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Published byDominic Nickson Modified over 9 years ago
Moving Community Supervision Forward: Implementation of Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) Lily Gleicher, MS Corrections Institute Graduate Assistant University of Cincinnati & Sara Shields Franklin County, OH Franklin County Adult Probation Purpose: To welcome all staff and provide the framework for the next three days. Strategies: Mention start and end times, lunch time, lunch suggestions, bathroom locations, number/location of breaks. Also, review the make-up of the training binder. Let participants know that in general, we will cover 4 modules a day: ay 1-modules 1-5, day 2-modules 6-9, and day 3 modules Provide a brief introduction to the EPICS model and discuss why the agency has taken the initiative to implement it. Barriers: Initial resistance to the model may present here. It is helpful to begin with excitement and enthusiasm for the training.
Session Objectives Review the research on RNR models of community supervision Identify the four components of the EPICS model and key skills learned during the training Develop an understanding of the EPICS training and coaching process Identify common agency barriers to implementing the EPICS model Learn key processes related to successful implementation of EPICS within an agency Purpose: To review the overall objectives of the training with participants. Strategies: Explain to the participants that these are the “big picture” goals of the training that the trainers and participants will achieve by day 3. First, the principles of effective intervention will be reviewed. These are principles that the agency and the staff can adhere to have better offender outcomes. Second, as a group we will go over the components of the EPICS model and discuss how to apply it to the staff’s caseloads. Third, we will discuss core correctional practices, or those skills that staff can use when working with offenders to be effective agents of changes. Last, we will review and practice several cognitive behavioral interventions that can be used in a one-on-one environment with offenders. In order to meet these objectives, these are expectations of both the trainers and the participants during the training. Review the expectations of the trainers (clear, answer questions, provide models and feedback) and review the expectations of the participants. Have the group turn to page 2 of their Participant Workbook and walk through the expectations listed. Barriers: None.
Effectiveness of RNR Models of Community Supervision
Section 1 Effectiveness of RNR Models of Community Supervision
Traditional Community Supervision
Community supervision is one of the most widely used sanctions in the criminal justice system Historically, community supervision was seen as positive because it minimized the criminogenic effects of prison and promoted the community integration of offenders (Abadinsky 2009; Gibbons and Rosecrance 2005) However, a growing body of research illustrates that community supervision alone has been ineffective in reducing recidivism (e.g., Petersilia and Turner 1993; MacKenzie 1997; Bonta et al., 2008) Probation and parole population exceeding 5 million
Traditional Community Supervision
Why has community supervision not shown reductions in recidivism? Bonta et al. (2008) explored the potential reasons that community supervision has been shown to be ineffective in reducing recidivism The authors found that officers rarely adhered to the principles of effective intervention during contact sessions Instead of focusing on risk, need, and responsivity factors, officers spent most of their contact sessions on compliance with conditions and the law enforcement aspects of their job
Principles of Effective Intervention
Prior research has demonstrated that correctional services can be effective in reducing recidivism…but not all services are equally effective! The most effective services are based on the principles of effective intervention.
Principles of Effective Intervention
RISK WHO Deliver more intense intervention to higher risk offenders NEED WHAT Target criminogenic needs to reduce risk for recidivism RESPONSIVITY HOW Use CBT approaches Match mode/style of service to offender
Translating the RNR Framework to Community Supervision
Adhere to the principles of effective intervention: Assess risk and need levels Target moderate and high risk offenders Target criminogenic needs Use cognitive behavioral interventions Use core correctional practices: Quality collaborative relationship Reinforcement, Disapproval, Use of Authority Cognitive restructuring Structured skill building Problem solving skills Purpose: To summarize effective strategies and practices that will help participants change offender behavior. Strategies: Explain to participants that this is a summary of the research just covered. These are strategies and principles that staff can follow in order to be effective agents of change. First is adhering to an RNR model of community supervision, which means targeting moderate and high risk offenders, targeting criminogenic needs, and addressing responsivity factors. Second, use of core correctional practices in a community supervision setting will make it more effective. These include using relationship skills, behavioral modification techniques (reinforcement, disapproval, use of authority), cognitive-restructuring, structured skill building, problem solving. Explain to the group that EPICS incorporates adhering to an RNR model and using core correctional practices to change behavior. These principles and practices will be covered more in-depth as the training continues. Barriers: None.
