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Basic fill color R 100 G 160 B 200 Accent 1 ”Logo Blue” R 0 G 39 B 118 Yellow (highlight) R 252 G 217 B 0 Accent 2 R 118 G 118 B 118 OP300 Technical training.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic fill color R 100 G 160 B 200 Accent 1 ”Logo Blue” R 0 G 39 B 118 Yellow (highlight) R 252 G 217 B 0 Accent 2 R 118 G 118 B 118 OP300 Technical training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic fill color R 100 G 160 B 200 Accent 1 ”Logo Blue” R 0 G 39 B 118 Yellow (highlight) R 252 G 217 B 0 Accent 2 R 118 G 118 B 118 OP300 Technical training presentation Full Calibration Procedures

2 Calibrations of the unit Prerequisites: –s2terminal open and connected to OP300 in normal mode –Cliniview software open and image capture activated How to start: S2terminal must be connected to the unit - select in the control panel - select “Service” in the control panel After calibrations are completed, service indicator must be cleared with s2terminal command

3 Alignment and QA Tools Pan alignment cone assembly QC PhantomCT Geometry tool Leveling base

4 Calibrations during installation Necessary calibrations –Preheat calibration –mA calibration –3D collimator calibration –PAN collimator calibration –PAN geometry calibration –3D geometry calibration(s) –3D lasers alignment –PAN lasers alignment –3D pixel calibration –PAN pixel calibration –3D QC program

5 Acceptance limits Passed Calibration program is successfully done. Move on to next calibration. Not passed Adjustment is still needed. Follow the instructions the image (if any) and take another exposure. Some calibration programs are iterative and needs a few repetitions. Failed System could not decide what adjustment should be done in order for the calibration to succeed. This calibration status is always the result of some error condition. Taking another exposure will not help. The image may give a hint on what the problem is (e.g. no radiation, collimator severely tilted, image data corrupted…).

6 Preheat calibration Purpose: Preheat calibration Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs when calibration is done

7 mA calibration Purpose: Tube current calibration Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs when calibration is done

8 3D collimator calibration Purpose: Collimator position calibration Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if collimator has to be adjusted 3D Col Loosen Adjustment

9 Pan collimator calibration Purpose: Collimator position calibration Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if collimator has to be adjusted Loosen Adjustment

10 Pan geometry calibration Purpose: Panoramic geometry position calibration; uses double-cone phantom Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed

11 3D Geometry calibration Purpose: Calibrates 3D geometry, needed only with 3D units; uses geometry phantom Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed 3D Geom Std Res 3D Geom Hi Res

12 3D laser alignment Purpose: To check 3D laser alignment Acceptance limits: 3D calibration phantom is used to check laser alignment 1. Top of FOV 2. Mid-sagittal 3. Bottom of FOV 4. Adjustable phantom holder 3D Lasers

13 Pan laser alignment Purpose: To check panoramic laser alignment Acceptance limits: Double cone calibration phantom is used to check laser alignment Pan Lasers Pan Lasers TMJ Frankfort Plane Sharp Layer (Cuspid light) Mid-Sagittal

14 3D pixel calibration Purpose: Performing pixel gain and dead pixel correction Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs when calibration is passed 3D Pix

15 Purpose: Panoramic sensor pixel calibration Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed Pan pixel calibration

16 3D QC calibration Purpose: QC phantom installed; checks for correct density calibration of 3D rendering Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed 3D QC

17 Ceph primary collimator calibration Purpose: To check ceph collimator Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed Ceph Pri Col

18 Ceph rotation angle calibration Purpose: Check ceph tracking Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed Ceph Rot Angle Collimator height adjustment can be performed simultaneously with this test – measure the height of the exposed portion; it should reach the dotted line (180mm). If not, adjust ceph collimator height at the collimator block as shown

19 Ceph rotation position calibration Purpose: To check ceph mechanism tracking Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs if calibration has passed Ceph Rot Pos Ceph Rot Pos

20 Ceph secondary collimator adjustment (vertical) Purpose: Verify correct position of secondary collimator aperture Acceptance limits: Exposed portion centered vertically in Ceph Rotation Position image Too low Too high Adjustment

21 Ceph secondary collimator adjustment (horiz) Purpose: Verify correct position of secondary collimator aperture Acceptance limits: Exposed portion centered horizontally in Ceph Rotation Position image, and straight up-and- down Tilted left Tilted right Adjustment

22 Ceph pixel calibration Ceph Pix Ceph Pix Purpose: Performing pixel gain and dead pixel correction Acceptance limits: Passed / Not passed / Failed GUI informs when calibration is passed

23 Ceph ear rod adjustment Vertical locking screw B Vertical adjusting screw Horizontal adjusting screw Horizontal locking screw

24 Ceph laser calibration Purpose: To check ceph laser alignment Acceptance limits: Align laser with ear rod, level with respect to horizontal plane Ceph Lasers

25 Calibrations needed when parts are replaced THARotating Unit R3200GUI PC3DPanelPan Detector CollimatorR3800R3300 Preheat XXXXXX mA XXXXXX Pan Lasers XXX Pan Collimator XXXX (1)XX Pan Geometry XXXX (1)XX Pan Pixel XXXX (1)XX Pan QC XXXX (1)XX 3D Lasers XXX 3D Collimator XXXXX(1)X 3D Geometry XXXXX(1)X 3D Pixel XXXXX(1)X 3D QC XXXXX (1)X (1)Calibration needed if the collimator is mechanically adjusted during the replacement.

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