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New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute, Summer 2010 Facilitator: Julie Coiro.

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Presentation on theme: "New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute, Summer 2010 Facilitator: Julie Coiro."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute, Summer 2010 Facilitator: Julie Coiro

2 What knowledge is of most worth (when designing instruction)? Herbert Spencer, Social Theorist, 1859 2006: In the midst of fast-paced technological changes, the knowledge of most worth is TPACK… an ability to flexibly draw from and integrate Knowledge of Technology, Pedagogy, And Content (and their relationship to each other) into your curriculum and instructional practices Mishra & Koehler (2006)

3 New times + new literacies = new mindsets New times (de Argaez, 2006; Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2000-2009) New literacies (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004; Spires, 2008) New mindsets (Lankshear & Knobel, 2007) 1. Same as always - now things are just “technologized” 2. The world is fundamentally different - with new ways of doing things and new ways of being that are enabled by new technologies

4 Why TPACK? Learning how to use technology is much different than knowing what to do with it for instructional purposes (e.g., Smartboard; Ning) Designing (or redesigning) instruction requires an understanding of how knowledge about content, pedagogy, and technology overlap to inform your choices for curriculum and instruction

5 What is TPACK? Mishra & Koehler (2006)

6 7 Pieces of the TPACK Pie Content [CK]: subject matter to be learned Technology [TK]: foundational and new technologies Pedagogy [PK]: purpose, values & methods used to teach and evaluate learning PCK: What pedagogical strategies make concepts difficult or easy to learn? TCK: How is content represented and transformed by the application of technology? TPK: What pedagogical strategies enable you to get the most out of existing technologies for teaching & evaluating learning? TPCK:Understanding the relationship between elements - - “a change in any one factor has to be ‘compensated’ by changes in the other two”

7 THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK… How can you best use new technologies associated with your content objectives to promote student learning?

8 Consider how your pedagogical approaches might be framed to effectively integrate technology into content- area instruction? What new knowledge/skills might you need? Throughout the week (and back in your classroom)…

9 Practicing with “finished products” Example 1: Math: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions in Word Problems (Grade 4) -- VoiceThread Example 2: Science: Lab Experiment (High School) -- VoiceThread Example 5: History/Language Arts: Great Books Author Study Project (High School) - Remixing Multiple Media Forms and Voiceovers

10 Got TPACK? Yes? No? Example 1: Math

11 Got TPACK? Yes? No? Example 2: Science

12 Got TPACK? Yes? No? Example 3: Language Arts

13 Content focus: What content does this lesson focus on? Pedagogical focus: What pedagogical practices are employed in this lesson? Technology used: What technologies are used? PCK: Do these pedagogical practices make concepts clearer and/or foster deeper learning? TCK: Does the use of technology help represent the content in diverse ways or maximize opportunities to transform the content in ways that make sense to the learner? TPK: Do the pedagogical practices maximize the use of existing technologies for teaching and evaluating learning? TPCK:How might things need to change if one aspect of the lesson were to be different or not available? TPACK Guidelines

14 Select a project and work with your group for 10 minutes to apply the TPACK Guidelines. How well does each represent a project designed by teachers who understand the dynamics of TPACK? How might you improve or adapt these projects to better reflect the TPACK principles? Be prepared to share your thinking with the larger group. Applying TPACK Guidelines

15 Your thoughts after working in small groups: Reflections…

16 THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK… How can you best use new technologies associated with your content objectives to promote student learning?

17 THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK… How can you best use new technologies associated with your content objectives to promote student learning?



20 THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK… How can you best use new technologies associated with your content objectives to promote student learning?

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