Translating the RNR Framework In Community Supervision
THE WORK OF CHRIS TROTTER The use of certain skills by probation staff is related to reductions in recidivism: Developing collaborative relationships Role clarification Targeting criminogenic needs Reinforcing prosocial behavior Prosocial modeling Problem solving Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of incorporating core correctional practices from the previous slide. Strategies: Review the research Chris Trotter (out of Australia) has conducted on staff use of core correctional practices. Chris Trotter has conducted extensive work with involuntary offenders and whether staff use of certain skills will show reductions in recidivism of offenders they supervise. In the studies listed on the slide, Chris Trotter hypothesized that staff that made use of skills such as developing relationships, role clarification, reinforcement, modeling, and problem solving would have offenders with lower recidivism rates than staff that did not use these skills. Trotter found that the use of these skills and targeting criminogenic needs led to lower recidivism rates. Trotter study: The study was based on the hypothesis that probation participants would be more effective if they made use of certain practice skills. These included: 1. Modeling pro-social values and alternatives to criminal behavior, reinforcing and rewarding pro-social expressions and actions of offenders (for example, empathy for victims or reduced drug use), and challenging pro-criminal actions or expressions; 2. Working through a problem-solving process which focuses on offense-related issues, but which also allows offenders to define their problems in their own terms. The project involved: offering training to probation participants in the skills outlined above; gathering data on the extent to which they used the skills through analysis of file notes and offender questionnaires; finding out how offenders responded to the use of these skills; and analyzing police records to determine whether there was a relationship between offender recidivism and the use of those skills. It was clear that those probation participants who used the skills and who undertook training in the model had offenders with lower recidivism. Barriers: None. Trotter, C. (1996). The impact of different supervision practices in community corrections: Cause for optimism. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 29, 1-18. Trotter, C. (2006). Working with involuntary offenders: A guide to practice (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Trotter, C. (1996, 2006).
Translating the RNR Framework In Community Supervision
STICS RESEARCH Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS) Results indicated that trained participants had 12% higher retention rates than untrained participants at six months Bourgon et al. (2010) Bonta et al. (2010) Purpose: Demonstrate recent attempts to integrate the “what works” research into community supervision. Strategies: Recent initiatives out of Canada attempt to provide a framework for participants to adhere to the RNR model and for agencies to ensure implementation and evaluation of the strategy. Bonta, Bourgon and their colleagues developed the Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS) model. Study details: In the present study, an RNR-based training program was developed and delivered to probation staff to assist in the direct supervision of offenders under a probation order. Probation staff were randomly assigned to a training or no-training condition. After training, probation staff audiotaped some of their sessions with offenders in order to assess their use of the skills taught in training. The results showed that the trained probation staff evidenced more of the RNR-based skills and that their offenders had a lower recidivism rate. The findings suggest that training in the evidenced-based principles of the RNR model can have an important impact on the behavior of probation staff and their offenders. Probation staff supervised adult offenders (age greater than 17 in Canada). Barriers: Research is out of Canada and not the US. Bourgon, G., Bonta, J, Rugge, T., Scott, T., & Yessine, A. K. (2010). The role of program design, implementation, and evaluation in evidence-based “real world” community supervision. Federal Probation, 74(1), 2-15. This is the preliminary report. James Bonta, Guy Bourgon, Tanya Rugge, Terri-Lynne Scott, Annie K. Yessine, Leticia Gutierrez & Jobina Li (2010). The Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision: Risk-Need-Responsivity in the Real World. Corrections Research Report, Public Safety Canada.
