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P rogram U nderstanding R e- E ngineering C alculi and A pplications Main Topics Composition and refinement calculi (for data, algorithms and architectures)

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Presentation on theme: "P rogram U nderstanding R e- E ngineering C alculi and A pplications Main Topics Composition and refinement calculi (for data, algorithms and architectures)"— Presentation transcript:

1 P rogram U nderstanding R e- E ngineering C alculi and A pplications Main Topics Composition and refinement calculi (for data, algorithms and architectures) Reverse engineering Techinques for system's analysis Transformational techniques Program visualization and animation Project Contributions Pointfree program transformation. Automated reasoning via pointfree calculi. Functional slicing techniques. Component identification in source code. Data refinement, strategic rewriting, program transformation, advanced type systems. Models and calculi for component coordination and refinement of architectural patterns Relational and strongly-typed foundations of database theory. Spreadsheet understanding. Two-level and coupled software transformations. Results All expected indicators largely surpassed Conference papers: 20 Journal papers & Book chapters: 16 Prototype tools and libraries: 5 PhDs thesis: 2 (concluded) + 6 (on going) A regular research seminar, the PUReCafe. 3 open research workshops New international partnerships with Oxford and Nottingham Universities (UK), CWI (NL), Peking University (China), IIST-UNU (Macau), Overture Project, among others. Follow-Up Initiatives The PURe project (2003 - 07) aims at the development of calculi and techniques for program understanding and reverse engineering, at both the algorithmic and the architectural levels. Research relevance: 1. Addresses a real problem of today's information technology: that of coping with legacy software; 2. Is an oportunity for the application of novel theoretical results developed in the area of formal methods and program calculi, to a domain which has become a serious concern for industry. Selected Papers A.Cunha, J. S. Pinto. "Point-free program transformation". Fundamenta Informaticae, 66(4), IOS Press, April-May 2005. T. Alves, P. Silva, J. Visser, J. N. Oliveira. "Strategic Term Rewriting And Its Application To A VDM-SL to SQL Conversion". Formal Methods 2005, LNCS, 3582, pp 399-414, Springer-Verlag, 2005. A.M. Cruz, L. S. Barbosa and J. N. Oliveira. "From algebras to objects: Generation and composition". In F. Arbab and H. Kok, editors, Journ. Universal Computer Science, 11 (10), pp 1580--1612, 2005. M. Sun, L. S. Barbosa. "Components as coalgebras: The refinement dimension". Theor. Computer Science, Elsevier, 351, pp 276-294. 2006. J.N. Oliveira, C.J. Rodrigues. "Pointfree factorization of operation refinement". LNCS 4085, pp 236- 251.Springer-Verlag, 2006. N. F. Rodrigues, L. S. Barbosa. "Program slicing by calculation". Journ. Universal Computer Science, 12 (7), 828-848, 2006. P. Berdaguer, A. Cunha, H. Pacheco, J. Visser. "Coupled Schema Transformation and Data Conversion For XML and SQL". M. Hanus (Ed.), PADL 2007: Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, LNCS 4354, pp. 290-304, Springer- Verlag, 2007. The OpenCert Initiative: certification of open- source software systems (first international workshop at ETAPS'2007). New project proposals: PUReM: Rigorous Foundations for Model-Drive Engineering MathIS: Reinvigorating Mathematics for the Information Society

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