? Can we relieve cache hot spots?

31  Divide cache resources between services  Progressively allocate space to service with highest marginal hit rate  Optimal for concave HRC N [IBM J. of R&D ’11, LADIS ‘11]





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