Translating the RNR Framework In Community Supervision
STICS RESEARCH Recidivism Rate (Reconviction) Purpose: Demonstrate the effectiveness of the STICS model in terms of reductions in recidivism. Strategies: The results indicated that offenders supervised by trained participants had lower rates of recidivism (25.3%) in comparison to offenders supervised by untrained participants (40.5%) over a follow-up period of two years. Study specific language: First, researchers found a decrease in the recidivism rates of offenders post-training for the experimental group but no change for the control group offenders. Second, the 15% decrease for the staff trained to more closely follow the RNR principles mirrors the findings from the general treatment “real world” literature. Barriers: None. Bonta et al. (2010)
Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) Results indicated that staff trained in the EPICS model demonstrated more consistent use of core correctional practices Trained staff also became more proficient in their use of the skills over time as a result of participation in additional practice sessions Smith et al. (2012) Purpose: Introduce the pilot project for EPICS. Strategies: Introduce the EPICS pilot study and note that the data was collected with the specific purpose of measuring whether the training changed officer behavior during their contact sessions (i.e., did the EPICS training have an impact on officer skills). Data was not collected to measure outcomes, such as recidivism, for this initial pilot. Study details: In this study, experimental participants were trained on the EPICS model and related skills. The control participants were not. Both groups supervised adult and juvenile cases. Data was collected at three points in time- 3, 6, and 9 months after the training. As part of the data collection process, staff were required to audiotape their contact sessions with offenders on their caseload. After the 3 day training, monthly coaching sessions were provided to the experimental group to review skills from the training. The information on the following slides demonstrates the importance of training and coaching on the EPICS model in shaping staff behavior. Results from the pilot study showed that staff that were trained in the model showed more consistent use of core correctional practices and became more proficient in the skills through coaching sessions and practice. These findings will be demonstrated on the following slides. Barriers: Staff sometimes note that Grant Co is not their county and there are likely differences between the two. While this may be true, the principles of effective intervention and core correctional practices have been determined to apply regardless of geographical location. Smith, P., Schweitzer, M., Labrecque, R. M., & Latessa, E. J. (2012). Improving probation officers’ supervision skills: an evaluation of the EPICS model. Journal of Crime and Justice, 35(2),
EPICS Research EPICS RESEARCH Evaluation of EPICS in Ohio
Involved 21 trained and 20 untrained staff and 272 offenders Staff trained in EPICS outperformed untrained staff in the use of core correctional practices during contact sessions High risk offenders assigned to high fidelity staff had significantly lower incarceration rates than high risk offenders assigned to low fidelity staff Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of the EPICS training to use of core correctional practices and reducing recidivism rates (incarceration rate). Strategies: Explain to the group that they saw on a previous slide the positive outcomes that come from the use of core correctional practices. By using these skills, reductions in recidivism were higher than when the skills were not used. In this study, researchers examined data from several Ohio counties. The treatment group was given the EPICS training and the control group was not. Researchers examined the use of core correctional practices during the staff’ one-on-one contact sessions with probationers and parolees and found that trained staff used the model more often than those staff that were not trained. Additional analyses from the Ohio study: Researchers also wanted to specifically look at high and low fidelity staff who supervised high risk offenders and determine if recidivism rates were different across the two groups. They found that those staff who supervised high risk offenders and had high fidelity to the model had better outcomes across incarceration, arrest, and technical violation rates than those staff that supervised high risk offenders and had low fidelity to the model. Barriers: None Latessa, E. J., Smith, P., Schweitzer, M., & Labrecque, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of the Effective Practices in Community Supervision Model (EPICS) in Ohio. Final OCJS Report. Latessa et al. (2013)
EPICS Research EPICS RESEARCH Percentage Latessa et al. (2013)
Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of the EPICS training with regards to staff’ use of core correctional practices during one-on-one contacts. Strategies: This slide presents the information from the previous slide in chart format. Trained staff used core correctional practices almost 50% of the time during their contact sessions, whereas untrained staff only used the practices around 20% of the time during their contact sessions. Point out the large difference in the use of core correctional practices between the treatment and control groups. Remind participants that core correctional practices are those that we know are most effective when working with offending population. Barriers: None. Latessa, E. J., Smith, P., Schweitzer, M., & Labrecque, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of the Effective Practices in Community Supervision Model (EPICS) in Ohio. Final OCJS Report. Latessa et al. (2013)
EPICS Research EPICS RESEARCH Percentage Latessa et al. (2013)
Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of adhering to the EPICS model with high risk offenders. Strategies: This slide depicts the information on the initial EPICS research slide in chart format. High risk offenders assigned to high fidelity staff had 12% lower incarceration rates than high risk offenders assigned to low fidelity staff. Barriers: None. Latessa, E. J., Smith, P., Schweitzer, M., & Labrecque, R. M. (2013). Evaluation of the Effective Practices in Community Supervision Model (EPICS) in Ohio. Final OCJS Report. Latessa et al. (2013)
