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Košice 2013 DANA MANDÍKOVÁ, JITKA HOUFKOVÁ, ZDENĚK DROZD Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "Košice 2013 DANA MANDÍKOVÁ, JITKA HOUFKOVÁ, ZDENĚK DROZD Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 Košice 2013 DANA MANDÍKOVÁ, JITKA HOUFKOVÁ, ZDENĚK DROZD Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Experiments in Science at Primary School Experiments with air

2 Košice 2013 Experiments in Science at Primary School Seminar designed for future primary school teachers, students of Pedagogical faculty, with goal: to gain the interest of pre-service primary school teachers and motivate them to future studies to gain the interest of pre-service primary school teachers and motivate them to future studies to familiarize them with experiments from the parts of natural science that are taught at primary school to familiarize them with experiments from the parts of natural science that are taught at primary school to give them an opportunity to try those experiments themselves to give them an opportunity to try those experiments themselves to correct their misconceptions to correct their misconceptions

3 Košice 2013 Experiments in Science at Primary School The emphasis is put on: hands-on activities hands-on activities self-production of simple teaching aids and toys self-production of simple teaching aids and toys correct explanations of shown phenomena correct explanations of shown phenomena ways how to present them to young pupils ways how to present them to young pupils the most common misconceptions are mentioned and discussed, too the most common misconceptions are mentioned and discussed, too

4 Košice 2013 Experiments with air Air is all around us, but we cannot see it nor smell it. Air is all around us, but we cannot see it nor smell it. Suggest an experiment by which the existence of air can be demonstrated. Suggest an experiment by which the existence of air can be demonstrated. Pour air from one glass to another under the water level. Pour air from one glass to another under the water level. Is it possible to dip a piece of paper into water such a way to it remains dry? Is it possible to dip a piece of paper into water such a way to it remains dry? Examples of problems solved during the seminar

5 Košice 2013 Experiments with air Who poured water from a bottle most quickly? Who poured water from a bottle most quickly? Tornado. Tornado. Does the air have any weight? Estimate, how much does weigh the air in this room. Does the air have any weight? Estimate, how much does weigh the air in this room. Weighing of air. Weighing of air.

6 Košice 2013 Weighing air What we need: Plastic bottle with valve; weight (accuracy 0.1 g) or rocker arm; pump; plastic hose; bucket with water Plastic bottle with valve; weight (accuracy 0.1 g) or rocker arm; pump; plastic hose; bucket with water 2 l ~ 2.5 g 2 l ~ 2.5 g

7 Košice 2013 Measuring air pressure magic glass magic glass

8 Košice 2013 Torricelli’s experiment with water

9 Košice 2013 Torricelli’s experiment with water

10 Košice 2013 Torricelli’s experiment with water

11 Košice 2013 Torricelli’s experiment with water h = 10 m p A = h  g p A = 10·1000·10 Pa p A = 10 5 Pa

12 Košice 2013 Lifting the air p A = 10 5 Pa = 10 5 N/m 2 = 10 N/cm 2 p A = 10 5 Pa = 10 5 N/m 2 = 10 N/cm 2

13 Košice 2013 Collapse of a can

14 Košice 2013 Collapse of a can

15 Košice 2013 Magdeburg hemispheres How big is the force with which are the hemispheres pressed together? How big is the force with which are the hemispheres pressed together?

16 Košice 2013 The egg in the bottle Typical misconception – the oxygen burns out, in the bottle is less gas and underpressure pulls the egg into the bottle Typical misconception – the oxygen burns out, in the bottle is less gas and underpressure pulls the egg into the bottle

17 Košice 2013 Drowned candle

18 Košice 2013 Balloon in a bottle How to inflate the balloon inside the bottle? How to inflate the balloon inside the bottle?

19 Košice 2013 When air is missing

20 Košice 2013 When air is missing

21 Košice 2013 When air is missing

22 Košice 2013 When air is missing

23 Košice 2013 Airflow Blow between two papers or above a paper Blow between two papers or above a paper

24 Košice 2013 Airflow Spray from straws Spray from straws

25 Košice 2013 Some more experiments A flying tea bag A flying tea bag

26 Košice 2013 Falling cones

27 Magnus effect  flow of real gas must be taken into account v 1 > v 2 p 1 < p 2 Košice 2013

28 Some more experiments Inflating the long plastic “sleeve” Inflating the long plastic “sleeve” Try to blow the small Try to blow the small paper ball in the bottle paper ball in the bottle

29 Košice 2013 Making flying straws What we need: Drinking straws, Paper, Glue, Scissors

30 Košice 2013 What we need: Plastic bottle, Hose, Plastic pipe, Paper, Glue, Scotch tape, Scissors Making air rockets

31 Košice 2013 Thank you 31

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