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Shell Employee Engagement Survey August 22, 1997 Karin Busch Zetterberg, ValueScope AB.

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Presentation on theme: "Shell Employee Engagement Survey August 22, 1997 Karin Busch Zetterberg, ValueScope AB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shell Employee Engagement Survey August 22, 1997 Karin Busch Zetterberg, ValueScope AB

2 The success of an employee survey depends on - The right variables in the questionnaire A good administrative technique Feedback to everybody, but not of everything A serious will to learn from the results and change behavior ValueScope Aug-97

3 Respondents Every employee should get a chance to take part in the survey This gives managers results they cannot explain away as unsatisfactory sampling If sampling is needed, it is better to sample workplaces than employees ValueScope Aug-97

4 Every second year (for example one year Europe, the next year outside Europe) Year 1: Survey and feedback Year 2: Implementation of changes needed Year 3: New survey to see results et cetera Frequency of survey ValueScope Aug-97

5 Survey during work-hours This can be arranged in different ways (for example lunch-room interviews, Intranet, mail questionnaires) Advantage 1: it shows that Shell considers the answers from the employees important and allows working time Advantage 2: high response rates ValueScope Aug-97

6 Reporting DRAFT EXECUTIVE REPORTS Narrative. For boards & headquarters. Final version is client´s formulations. LOCAL ESTABLISHENT FEEDBACK Charts comparing units and divisions. Local transformation champions (LTCs) run sessions with the local management with these charts. WORK GROUP FEEDBACK ValueScope Aug-97

7 Work group feedback Each head of a work unit gets about 10 charts of this type for feedback discussion with his unit Work unit x Operating unit in which x is a part Bench mark unit (> 10 respondents)(e.g. a plant) (A real-life unit of the corporation which is held up as an ideal) ValueScope Aug-97

8 Hierarchy of reports Heads of units run their own feed-back sessions with their co-workers Concentration on own department and own problems, not your neighbor´s or total Shell Direct link to business targets and company goals ValueScope Aug-97

9 Work group feedback sessions Heads of units run their own feed-back sessions with their co-workers Positive, specific and immediate feedback Discussion of survey results Decision of which two or three problems to give priority due to survey results ValueScope Aug-97

10 Integrity of employees The employees answer the questions honestly if they are confident that their anonymity is insured Absolutely no link to personnel records No possibility to identify any individual employee in the survey All results should be based on at least 10 persons Restricted access to database ValueScope Aug-97

11 Warning The results should not be used to point out a department with problems to other than the manager and his/her manager at a higher level ValueScope Aug-97

12 Questionnaire Short Varied question types (illustrations may be included) Pleasant layout Anonymous - no names on the questionnaires (Checking of participation can be done separately) ValueScope Aug-97

13 Sample question When you do something really extra at work or a better job than usually, would.. a) someone in management notice? b) someone in management express their appreciation of your work? Yes No Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

14 Sample question What kind of appraisal do you think your immediate superior makes of your work? I have not noted any appraisal A fair appraisal An unfair appraisal Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

15 Sample question a) How do you usually find out about changes and news affecting your work at Shell? The bulletin board My immediate supervisor The manager of the unit Meetings Reports from meetings Internal memos Intranet My workmates Newspapers, magazines The union b) How would you like to find out? Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

16 Sample question How often do you talk to other people in your department about your work? Every day A few times a week Rarely Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

17 Sample question To what extent does your department work toward clear and common goals? To a very large extent To a fairly large extent To a fairly small extent To a very small extent Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

18 Sample question For your department, is it easy or difficult to talk to other departments you must cooperate with? Easy Difficult Do not cooperate with other departments Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

19 Sample question Have you heard about the statement Shell Business Framework? Yes No Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

20 a) Is your workplace organized so that efficiency and productivity are... Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad Sample question b) If you did not answer “very good”: Have you discussed how efficiency and productivity could become better with your workmates? Yes No c) Have you discussed it with your manager? Yes No Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

21 a) Are the tools and equipment used in your department the best for getting the work done? Yes No Sample question b) If you answered “no”: Have you discussed better tools and equipment with your workmates? Yes No c) Have you discussed it with your manager? Yes No Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

22 Sample question a) Does your supervisor ask and use your opinion on how to solve problems? Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never b) Does your supervisor explain the background to decisions that concern you and your workmates? Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

23 Sample question to executives You are to make a short speech to outsiders about your company. Which three points would you emphasize? The company as a top global company The company is technologically advanced The company cares for its employees The company cares for the environment The company as a social citizen in the local community The company as skilled in marketing The company as the most profitable et cetera Copyright ©1997 ValueScope AB

24 ValueScope´s additional contribution to your project: Combination of questions may be used to make the “invisible contract” visible Questions may be combined to reveal mismatch between management values and employee values Cluster analysis of companies to form a Shell world map A management theory for executive training at Shell ValueScope Aug-97

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