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Published byAliyah Dinsdale Modified over 10 years ago
1 Short overview of the implementation of IPPC, LCP, Seveso II, Waste Landfill and Incineration directives Short overview of the implementation of IPPC, LCP, Seveso II, Waste Landfill and Incineration directives Republic of CROATIA ECENA 3 rd Plenary meeting September 18-19, 2008 Istanbul, Turkey Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction Josipa Blažević-Perušić Anita Pokrovac Patekar
2 Status of IPPC Transposition Partially transposed into the Croatian legislation through the Environmental Protection Act (OG, No. 110/07) and the Regulation on information and participation of the public and public concerned in environmental protection issues (OG, No. 64/08). Regulation on integrated environmental protection requirements based on Art. 82.4. Environmental Protection Act (OG, No. 110/07) is currently in the process of adoption/public consultation process started 26 th August 2008. MEPPPC IPPC Directive/1
3 IPPC Directive/2 Stakeholder involvement (extent of involvement) All Industry Sectors/Operators - future IPPC installatios supported by Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Croatian Cleaner Production Centre through CARDS 2004 Project “Support for Further Approximation of Croatian Legislation with Environmental Acquis”. MEPPPC
4 IPPC Directive/2a Cards 2004 Project Objectives The overall objective is to increase Croatia’s capacity to meet EU environmental standards - to establish capacity to comply with the requirements of the IPPC Directive in the MEPPPC and in the enterprises that fall within the scope of the Directive. Activities –to develop written procedures by which the legislation will be implemented, –to conduct 20 BAT site visits at future IPPC installations, –to issue 6 pilot IPPC permits for future IPPC installations. Results achieved –completion of the Legal and Administrative Analysis, and the Options Paper on the IPPC procedures that is currently under discussion, –commencement of work on 4 (four) pilot permits, –14 BAT site visits have been carried out, –eight cross-sector and one sectoral (LCP) BAT Guidance Notes have been prepared. MEPPPC
5 IPPC Directive/3 Institutional structures for IPPC law implementation The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction (MEPPPC) is competent for the implementation and issuance of the integrated environmental protection requirements. The MEPPPC will issue the integrated environmental protection requirements in co-ordination with the following competent bodies: the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management, Ministry of the Interior, Croatian Waters and others. Sector for Environmental Assessment and Industrial Pollution was established within the MEPPPC. MEPPPC
6 IPPC Directive/4 Inventory of IPPC Installations (Yes/No/Num. of installations) No – Inventory process of IPPC installations is on going. 150-200 - approximated Num. of installations. The Croatian Environment Agency is responsible for keeping the register of companies with the integrated environmental protection requirements. MEPPPC
7 IPPC Directive/5 Timetable for IPPC Permitting (Yes/No/Prioritization?) For new installations – compliance immediately upon adoption of subordinate regulations (IPPC ordinance). Pursuant to the Act, operators of existing installations subject to the IPPC Directive are required to compile a report at the latest by November 2010 analysing the state of the installation and manner of alignment with the provisions of the Act. The Republic of Croatia requests a transitional period until 31 December 2017 for full implementation of Article 5 paragraph 2 of Directive 2008/1/EC. MEPPPC
8 IPPC Directive/6 Best Available Techniques (Translations available? Experts participation in drafting? Familiarity of Operators?) Translations are not available. Experts participation in drafting – to be decided. Familiarity of Operators - appropriate, supported by CARDS 2004 Project, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Croatian Cleaner Production Centre, PHARE 2005 Project Enhanced Environmental Inspection for Enforcement of New Environmental Legislation in Croatia (EuropeAid/123226/D/SER/HR). MEPPPC
9 IPPC Directive/7 Competencies and skills for issuing integrated permits (status/plans for improvement) Department for Environmental Permits and Environmental Liability is established in the Sector, which includes the Section for Environmental Permits. Currently, there are 4 employees in charge of activities of legislation preparation, and further employment is envisaged in the upcoming period. Administrative capacities for implementing the procedure for determining integrated environmental protection requirements will be increased to 5 in the Section for Environmental Permits by the end of 2009 and additional staff will be recruited after 2009 in accordance with established needs. Supported by CARDS 2004 Project. MEPPPC
10 Transposition of LCP Directive (Yes/No) Yes Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants has been fully transposed into Croatian legislation through the Air Protection Act (OG, No. 178/04 and 60/08), the Regulation on limit values of pollutant emissions from stationary sources into the air (OG, No. 21/07) and the Ordinance on monitoring pollutant emissions from stationary sources into the air (OG, No. 1/06). MEPPPC Large Combustion Plants Directive/1
11 Large Combustion Plants Directive/2 Inventory of LCP installations (Yes/No/Num. of installations) Yes At present, there is a total of 35 large combustion plants in Croatia that are located at 14 industrial or energy facilities. MEPPPC
12 Large Combustion Plants Directive/3 National Emission Reduction Plan, set ELVs or both No The Government of the Republic of Croatia plans to adopt the National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP) by the end of September 2008. Yes Regulation on limit values for pollutant emissions from stationary sources into the air (OG, No. 21/07). MEPPPC
13 Large Combustion Plants Directive/4 Competent authorities The MEPPPC is the central body competent for the implementation of the Air Protection Act and implementing regulations adopted pursuant to the Act. Within the MEPPPC’s Directorate for Environmental Management, the Department for Atmosphere Protection is established. Systems to determine total emission values from existing LCPs Yes Ordinance on environmental pollution register (OG, No. 35/08). MEPPPC
