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Postkarte- Meine Ferien- Year 9 Postcard Peer Assessment Grid NameQuality of presentation /10 Spelling /10 Does the German used make sense? /10 Did they.

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Presentation on theme: "Postkarte- Meine Ferien- Year 9 Postcard Peer Assessment Grid NameQuality of presentation /10 Spelling /10 Does the German used make sense? /10 Did they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postkarte- Meine Ferien- Year 9 Postcard Peer Assessment Grid NameQuality of presentation /10 Spelling /10 Does the German used make sense? /10 Did they use language from class or an online translator? Yes/No How varied is it? /10 Does it use past, present and future tenses, plus opinions? What level would you give it?

2 Postkarte- Meine Ferien- Year 9 Postcard Peer Assessment Grid NameQuality of presentation /10 Spelling /10 Does the German used make sense? /10 Did they use language from class or an online translator? Yes/No How varied is it? /10 Does it use past, present and future tenses, plus opinions? What level would you give it?

3 Postkarte- Meine Ferien- Year 9 Postcard Peer Assessment Grid NameQuality of presentation /10 Spelling /10 Does the German used make sense? /10 Did they use language from class or an online translator? Yes/No How varied is it? /10 Does it use past, present and future tenses, plus opinions? What level would you give it?

4 Year 9 Postkarte 1)Complete postkard in German, checking you have added as much info as you can and that you meet the criteria for level 6 writing and have checked accuracy, ie spellings, capital letters, word order etc. Use p21-21 to help you as well as the model postcard on p19. Are you happy with your presentation? 2)When finished email your work to or put it on my memory stick. I will upload your work to the Wiki. This means it will be public to the internet so make sure it is your best work! 3)Once we have a few on the Wiki begin to peer assess by downloading this Powerpoint from the Year7-9 German page. You will be able to find your work on the ‘Page de Madame Liakakou.’ 4)Once you have looked at each other’s work you may go to the Games page and play either of the games under German>Holidays 5)Your homework this week is to complete the presentation if not already done so, peer assess the other postcards and, if you have any time left, play the games! Viel Glück!

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