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WORKER RETRAINING One of the Seattle Community Colleges CENTRAL | NORTH | SOUTH | SVI Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project

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Presentation on theme: "WORKER RETRAINING One of the Seattle Community Colleges CENTRAL | NORTH | SOUTH | SVI Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKER RETRAINING One of the Seattle Community Colleges CENTRAL | NORTH | SOUTH | SVI Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project 2013 P EER L EARNING G ROUP : W ORKING THE C ONTINUUM South Seattle Community College, Georgetown Campus Thursday, March 14 th 2013 Seattle Community Colleges START NEXT QUARTER The training you need for the job you want!

2 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project District Team League for Innovation Walmart Brighter Futures Project Central Mary Lockman, Pam Aden North John Bowers South Keith Marler, Wendy Price SVI Nancy Verheyden, Janice Brooks District Cynthia Felice, Lisa Hager

3 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Overview of Presentation  Start Next Quarter initiative  Website demonstration  Educational planning workshops

4 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Start Next Quarter Initiative  Goal: Make Workforce Education funding more accessible to students.  Developed by district-wide team  Educational planning workshops implemented July/Aug 2010  SNQ website implemented Oct 2010

5 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project  Online funding eligibility tool and portal to workshops  Students quickly learn if they pre-qualify for funds  Messages tailored to reflect campus programs  Backend administrative features free up staff time

6 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Visitors answer (mostly) yes/no questions.

7 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Visitors answer (mostly) yes/no questions.

8 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Visitors answer (mostly) yes/no questions.

9 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Visitors answer (mostly) yes/no questions.

10 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Visitors answer (mostly) yes/no questions.

11 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project


13 The college has tools to add workshops, set workshop capacity, and take other actions.

14 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project

15 Educational Planning Workshops at the colleges A comprehensive model for all incoming students  Introduction to Seattle Community Colleges  Workforce Education Funding  Start Next Quarter Checklist  Workshops, CBO’s, Wrap around services  One on One Advising

16 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project NSCC, SCCC, SSCC & SVINSCC, SCCC, SSCC Day 1 4 hours (1-5 pm) Day 2 4 hours (1-5 pm) Welcome and Overview 1.Funding Eligibility Criteria 2.Programs of Study at Seattle Community Colleges 3.Campus Resources 4.Outline of Educational Planning Process Overview/ Testing 1.Placement test  CASAS (SVI and S)  CASAS or COMPASS (N, S, C) (Students self-select their test) Test Review & Funding Orientation 1.Reading review 2.Math review 3.Funding orientation 4.Test strategies Group Advising 1.Career clusters or WOIS 2.Finding your program of study (Includes background check discussion)

17 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Educational Planning Workshops at the colleges  Results to date — Higher test scores — Fewer drop-outs — More efficient use of staff time

18 Funded in part by the Walmart Brighter Futures Project Questions?

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