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Eluna 2014 – Cornell University Lydia Pettis.  Purge by PATRON EXPIRE and/or PURGE date ◦ A programmer can set these dates per spec ◦ May want different.

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Presentation on theme: "Eluna 2014 – Cornell University Lydia Pettis.  Purge by PATRON EXPIRE and/or PURGE date ◦ A programmer can set these dates per spec ◦ May want different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eluna 2014 – Cornell University Lydia Pettis

2  Purge by PATRON EXPIRE and/or PURGE date ◦ A programmer can set these dates per spec ◦ May want different dates for Fines / No Fines options  Purge Historic Fines? Yes / No ◦ Specify in Sys Admin / Circulation / Miscellaneous  See parameters in the Technical Manual ◦ Patron Batch Jobs in XML / Ppatron Purge

3  Accounting Office and Circulation Staff  How long to keep expired patrons with no fines?  Audit issues related to fines? ◦ Typically 7 years ◦ Keep online and/or in a report or spreadsheet ◦ Cornell now keeping 3 years online; 4 years in annual reports

4  EXPIRED PATRONS NO FINES ◦ ALL barcodes associated with a patron have been expired for 1+ years ◦ Set purge date 12/31/1980 ◦ Run with Historic Fine option OFF  EXPIRED PATRONS WITH FINES ◦ All barcodes expired 1+ years ◦ Most recent FINE TRANSACTION less than ◦ Purge date 12/31/1970 ◦ Run with Historic Fine option ON


6  Set PATRON Purge or Expire Date per spec  Verify the status of the “Allow Deletion of Historic Fine” checkbox ◦ Check this again  Run PpatronPrg in TEST mode ◦ Verify DATE option before running ◦ Review exceptions and fix if desired ◦ Examine AUDIT file and confirm the right folks will be deleted

7  As user = Voyager  If CU purge date = 12/31/1980  Test – No Updates ◦./PpatronPrg –p 1981-01-01  Prod – Delete and Update ◦./PpatronPrg –p 1981-01-01 -z

8 audit.patpurge.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.callslip.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.exception.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.finesfees.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.historicalfines.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.holdrecall.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.itemscharged.20130725.090608 xml.patpurge.proxy.20130725.090608


10 DELETED | 532 | LName | Fname NOT DELETED | Current Fees | 536 | LName | Fname NOT DELETED | Historical Fines | 536 | LName | Fname DELETED | 540 | LName | Fname NOT DELETED | Current Charged Items | 177618 | LName | Fname NOT DELETED | Patron is a proxy for another patron | 170670 | LName | FName

11  Create a file of the NOT DELETED records grep 'NOT DELETED’ audit.patpurge.[extension] > [selected directory]/audit.txt

12  Download audit.txt  Import into MS Access table

13 ID and Count Exceptions


15  Circ staff can ◦ Release holds ◦ Close open fines ◦ Remove from routing lists ◦ Ask EL to reset call slip request counters  When updates are complete, run in Production mode

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