14 SEVESO II Directive/1 Transposition of SEVESO II Directive (Yes/No/Status) Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major- accident hazards involving dangerous substances (SEVESO II Directive) has been partially transposed into the Environmental Protection Act (OG, No. 110/07). The protection and rescue system, in the part referring to external intervention plans pursuant to the SEVESO II Directive, is regulated by the Rescue and Protection Act (OG, No. 174/04, 79/07) and the Ordinance on the methodology for drafting risk assessments and protection and rescue plans (OG, No. 38/08). Regulation on the prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances and Ordinance on the register of facilities containing dangerous substances are currently in the process of adoption/public consultation process started in July 2008. MEPPPC
15 S EVESO II Directive/2 Inventory of Seveso II installations (Yes/No/Status) The development and maintenance of the Cadastre of Risk and High-Risk Installations is under competence of the Croatian Environment Agency, and one employee is in charge of these activities. Ordinance on the register of facilities containing dangerous substances will be adopted in III quarter of 2008. MEPPPC
16 SEVESO II Directive/3 Competent authorities/Tasks MEPPPC is the competent body for the implementation of the part of the SEVESO II Directive relating to the issuance of approval for safety reports on accident prevention plans within installations (internal intervention plan) and supervision of their implementation (Directorate for Inspection Services of the MEPPPC). The development and maintenance of the Cadastre of Risk and High-Risk Installations is under competence of the Croatian Environment Agency. The National Protection and Rescue Directorate is competent for external intervention plans. MEPPPC
17 SEVESO II Directive/4 Accident prevention policies (required/not required) Required: Environmental Protection Act (OG, No. 110/07), Rescue and Protection Act (OG, No. 174/04, 79/07), Ordinance on the methodology for drafting risk assessments and protection and rescue plans (OG, No. 38/08). MEPPPC
18 SEVESO II Directive/5 Safety reports (required/not required) Required: Environmental Protection Act (OG, No. 110/07), Rescue and Protection Act (OG, No. 174/04, 79/07), Ordinance on the methodology for drafting risk assessments and protection and rescue plans (OG, No. 38/08). MEPPPC
19 Transposition of Waste Landfill Directive (Yes/No/Status) Yes Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste has been transposed into the Waste Act, Ordinance on waste management and Ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills (OG, No. 117/07). Croatia requests a transitional period for full implementation of Article 14 point c) of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste until 31 December 2015, and a transitional period for full implementation of Article 5 paragraph 2 point c) of Directive 1999/31/EC until 31 December 2020. MEPPPC Waste Landfill Directive/1
20 Waste Landfill Directive/2 Number of landfills 292 landfills – source: Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for 2007-2015 (OG, No. 85/07). MEPPPC
21 Waste Landfill Directive/3 Landfill classification (haz, non-haz., inert ) Ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills - Article 4. Categories: -For hazardous waste -For non-hazardous waste -For inert waste MEPPPC
22 Waste Landfill Directive/4 Strategy for reduction of BMW to landfills Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for 2007-2015 (OG, No 85/07): The largest reduction in the share of biodegradable waste in municipal waste will be achieved by implementing waste treatment technologies in the WMCs, the construction of which will be finalised until 2015. Accordingly, Croatia requests a transitional period for the implementation of Article 5, paragraph 2, point c) of Directive 1999/31/EC until 31 December 2020. MEPPPC
23 Waste Landfill Directive/5 Target for reduction of BMW to landfills Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for 2007-2015 (OG, No. 85/07): Further gradual reduction of the share of biodegradable waste to the ultimate level of 35% will be fully achieved by 2020 through complete optimisation of operations of the newly constructed WMCs. Target for reduction of BMW to landfills till 2020 MEPPPC % of BMW to be achieved
24 Waste Landfill Directive/6 Criteria for waste to be accepted to landfills (Yes/No) Yes Ministerial ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills (OG, No. 117/07) - Annex 2 and Annex 3. Waste NOT accepted Yes Ministerial ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills (OG, No. 117/07). MEPPPC
25 Waste Landfill Directive/7 Landfill permits requisites (all from the WLD?) Yes Waste Act (OG, No. 178/04, 111/06, 60/08), Ministerial ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills (OG, No. 117/07) - Chapter VI. MEPPPC
26 Waste Landfill Directive/8 Landfill fees System of charges (fees) and financing costs for land filling has been established by Waste Act (OG, No. 178/04, 111/06, 60/08), Ministerial ordinance on the methods and conditions for the landfill of waste, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills (OG, No. 117/07) and been prepared within WMP 2007-2015. MEPPPC
27 Waste Incineration Directive/1 Transposition of Waste Incineration Directive (Yes/No/Status) Yes Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste has been fully transposed into the Waste Act, Ordinance on waste management and Ordinance on the methods and conditions for the thermal treatment of waste (OG, No. 45/07) and the Regulation on limit values of pollutants from stationary sources (OG, No. 21/07). MEPPPC
28 Waste Incineration Directive/2 Number of incineration and co-incineration plants 1 incineration plant and 22 co-incineration plants to whitch this Directive is applicable. Installations used for co-incineration of waste most often use waste as a substitute for fuel (energy source) in the technological production process. These include cement plants, limestone plants, brick factories, thermoelectric plants and the like. Num. of permits issued 1 incineration plant and 22 permits for co-incineration plants. MEPPPC
29 Waste Incineration Directive/3 Categories of waste co-incinerated Ministerial ordinance on requirements for thermal treatment of waste (OG, No. 45/07) and are listed in each particular permit. Emission Limit Values Yes Regulation on limit values for pollutant emissions from stationary sources into the air (OG, No. 21/07) - Chapter IX. MEPPPC
30 Thank you for your attention! MEPPPC
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