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6 th Grade PEP Academic Planning Overview 1)Watch fun learning styles video 2)Complete intro to learning styles activity 3)Complete learning styles inventory.

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2 6 th Grade PEP Academic Planning

3 Overview 1)Watch fun learning styles video 2)Complete intro to learning styles activity 3)Complete learning styles inventory 4)Select learning strategies to use based on learning style 5)Learn how to advocate for one’s own learning style while considering of the needs of others in the class 6)Connect learning style to career interests

4 Intro Video

5 Learning Styles Activity Get out your Learning Styles Activity handout You will be given 3 drawing tasks with 3 different set of directions. 1.Draw what you see 2.Draw what you hear 3.Draw along and do After each task, you will write 2-3 words that best describe your experience with that task.

6 Box I: Draw what you see

7 Reflection Describe your experience. Write down the first 2-3 words that come to mind.

8 Box II: Draw what you hear

9 Reflection Describe your experience. Write down the first 2-3 words that come to mind.

10 Is this what you drew?

11 Box III: Draw along

12 Reflection Describe your experience. Write down the first 2-3 words that come to mind.

13 Reflection Continued Please reflect on the following questions: 1.Which activity was easiest for you? 2.Which activity was most difficult? This was intended to be a fun activity to help introduce the concept of different learning styles This activity may or may not reflect your preferred learning style Next, we will take paper and pencil learning styles inventory to help assess your learning style

14 Learning Styles Inventory Complete the learning styles inventory by reading each statement and selecting: 1 = Rarely 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always Add up your total for each section. Record your totals on the following page.

15 Learning Styles Results If you total for any category is between 22 and 28, this is your dominant learning style. o Your dominant learning style(s): __________________________ If your total for any category is between 16 and 21, this is your secondary learning style. o Your secondary learning style(s): _________________________ If you total for any category is between 0 and 15, this is your challenge learning style. o Your challenge learning style(s): __________________________

16 Learning Style Types Kinesthetic learner: learn best through activity/motion or touch/feeling Visual learners: learn best by seeing something done, written, or explained. Auditory learner: learn best by listening to or hearing information. Teacher directions: Break students into 3 large groups based on their learning styles types. Adapted from Carter, 2006 and

17 Kinesthetic Learning Strategies Read the list of learning strategies from your handout. Underline or star strategies that might help you learn. Adapted from Carter, 2006 and

18 Visual Learning Strategies Read the list of learning strategies from your handout. Underline or star strategies that might help you learn. Adapted from Carter, 2006 and

19 Auditory Learning Strategies Read the list of learning strategies from your handout. Underline or star strategies that might help you learn. Adapted from Carter, 2006 and

20 Learning Styles & Self- Advocacy Self-advocacy is asking for what you need while respecting the needs of others. This includes both what you ask and how you ask. o First, what you ask… (examples below) Example Teacher Requests or asks: To make copies of the text so you can highlight and underline as you read To stand up and walk around in class To chew gum in class To sit where you can hear/see the teacher To read the class material out loud for the entire class To read your book out loud for yourself during silent reading To play or hum songs out loud for yourself in class To teach the class a mnemonic device or song that may help them remember the material Would it respect the needs of others? YES NO Yes = most likely; No = most likely not

21 Learning Styles & Careers No matter what your learning style, you can learn to be successful at any career. Everyone must use strategies that will help them learn best, as well as to work to improve in the areas where it doesn’t come as naturally. That being said, for fun, guess which learning style might fit best with which career. Therapist _________________________ Artist _________________________ Radio broadcaster _________________________ Athlete/dancer_________________________ Architecture _________________________ Construction _________________________ Auditory Visual kinesthetic Kinesthetic

22 Learning Styles & Careers Think about your career interests… o In what ways might this career capitalize on your natural learning style(s) and/or strengths? o What skills required for this career might be more challenging for you? o What strategies could you use to help overcome these challenges?

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