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Academic Advising Center Updates to May 7, 2013 Faculty Council presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Advising Center Updates to May 7, 2013 Faculty Council presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Advising Center Updates to May 7, 2013 Faculty Council presentation

2 Academic Advising Center Moved in: Tuesday, May 14 th, 2013 Rothschild Place Room 130A Open: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday (Extended hours, starting Spring 2014) Drop-In: 9:00-4:00 pm By appointment: 607.274.1001

3 Professional Academic Advisors Hired: May 13 – May 28, 2013: Randy DeVett-McKeon School of Music School of Humanities & Sciences Megan Gallagher School of Health Sciences & Human Performance Mel Jensen School of Humanities & Sciences Ryan DeLany School of Business Kerry Spitze Roy H. Park School of Communications We are also IC’s Transfer Seminar Instructors! Academic Advising Center I

4 What is the difference between a Faculty Advisor and a Professional Academic Advisor? Faculty Advisors are: experts in their academic disciplines knowledgeable about specific courses in their division a critical source for educational and career opportunities in their areas of concentration Students should always meet with their Faculty Advisor Academic Advising Center

5 What is the difference between a Faculty Advisor and a Professional Academic Advisor? Professional Academic Advisors: Assist students to understand graduation requirements – and how those requirements interact with other decisions We are available to all students (regardless of major) to identify, explore, and navigate academic alternatives discuss consequences of academic decisions serve as an across-campus advising resource Academic Advising Center

6 Student use of AAC: July 1- September 27: 451 students August 26 – August 30: 171 students September 2 – September 27: 48 average per week Appointments will vary with Academic Calendar

7 Academic Advising Center Office of State Grants (Higher Education Opportunity Program) Student Disability Services Academic Enrichment Services (Tutoring)

8 Academic Advising Center AES Tutors: Reasons for referral to the Academic Advising Center (Please check all that apply): ____ Student needs help with time management/organizational skills ____ Student needs assistance with test-taking and/or study skills ____ Student has circumstances that are impacting academic achievement ____ Student has questions about graduation requirements ____ Student has questions about major/minor requirements ____ Student wishes to change majors ____ Student wishes to consider/change a minor ____ Student wishes to double major ____ Student requests information on any policy/procedure (financial aid/scholarships, athletic eligibility, course transfers, academic warning, etc.) Check if No Referral Needed. Session was on Academic Content Only: ____

9 Academic Advising Center Collaborations with IC Departments: Summer Orientation (including evening Schedule Preps) International Orientation Fall Welcome First-Year Book Facilitators Transfer Seminars (fall and spring) Ithaca College Common Hours (Weeks 3, 4, 5 – met with all 1800+ first-year students) ALANA Retreat – Saturday, Sept. 23 rd : Value, Purpose, and Meaning of a Liberal Arts Education Diversity Awareness Committee (DAC) Students of Concern (SOC) Committee – with Health Services, Counseling, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Student Disability Services ADeans (Registration, Internal Transfers, Probation) Student Government Association Retention Committee Project

10 Academic Advising Center Four-Question, 20-Second, “First Year Check-Point” Survey Research indicates that first-year students often make retention decisions based on their first few weeks of the semester. The IC Retention Committee has developed a four-question intervention survey, administered by the Academic Advising Center (AAC), and designed to identify and reach-out to students at risk. The 20-second, four-question “check-in” survey was emailed to all first-year and transfer students on September 16. An email reminder was sent on September 20. Survey closed September 23. A follow-up survey will be sent in the spring semester, just prior to registration (March 24-April 2). Includes two-more questions, for a total of six.

11 Academic Advising Center “First Year Check-Point” Survey 1.Was coming to Ithaca College a good decision for you? Yes No 2: Do you like it here? Yes No 3: Do you feel that Ithaca College is a place where if a student had a problem, there would be someone to go to for help? Yes No 4: I feel connected to: Students Yes No Faculty Yes No Staff Yes No

12 Academic Advising Center Six-Question “First Year Check-Point” Survey (spring) 5. Are you looking forward to your next semester at Ithaca College? Yes No 6. Is Ithaca College the place in which you hope to graduate? Yes No

13 Academic Advising Center 1. Was coming to Ithaca College a good decision for you? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes83497% 2No263% Total860100%

14 Academic Advising Center 2. Do you like it here? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes81795% 2No415% Total858100%

15 Academic Advising Center 3. If you had a question or concern, do you feel like there is someone at Ithaca College who you could go to for help? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes80394% 2No546% Total857100%

16 Academic Advising Center 4. I feel connected to: #QuestionYesNo Total Responses Mean 1Students756988541.11 2Faculty6801748541.20 3Staff5193358541.39

17 Academic Advising Center First–Year Check Point Survey: 193 “No” Responses 142 individual emails to students Following-up this week….

18 Academic Advising Center Upcoming Collaborations: Ad Hoc Advisory Committee–in consultation with Chair of Faculty Council Chair, Kerry Spitze – AAC – One ADean (or Designee) from each School Margie Arnold, HSHP Dawn Kline, Business Kathy Lucas, H&S David Pacun, Music Bryan Roberts, Park – One Staff Representative from: Yolanda Clarke, Academic Enrichment Services Lorie Holmes-VanDusen, Registrar’s Office Linda Uhll, Student Disability Services TBD, First Year Experience – Two Faculty Members: AnnMarie Ferrall (HSHP) James Pfhrem (H&S) – Two Student Representatives from Student Government Association (SGA) TBD The purpose of the committee is to ensure collaboration across all boundaries and to determine the need and consequent role of a standing committee on academic advising.

19 Academic Advising Center Upcoming Collaborations: Alumni Services/Career Services/Academic Advising On-going collaborative efforts Got Advising? Got Career Goals? Got Mentoring? Dining Halls - Week of October 28 th - November 1 st Exploratory Program/Career Services/Academic Advising Majors/Minors Fair – Nov 6 Financial Aid/Registrar’s Office/Academic Advising Veteran’s Information and Support – Ongoing Registrar’s Office/SGA/Academic Advising Graduation Checklist – Spring 2014

20 Academic Advising Center Thank you!

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