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Review short term action item status from previous meeting (Brett) Action Item Review Status of Balanced Scorecard (Stanley – 5 min update) – please review.

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Presentation on theme: "Review short term action item status from previous meeting (Brett) Action Item Review Status of Balanced Scorecard (Stanley – 5 min update) – please review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review short term action item status from previous meeting (Brett) Action Item Review Status of Balanced Scorecard (Stanley – 5 min update) – please review BSC booklet in advance China cohort development – how are we addressing challenges with TOC? (Nigel – 2 min update w Q&A) PEP cohort development – status of Philippines/Western Pacific cohort (Dale – 2 min update w Q&A) Overview of Theme Objectives / Measures LT endorsement of Cohort Development Charter (Brett) – please read in advance Update on Partner Segmentation Plan (Laurie – 2 min update) New assumptions about government funding (Martha – 2 min update) Review of Initiative Progress How can we improve the review of TOCs and at what stages in the process, from cohort development to project plan review? (Paul to collect ideas and share them in five minutes) How are we reducing stress on CMs and PPMs? What progress have we made? What decisions do we need to make? This is a big commitment we made to staff. Are we delivering? (Two minutes from each of Dale, Keith, Paul) Discussion of Key Issues Capture action items for short and long term issues Assign accountability for items Review Action Items Rare October Meeting Agenda 10 min 20 min 30 min 10 min

2 Rare’s Leadership Team meetings Monthly Management Meetings Analyze Performance Adjust Initiatives Theme Focused Quarterly Review Meetings Refine Strategic Issues Align Resources Annual Strategy Refresh Update Strategy Map Revise Measures/Targets Propose Initiatives and Budget

3 Agenda based on strategy Topics outlined in advance of meetings Decisions documented Follow-up monitored Recommended Meeting Process Topics follow strategy review calendar Data presented with decision options in advance of the meeting Decision-making process followed Action items captured and monitored

4 We are starting to talk a lot more about strategy, and we are increasingly aligned on it Are we asking questions? Are we making decisions? Need to keep our eyes on this one. We are growing out of this problem Officially we’re doing 90 min per month, plus a quarterly meeting or retreat. It’s a start. Top management teams spend relatively little time together Agenda setting is unfocused and undisciplined Too little attention is paid to strategy Top management meetings are not decision- oriented Starting to avoid most pitfalls Source: Stop Wasting Valuable Time, Michael Mankins, HBR, September 2004

5 Ideal LT Meeting Calendar FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan Monthly Review Analyze Performance Adjust Initiatives Quarterly Review Refine Strategic Issues Align Resources Annual Strategy Refresh Update Strategy Map Revise Measures/Targets Propose Initiatives and Budget

6 Review short term action item status from previous meeting Action Item Review Check color status of all objectives in the theme Review key metrics and problem areas (yellow or red) Overview of Theme Objectives / Measures Team Charter review Review budget and discuss alignment Review of Initiative Progress Outline any decisions that need to be made Understand options and make decisions Discussion of Key Issues Capture action items for short and long term issues Assign accountability for items Review Action Items Generic LT Meeting Agenda 90 min 15 min 20 min 60 min 5 min

7 Review short term action item status from monthly meetings Action Item Review Check color status of all objectives in each theme Review key metrics and problem areas (yellow or red) Overview of Objectives / Measures Outline Decisions Understand Options and Make Decisions Discussion of Key Issues Determine if budgets are aligned appropriately by theme Propose new and rationalize old initiatives Review of Initiative Allocation Capture action items for short and long term issues Assign accountability for items Review Action Items Quarterly Review Meeting - Agenda 4 hours 45 min 75 min 60 min 15 min

8 Review Current Themes and Perspectives (and adjust) Review Current Objectives (and adjust) Strategy Map Refresh Review current measures Adjust targets based on previous year learning Refresh Measures and Targets Set strategic budget Allocate budget by theme Review proposed initiatives Refine and rationalize initiatives Review of Initiative Allocation Determine key scorecard owners for next year Allocate Accountability Annual Review Meeting - Agenda 8-16 hours 2-4 hours 1 hour

9 Operational Reviews – Keys to success Short, Frequent, and Data-driven Translate the importance of the data to the people in the meeting – Why is this important to the organization? – What are we doing to improve the information? Make people accountable – Like strategy meetings, track decisions and actions and review at the next meeting – Consider a carrot/stick approach May not have to be bonus related, since these are typically job responsibilities Sometimes recognition alone works

10 Key Success Factors for Rare The first few meetings require lots of prep-work – Plan for this work, and don’t worry about data that is updated to the day or week, but be sure to focus on the issue and decision to be made Document the meeting calendar and ensure attendance – It is not easy with a leadership team located around the world. Track decisions and action items – Show everyone you are making progress and real decisions. Draw the continuity between the meetings – Link operational reviews and strategy meetings by topic. Discuss how they relate.

11 Setting and Keeping to the Agenda Progress towards BSC measures and any commitments the leadership team has made to the organization or each other will drive the agenda There is an open invitation to suggest topics but as the planning begins, usually a week after the last meeting, there will be a reminder (from Emily) to make suggestions Brett will manage agenda setting, make final approval, and chair the monthly calls

12 Review short term action item status from previous meeting (Brett) Action Item Review Status of Balanced Scorecard (Stanley – 5 min update) – please review BSC booklet in advance China cohort development – how are we addressing challenges with TOC? (Nigel – 2 min update w Q&A) PEP cohort development – status of Philippines/Western Pacific cohort (Dale – 2 min update w Q&A) Overview of Theme Objectives / Measures LT endorsement of Cohort Development Charter (Brett) – please read in advance Update on Partner Segmentation Plan (Laurie – 2 min update) New assumptions about government funding (Martha – 2 min update) Review of Initiative Progress How can we improve the review of TOCs and at what stages in the process, from cohort development to project plan review? (Paul to collect ideas and share them in five minutes) How are we reducing stress on CMs and PPMs? What progress have we made? What decisions do we need to make? This is a big commitment we made to staff. Are we delivering? (Two minutes from each of Dale, Keith, Paul) Discussion of Key Issues Capture action items for short and long term issues Assign accountability for items Review Action Items Rare October Meeting Agenda 10 min 20 min 30 min 10 min

13 Leadership retreat dates -- February 15-19, 2010, near Wash, DC CPP criteria finalized (Sonita, w/ input from Keith) – yes/no? Balanced Scorecard finalized including 3 measures (Stanley) yes/no? Populate Rare Planet with reports (Paul) yes/no? Performance review conversations (Stanley) yes/no? Addressing project plan inefficiencies (Paul and Lark) progress? Campaign Manager description (deferred to 3/2010 Keith) Monthly summary report on execution (Paul) yes/no? Clearpoint training for Martha, Nigel, Keith (Stanley) yes/no? Calendar for LT (Brett/Emily) yes/no? Charter on Cohort Development (Nigel, Martha) – on agenda Rewrite BSC measure for people reached (deferred to 11/6) Action Item Review Action Item Review 10 min.

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