Recent research has shown that the EPICS model is an effective means to reduce the antisocial thinking patterns of offenders supervised by officers trained in the model Tlv Ico lcp
Probation staff trained in EPICS who had high fidelity to the model were significantly more likely to be perceived as trusting by the offenders on their caseload The study found that as as trust increased between the offender and the officer, the odds of being re-arrested are lowered Purpose: To provide evidence that EPICS aids staff in developing a balanced approach with offenders. Strategies: Explain to participants that this research is directly related to the EPICS model and how using relationship skills within the model can help to improve rapport with offenders and can help to reduce recidivism. Study details: This study explores the impact of the Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) model on offender perceptions of their collaborative working relationships with supervising probation or parole staff. The data in this study was collected as part of an EPICS project at the University of Cincinnati. The results examine the nature and quality of offender perceptions of their probation or parole staff based on officer training status (i.e., trained versus untrained staff) and officer adherence to the EPICS model (i.e., high-fidelity versus low-fidelity staff). The results also examine the influence of offender perceptions on the likelihood of rearrest. The staff who demonstrated high-fidelity to the model were significantly more likely to be perceived as trusting by the offenders on their caseload. This finding is commensurate with the literature on the specific CCP of building a strong collaborative relationship with offenders. Also, the results suggest a trusting collaborative relationship between the offender and officer is important to improving outcomes. As with others in the field, this study found the offender’s perception of the relationship with the officer to be related to recidivism. The researchers found that as trust increases between the offender and the officer, the odds of being arrested are lowered. Labrecque, R. M., Schweitzer, M., & Smith, P. (2013). Exploring the Perceptions of the Offender-Officer Relationship in a Community Supervision Setting. Forthcoming. Barriers: None. Labrecque et al. (2013). Forthcoming.
Franklin Co.’s Reaction to the Research
Recognized the importance of a dynamic risk/need assessment tool Raised internal awareness: Too much emphasis on conditions of supervision Not enough focus on using results of assessment to target higher risk offenders criminogenic needs Identified a need for a structured model to increase awareness to RNR framework Adopted EPICS! Do we want to keep this slide?
EPICS Model and Core Skills
Section 2 EPICS Model and Core Skills
Purpose of the EPICS Model
This model strives to more fully utilize staff as agents of change and ensure offenders receive a consistent message throughout the continuum of correctional services The EPICS model is not intended to replace more intense cognitive-behavioral treatments that address specific criminogenic needs Purpose: Explain what EPICS is meant to achieve and what it is not meant to replace. Strategies: Explain to the participants that the model is meant to make the time that staff spend with offenders more effective to bring about behavior change, but it does not hope to replace more intense treatment groups that have the ability to address specific domains with more dosage. Barriers: None- participants often like to hear that EPICS is not meant to replace more intensive treatment programs.
Objectives of the EPICS Model
Apply the RNR framework to community supervision Focuses effort on moderate to high risk offenders Provides a format to target criminogenic needs in a one-on-one context Encourages identification of specific responsivity factors Uses cognitive and behavioral strategies to change offender behavior Train staff on core correctional practices Train staff to intervene where the offender is deficient in making decisions Include measures of fidelity and coaching sessions Purpose: To explain the objectives of the EPICS model. Strategies: During this slide, it is often helpful to connect information provided during modules 1 and 2 on risk, need, responsivity and core correctional practices. Remind participants of what it means to adhere to a risk, need, responsivity framework and that these approaches (including EPICS) have been shown to be effective in reducing recidivism in community corrections populations. Additionally, core correctional practices are those practices introduced during module 2 that have been shown to be most effective at changing behavior when working with offending populations. EPICS is an rnr model of community supervision that trains staff members to use core correctional practices in face-to-face contact session format. It uses cognitive-behavioral interventions to intervene where offenders are deficient- antisocial thinking, lack of emotional regulation skills, and skill deficiencies. Last, EPICS is not a training where participants will leave and put the binder on a shelf and not look at it again. It includes a coaching process with feedback so that staff can become comfortable and proficient using the structure and the skills. Barriers: None.
EPICS Session Structure
Each contact session should be structured in the following way: Check-in Review Intervention Homework Purpose: To introduce the structure and components of an EPICS session. Strategies: Ask, “Why is structure so important?” Generate responses. Each EPICS session follows a similar structure: composed of a check-in component, a review component, a structured intervention targeting a criminogenic need, and a homework component that acts as an additional practice opportunity of the intervention taught during the contact session. Talk about how an EPICS session can be effectively delivered in about minutes. The key is that the time spent with the offender is structured, adheres to the 4 components, and targets criminogenic needs using CBT interventions. Barriers: None. [We would like to acknowledge the work of Drs. Don Andrews and Paul Gendreau in the area of correctional interventions, and specifically in the area of core correctional practices. We would also like to acknowledge the work of Drs. Jim Bonta and Guy Bourgon on the Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS) project with the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.]
