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Jeudi, quinze septembre Ma passion L’objectif: To be more confident and accurate when giving information about your free time.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeudi, quinze septembre Ma passion L’objectif: To be more confident and accurate when giving information about your free time."— Presentation transcript:

1 jeudi, quinze septembre Ma passion L’objectif: To be more confident and accurate when giving information about your free time

2 What activity is it? Complete the phrases.

3 Où?Quel jour?À quelle heure?Quel cours? 1 2 3 4 Écouter 2 pg 16- Écoutez. Lisez le pépliant et notez les detalles. Listen. Read the leaflet and note down the details.


5 Write 1-10 and fill in the blanks with the words at the side.

6 Read the text and find the missing words.

7 Read this box and copy it into your book.

8 Read the email then choose A, B or C to complete the sentences below.

9 Devoirs: Write a piece of work (at least half page) on what you ate and drank last weekend. (Due: lundi 19 septembre The verbs you are likely to use, will go with J’ai. (J’ai mangé/J’ai bu/ J’ai pris) Talk about what you have for breakfast, lunch, snack and evening meal on Saturday and Sunday). Au petit-déjeuner/ pour le/mon petit-déjeuner (for breakfast) Au déjeuner/ pour le/mon déjeuner (for lunch) Pour le/mon goûter(for my snack) Pour le/mon dîner (for my dinner/evening meal) Use your connectives- later/ then/ also Say when- at 1 o’clock/ half past 4 etc. Say where- at home/ at McDonalds/ at my friends house Give- your opinions and justification (J’ai aimé le chocolat parce que c’était délicieux) Use your help sheets to add extra details (that are relevant/make sense).

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