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Ad (ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) Advent Ad (to) vent (come) Aggressive Ag (to, toward) gress (walk, go) ive (that which) Ascend As (toward) scend.

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Presentation on theme: "Ad (ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) Advent Ad (to) vent (come) Aggressive Ag (to, toward) gress (walk, go) ive (that which) Ascend As (toward) scend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ad (ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) Advent Ad (to) vent (come) Aggressive Ag (to, toward) gress (walk, go) ive (that which) Ascend As (toward) scend (climb) Definition – to, toward, very

2 ana Analyze Ana (through, again) lyze (loosen) Anatomy Ana (across, through) tom (cut) y (result of) Anabiosis Ana (back) bio (life) sis (condition) Definition – through, across, back, again

3 ante Antebellum Ante (before) bell (war) Antemeridian Ante (before) meridian (midday) Antemortem Ante (before) mort (death) Definition - before

4 auto Autobiography Auto (self) bio (life) graph (write) y (result of) Automobile Auto (self) mob (move) ile (pertaining to) Autonomy Auto (self) nom (rule, law) y (result of) Definition - self

5 cata Cataclysm Cata (down) Kluzein (was) Catapult Cata (down) pallein (hurl) Catastrophe Cata (down) strephein (turn) Definition - down

6 contra Contradict Contra (against) dict (speak, say) Contrary Contra (against) ary (place where) Controversy Contro (against) verse (turn) y (result of) Definition - against

7 dia Diameter Dia (across) metr (measure) Dialect Dia (across) legein (tell) Diagonal Dia (through) gon (side, angle) al (related to ) Definition – across, through

8 Em (en) Encyclical En (within) cycle (circle) al (related to) Embryo Em (inside) bruein (grow) Empathy (em (within) path (feeling) y (result of) Definition – inside, within

9 Epi Epidermis Epi (outside) derm (skin) Epitome Epi (outside, above) tom (cut) Epitaph Epi (on, upon) taphos (tomb) Definition – outside, on, upon

10 Ex- Ex-convict Ex (former) con (with) vict (conquer) Ex-wife Ex (former) wif (wife) Definition - former

11 hemi Hemicycle Hemi (half) cycl (circle) Hemiplegia Hemi (half) pleg (stroke) ia (condition of) Hemisphere Hemi (half) sphere (circle) Definition - half

12 meta Metacognition Meta (change) cogn (know) tion(act of) Metamorphosis meta (change) morph (shape) sis (process) Metaphor Meta( change) phor (carry) Definition - change

13 mis Misanthrope Mis (hate) anthrop (mankind) Misogyny Mis (hate) gyn (women) y (result of) Misjudge Mis (bad) jud (evaluate) Definition – bad, poorly, hate

14 multi Multiflorous Multi (many) flor (flower) ous (full of) Multilateral Multi (many) later (side) al (related to) Multiply Multi (many) ply (fold) Definition - many

15 Ob (oc, of, op) Occlude Oc (against) clud (close, shut) Obstruct Ob (against) struct (build) Oppose Op (against) pose (place, put) Definition - against

16 omni Omnipotent Omni (all) pot (power) ent (full of) Omniscience Omni (all) sci (know) ence (state of) Omnivorous Omni (all) vor (eat) ous (full of) Definition - all

17 pan Panacea Pan (all) akos (cure) Panchromatic Pan (all) chrom (color) ic (having characteristics) Panophobia Pan (all) phob (fear) ia (state, condition) Definition - all

18 para Paradox Para (beyond) dox (belief, doctrine) Paralegal Para ( beside) leg (law) al (related to) Parallel Para (beside) allos (other) Definition – beside, beyond

19 peri Periodontics Peri (around) dont (teeth) ics (science of) Perimeter Peri (around) metr (measure) Periscope Peri (around) scop (look, see) Definition - around

20 pro Prognosis Pro (before) gno (know) sis (process) Promote Pro (forth, forward) mot (move) Provide Pro (forward) vid (see) Definition – before, forth, forward

21 pseudo Pseudonym Pseudo (false) onym (name) Pseudopod Pseudo (false) pod (foot) Pseudoscience Pseudo (false) sci (know) ence (state of) Definition - false

22 retro Retroactive Retro (backward) act (do) ive (that which) Retrogress Retro (backward) gress (go) Retrospect Retro (backward) spect (look, watch) Definition - backward

23 Sub (suc, suf, sug, sum, sup, sus) Subject Sub (under) ject (throw) Suppose Sup (under) pose (place, put) Suspect Sus (under) spect (look, watch) Definition - under

24 trans Transit Trans (across) it (travel) Transfer Trans (across) fer (carry) Transmit Trans (across) mit (send) Definition – across, through

25 vice Vice president Vice (in place of) pre (before) sid (sit) ent (one who) Viceroy Vice ( in place of) roi (king) Vice versa Vice (in place of) vers (turn) Definition – in place of

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