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Building Vocabulary from Word Roots

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1 Building Vocabulary from Word Roots
Lesson 8 Latin Bases solv, solut, and string, strict, strain

2 solv, solut, and string, strict, strain
The Latin base solv, solut mean to “free, loosen.” The Latin base string, strict, strain mean “tie, bind, squeeze.” These bases can be used in the literal and figurative senses.

3 solv, solut, and string, strict, strain
Both of these Latin bases attach to five familiar Latin prefixes: ab- “away from” con- “with, together, very” di-, dis- “aprt” in- “not” re- “back, again”

4 solv, solut = “free, loosen”
abs- (“away from”) + solve = absolve—(“free” “away from”) When someone absolves you from wrongdoing, they “free” you “away from” charges or accusations. abs- (“away from”) + solut = absolute –(“freed” “away from”) When you are absolutely sure of something, you are “freed” “away from” the slightest doubt. If you are absolutely forbidden to do something, the refusal is “freed” “away from” any exceptions.

5 solv, solut = “free, loosen”
dis- (“apart”) + solv = dissolve (“loosened” “apart”) When we dissolve sugar in water, we literally “loosen” the granules “apart” as they melt into the solution. in- (“not”) + solut = (“not” “loosened”) When a problem is insoluble, the problem “cannot” be “loosened” or solved (“loosen” a problem by finding the solution).

6 string, strict, strain= “tie, bind, squeeze”
strict (“tie, bind, squeeze”) A teacher who is strict binds the students to her rules. con- (“with, together, very”) + strict = constrict (“squeeze”) A boa constrictor “squeezes” its muscles “together” to devour its prey whole. con- (“with, together, very”) + strain = constrain (“squeeze” (“very”) When you lose your job, there are constraints on your budget, “very” much “squeezing” your financial resources.

7 Do Now! Think of a problem you solved. Describe how you arrived at a solution. Now connect solve and solution with “loosen, free.” What happens when you dissolve sugar in water? How does dissolve mean “loosen, free”? Strict parents impose severe restrictions when rules are broken. How do strict and restrictions mean “tie, bind, squeeze”? Describe how a boa constrictor eats its prey. How does constrictor mean “tie, bind, squeeze”? Ask if this surprises you. What did you notice?

8 Do Now! The bases solv, solut mean “free, loosen.” String, strict, strain mean “Tie, bind, squeeze.” Use the base definitions to explain the phrases below: cleaning solvent insoluble problem dissolve in water absolutely forbidden passenger restraints restricted access stringent rules school district Ask if this surprises you. What did you notice?

9 Do Now! Find the word that best completes these colloquial expressions and then explain how each word uses the definitions of the bases solv, solut ( “free, loosen”) or string, strict, strain (tie, bind, squeeze”). dissolved strict absolved constraints dissolute A person with “loose morals” is _______________. People “squeezed for money” have financial___________. A _____________ parent runs a “tight ship.” People “break up” when their friendship is____________. Someone pardoned is “___________ of guilt.”

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