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SME Toolkit Local Implementation. Existing Toolkit Implementations SME Toolkit launched October 2002 ( BusinessEdge,

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1 SME Toolkit Local Implementation

2 Existing Toolkit Implementations SME Toolkit launched October 2002 ( BusinessEdge, Vietnamese version, launched January 2003, ( Ukrainian/Russian Toolkit, launched February 2003 ( Mipyme/Fundes, Spanish version launched June 2003, GP Toolkit, Fund Managers version launched May 2003 ( Caribbean Tookit, Caribbean version launched May 2003, ( Future plans for 2003: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Africa

3 SME Toolkit Content International, best-of-breed content licensed from third party providers Content types include articles, standard business forms, quizzes, wizards and mini-applications for building your own website and business plan generators Content can be sublicensed by partners, translated but not altered, and must maintain attribution to content provider Future content development can be shared among SME toolkit partners globally

4 Navigation Functionality 2 clicks to most content Multiple access points to content –Categories, main navigation –Subcategories, drop down navigation –Content types, header navigation –Search and advanced search –Promotions, exist on home and category page ( can list entire linked categories and subcategories on home as promotion) Extensive user testing and training User comments Èasy to navigate through…. Quite comprehensive in coverage User Friendliness…… Easy to follow instructions See Caribbean Progress Report

5 Search Functionality Basic search provides results with relevance scoring Advanced search allows to select content by specific criteria –Category/subcategory –Content types –Content provider –Date created –Language Future search functionality –Common word filters ( does not search for “and”, “the”, etc.) –Plurals, prefixes and suffixes (s, es, un, ing, ed) –Similar functionality for other languages

6 SME Toolkit Manager Functionality Ability to add new or edit content, articles, forms, interactive tools. –Content can be sequential, parent/child or individual pages –Existing templates support complex content (quizzes and wizards) –Existing content can be reformatted –Translate existing content Ability to add additional content types –(Workbooks, Vietnam) Ability to add additional categories, subcategories and brands – (Caribbean business, Caribbean Toolkit)

7 SME Toolkit Manager Review Manager demo Update using ManagerManager –Input article, promotion and categories –Import content –Approve/publish and review Additional Manager features –Static site/CD generator –Additional brands for further regional implementation –Multiple server locations for regional implementation

8 SME Toolkit Benefits Time to market –Complete site can be developed in less than 3 months Step 1- select and translate existing content Step 2- input content into Toolkit Manager Step 3 – develop UI design and branding Step 4 – configure server (Steps 2-4 can be executed in 1 month) –Technical platform (website and content manager) is ready for deployment

9 SME Toolkit Benefits SME Toolkit Manager assists in content management after site is released –Cost effective, site updates do not need to be outsourced –Updating does not require technical expertise –Work flow management with edit, approval and publish process –Time savings allows immediate updates Manager can be translated into Portuguese Link to other SME Toolkit partners allows for shared improvement in functionality and content development CDs can be generated of the Toolkit site to avoid connectivity Training curriculum developed for workshops

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