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SNKYO A Study on Adult Working Memory Nate R. and Arin T.

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Presentation on theme: "SNKYO A Study on Adult Working Memory Nate R. and Arin T."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNKYO A Study on Adult Working Memory Nate R. and Arin T.

2 Background  Feigenson, Carey, and Hauser 2002  Study involving crackers – suggested that infants cannot keep track of more than 3 objects in a chunk.  Each bucket represents a unit of memory or a chunk. In this case, chunks are delineated by the physical space between the buckets. X

3  Feigenson & Halberda 2004  Showed that WM is not limited to tracking 3 objects per se but 3 chunks of representation, each of which may contain up to 3 objects.  Space can be the divider of chunks. Suggests that instead of representing each individual, WM groups objects into smaller and more manageable chunks…  Units in WM can be individuals or chunks… but what about large sets?  Feigenson 2008  In WM, what about larger number of things. How many boys and girls are in the lecture room?  Placed one type, 2 type, 3 types and 4 types of objects in two buckets Background

4 Sets in WM


6 Differ in size, color, texture, shape, and category dimensions Overlap in shape and size dimensions. Overcome capacity limits? What if the four objects have overlapping attributes- size and shape? In other words, each item is a member of more than one “set”

7 2X2 Overlapping Sets  Hypothesis  By taking advantage of overlaps among object attributes, WM efficiently keeps track of more than 3 sets at the same time.  Two attributes examined here are size and shape  Four individual objects – two blocks and two balls, each of which can be either large or small in size

8 Methods Labeling Condition: As objects are dropped in a bucket, the subject says either the shape or size of each object Labeling Condition: As objects are dropped in a bucket, the subject says either the shape or size of each object Probed Dimension: Subject is asked which bucket has more objects of one shape or size Probed Dimension: Subject is asked which bucket has more objects of one shape or size Label: Block/Ball Probe: Block/Ball Label: Big/Small Probe: Block/Ball Label: Block/Ball Probe: Big/Small Label: Big/Small Probe: Big/Small ShapeSize Shape

9 Results  Only the answer to the first question counts to eliminate bias  Congruent N=7 Incongruent N=4

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