EPICS Session Structure
Check-in is an opportunity to: Promote a collaborative relationship with offender Assess for crises/acute needs Assess for compliance with conditions Purpose: Describe the check-in component of the model. Strategies: Ask, “What’s the first thing you usually ask someone coming in for a contact session with you?” Answers typically include things like How are you, What’s been going on since I saw you last, How are you doing, What’s going on? Validate their responses. -Describe the check-in component: The check-in component is the foundation for the rest of the session- it is where the staff is able to gather information about what’s going on with the offender. First, it is where staff have the most opportunity enhance the collaborative relationship by using follow-up questions with reflective listening statements to show genuine interest to the offender. This helps in establishing/maintaining a relationship. Second, it allows for staff to check if there is a crisis or acute need area that needs to be addressed immediately. An acute or crisis need is a need that must be dealt with by staff immediately. For example, the acute need is one where staff has concerns for the offender’s safety, safety of others, or a situation that has increased the immediate likelihood of the offender committing a criminal act. Acute needs are issues that need to be resolved prior to working on any other needs. For example, if the offender has just been evicted and has nowhere to sleep that evening, this would be classified as an acute need. Last, it allows staff to check for compliance with major court orders (such as paying fines, going to treatment, no contact with police, abstinence from substances, etc.). -3 major tasks of the check-in: Establish and build rapport, determine if there is a crisis/acute need that needs to be addressed immediately, and assess if offender is complying with major conditions of supervision. Barriers: staff will typically last how long a check-in should last, and while it should be explained that check-ins are going to sound different depending on the participant and the offender, the check in is designed to be brief (2-5 minutes).
EPICS Session Structure
Review is an opportunity to: Enhance learning by reviewing previous interventions Review previous homework assignment Discuss community agency referrals Set or review goals with the offender Purpose: Describe the review component of the model. Strategies: Explain that the review component is the time when you discuss what you talked about in your previous contact session. It is usually helpful to ask participants if they became proficient in something the very first time they saw it? The answer for most things is usually no- they needed review and practice when learning. This is why the review component is important- the skill taught in the previous session is reviewed, along with homework, and this gives the participant the opportunity to determine if anything needs clarified. It is also an opportunity to ask about what is being learned in community agency referrals. This is different form just a compliance check regarding if they are attending. Rather, this includes questions surrounding what the offender is learning, what they talked about last group/session, and have they learned any skills they think are useful. This allows you to reinforce what they learn in their treatment with what they are doing during contact sessions. Lastly, short and long term goals should be stressed! Emphasize that the EPICS model calls for goals to be discussed in every session. This includes establishing goals, checking in on progress, removing barriers, reinforcing progress, and attaching goals to interventions when appropriate. Again, this piece is relatively brief (around 5-7 minutes). Barriers: None.
EPICS Session Structure
Intervention is an opportunity to: Target criminogenic needs using structured cognitive-behavioral techniques: Behavior Chain Cognitive Restructuring Cost-Benefit Analysis Skill Building Problem Solving Graduated Practice Target specific responsivity issues Purpose: Describe the intervention component of the model. Strategies: This is the “meat” of the EPICS session- where behavior change is being attempted through the targeting of a criminogenic need with a structured intervention. All interventions are designed to target criminogenic needs using CBT strategies. Explain to participants that the interventions listed will be covered over the next 3 days. This component is easier when considered prior to session. Preparation is key! This component should take the longest of the four pieces (about 10 minutes). To identify continued areas of need or trends in problems the risk/need assessment should be consulted. High need domains should be prioritized. Likewise, patterns noted in previous completed behavior chains can be targeted. Problem thinking and teaching skills to manage areas of need/problem areas should be the focus of the intervention component. Interventions can also be used to target specific responsivity issues (or barrier). An example of this would be using an intervention to target motivation, which is not a specific criminogenic need, but is a barrier that needs to be addressed before an offender is likely to buy into cognitive restructuring or learning new social skills. Barriers: Staff typically ask if they have to do an intervention every time- they usually ask if it is necessary for someone suffering from mental health issues or for offenders who are being very compliant. It is important to stress the importance of the intervention component and that this should occur EVERY EPICS SESSION unless there is a crisis that the participant needs to handle with the offender or it is an initial session where the staff is conducting a risk/needs assessment. If there is a responsivity issue such as a mental health issue it should be addressed and the barrier removed. Another way for staff to address a responsivity issue it to think about how the offender learns and tailor the intervention to their learning style. For example, if the offender has low cognitive abilities a staff member might choose to break up a skill over several contact sessions to make sure the offender understands. If the offender is mostly compliant and seems to be progressing well, interventions should act as relapse prevention opportunities and previous skills practiced in more realistic difficult situations.
EPICS Session Structure
Homework is an opportunity to: Generalize learning to new situations Assign appropriate homework Assign homework directly related to the intervention Give offender clear expectations Encourage offender to use interventions on risky situations Purpose: Describe the homework component of the model. Strategies: Stress that the homework component should be an additional practice opportunity of the skill the staff just taught during the intervention component. It includes 2 major areas: generalized to new situations (how else can this skill be used- in what other situations?), and appropriate (should be clear and specific and TARGET A CRIMINOGENIC NEED). Be specific and clear with the instructions; Don’t rush the directions – it can be overwhelming for the offender and increase the likelihood that the homework will be incomplete. Homework is only as important as the officer makes it. Stress the importance of practice and reviewing all practice opportunities with offenders. Barriers: staff tend to brush over this component, so be sure to explain thoroughly and emphasize its importance. -staff will usually ask for examples of homework assignments and have the tendency to revert back to compliance homework (set up an appointment, turn in 3 applications). Be sure to remind participants that homework should ALWAYS be an additional practice opportunity of the intervention so offenders can get used to using the skill on their own. Additional notes: Participants commonly ask, “what do you do when the offender does not complete the homework?”. Be prepared to facilitate the discussion. Possible strategies include using effective disapproval, asking them to go in the waiting room to complete it, extending the deadline to next time, or completing it with them during the review component.
EPICS Core Skills Throughout Model Interventions Relationship skills:
Active listening Giving feedback Behavioral modification skills: Reinforcement Disapproval Use of authority Motivational skills: Cost-benefit analysis Cognitive behavioral skills: Cognitive restructuring Prosocial modeling Structured skill building Problem solving
EPICS Training and Coaching Processes
Section 3 EPICS Training and Coaching Processes
EPICS Training and Coaching Process
EPICS is a three-day training for officers and supervisors on RNR, core correctional practices, and the session components In order to ensure adherence to the model and to train the supervisors as coaches, monthly coaching sessions are included as part of the training To ensure officers learn the model and related skills, the EPICS training is a 3 day hands on training for both officers and supervisors. (The training includes training on the RNR model, CBT techniques specifically, such as cog rest and coping skills, along with core correctional practices.) Upon completion of the training, monthly coaching sessions are provided to the officers and supervisors. These sessions serve to provide additional modeling and practice activities of the core EPICS skills and components while also providing feedback to the officers and supervisors on their use of the model and skills. Each trained person is required to submit one audio per coaching session which is coded by UCCI staff. The rating form is used to provided written and verbal feedback to the officers and supervisors. Supervisors are strongly encouraged to also submit tapes and receive feedback on the model. In an attempt to ensure long-term adherence to the model, the coaching process provides specific training to the agency supervisors. Supervisors are trained in the model and related skills, but most importantly they are trained to serve as on site coaches. This includes training on the coding of audios/contact sessions, delivering feedback, and how identify areas of continued need for booster sessions. Finally, in collaboration with the UCCI coach, the agency supervisors develop a sustainability plan.
EPICS Coaching Process
Written individual feedback is provided on use of the model Group feedback is provided on use of the model Skills are reviewed, modeled, and practiced Support is provided to supervisors regarding implementation and on-going coaching
EPICS Coaching Process
In order to ensure adherence to the model and to train the supervisors as coaches, five video conference sessions are included as part of the training Sessions 1-2: UC staff will review audio tapes and specific cases with all of the trainees Session 3-4: Supervisors will partner with UC staff to conduct the reviews and coaching Session 5: Supervisors will conduct the session, with UC staff providing support and coaching
Franklin Co. EPICS Coaching with UCCI
Approximately one month after training, staff sent in audiotapes of contact sessions to be coded for adherence to the EPICS model Written individual feedback was provided on use of the model Supervisors reviewed feedback and audios with each staff Group feedback was provided on use of the model Skills were reviewed, modeled, and practiced Purpose: To introduce/explain the coaching process to participants. Strategies: The UCCI coach will follow the same structure for every coaching session to help ensure consistency during the coaching process and with the EPICS Model. The UCCI coach will check-in with the group to identify any barriers, answer any questions, and receive any feedback. The coach with then review the previous skill from the last coaching session, review general feedback for the group, and finally, introduce and review another skill from the training for practice. Each session will end with a specific area for the staff to focus on during their next tape. Barriers: Similar to those listed on the previous slide. Encourage staff to keep an open mind and to practice the skills and structure during their face-to-face contacts in order to gain confidence in the model and skills.
Barriers to Implementation and Tips for Successful Implementation
Section 4 Barriers to Implementation and Tips for Successful Implementation
Barriers to Implementing EPICS
Department Size Officer Resistance Caseload Size Consistency among coaches
Franklin County Adult Probation
Department Size Trained officers in three different waves Needed to recruit a large number of coaches Officers turn in a tape every month, but get feedback on one tape over a two month period Franklin County Adult Probation
Franklin County Adult Probation
Officer Resistance EPICS supported by chief and management team Coaches emphasize positive steps and find even “small victories” to encourage officers Officers are given choices about which booster session to attend Franklin County Adult Probation
Franklin County Adult Probation
Booster Sessions Coaches identify areas that need improvement to focus in on booster sessions Officers are required to attend one session in a two month period Booster sessions are limited to 12 participants to encourage participation and allow environment for practicing skills Franklin County Adult Probation
Booster Sessions Do you help your offenders set goals during office visits? Goal setting is an important, but often missed step in the EPICS session. This training will focus on setting goals and include a review of what should happen during the check-in and review sections. Do your offenders ever come into your office visit with problems? This session will focus on deciding which intervention/tool would be most appropriate to use. Different scenarios will be played and officers will break into groups and discuss how they would handle the scenarios.
Franklin County Adult Probation
Caseload Size Officers added additional report days, allowing more time to meet with offenders Caseload management based on risk level and need areas instead of conditions Low risk offenders moved to quarterly reporting Efforts were made to reduce paperwork, allowing officers more time with offenders Franklin County Adult Probation
Consistency Among Coaches
Due to department size, 12 coaches were trained With help from UC, developed coaching checklist that all coaches fill out with feedback form Meetings held once every two months to discuss coaching progress or concerns Franklin County Adult Probation
Coaching Checklist Prior to giving feedback: 1. I listened to the entire tape. Yes No 2. I have filled out all applicable sections on the feedback form. Yes No 3. I have included positive feedback for the officer on the form. Yes No 4. I have included specific suggestions/recommendations on how the officer can improve on the form. Yes No During feedback: 1. I asked the officer several open ended questions. Yes No 2. I asked permission to give feedback. Yes No 3. I applied the sandwich approach (strengths/areas for improvement/strengths) when giving feedback. Yes No 4. I was able to answer all of the officer’s questions during feedback. Yes No If no, what question(s) were you not able to answer? After feedback: 1. What do you think went well during the feedback? 2. What could you have done better during the feedback?
Tips for Successful Implementation
Form an Implementation Team prior to the training Administrative support is critical: Director of agency should provide clear expectations that acquiring this skill set is the number # 1 priority over the next 12 months Address workload for line staff and first line Managers Plan for the additional time ‘coaching’ requires
Tips for Successful Implementation
Schedule boosters to follow up on the UCCI Training sessions This will assist in the development of your Coaches Continue with boosters when you complete process with UCCI Muscle memory comes from practice, practice, practice!!! Develop processes for continued improvement
Importance of Continued Improvement
Amend Audits and Performance Evaluations Give staff 12 months to learn skills and then amend the review process Develop performance measures to measure success and integration: Statewide performance measures on recidivism, retention, abscond rates and reduction of criminogenic needs. Offender survey’s Measure submission of tapes quarterly Reward and reinforce top performers Tape of the Month
Thank You Cara Thompson: UCCI EPICS Project Director
Lily Gleicher: UCCI EPICS Project Graduate Assistant Sara Shields: Supervisor and Internal Coach, Franklin Co, OH Purpose: To provide participants with contact information regarding EPICS questions/concerns. Strategies: Refer participants to the names and addresses on the slide. Make sure that participants know they have the ability to raise concerns or ask questions throughout the process. Barriers: None.
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