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 Redness  Drainage, particularly if purulent (pus-like) or foul smelling  Heat  Edema  Increased pain or tenderness  Fever  Edema of tissue surrounding.

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Presentation on theme: " Redness  Drainage, particularly if purulent (pus-like) or foul smelling  Heat  Edema  Increased pain or tenderness  Fever  Edema of tissue surrounding."— Presentation transcript:


2  Redness  Drainage, particularly if purulent (pus-like) or foul smelling  Heat  Edema  Increased pain or tenderness  Fever  Edema of tissue surrounding the wound  Separation of wound edges  Trauma or injury  Maceration, or a waterlogged appearance of the wound edges  Bruising  Frank bleeding

3  4 stages  Determined by the depth and degree of involvement of the underlying structures.





8  Wash hands, apply clean gloves  Loosen the edges of the tape  Pull the tape ends toward the wound while holding traction on the skin with your other hand.  Lift the dressing off  If the dressing sticks to the wound, pour a small amount of sterile saline o the dressing to loosen it. Let it sit for a minute, then gently pull dressing off.  Discard according to facility.  (if traces of adhesive remain on the skin, remove them with tape remover or baby oil)

9  If signs/symptoms of infection are present, alert the nurse. Cover the wound and wait for RN (use signal button) 

10  Use normal saline.  Antiseptic products harm healing tissue and should not be used.  Always work from the clean area near the wound outward to less clean areas.  Use gauze or swab for one stroke, then discard it. (this avoids contaminated the cleansing solution)

11  Cleanse a linear wound or surgical incision from top to bottom.  Work outward from the wound in parallel lines

12  To cleanse open wound, such as an injury or pressure ulcer, work in half circle or full circles.  Begin in the center of the wound and work outward.

13  MaR-jheGY MaR-jheGY  Hemovac Drain  5Z9agOPU

14  9-3QyESs 9-3QyESs  Used to pull fluid out of drain.  Measured at end of each shift  Then pour into toilet.  JP Drain remains connected to patient.  Rolls up to expel air  Once very little drainage is collected the wound is ready to be sutured.

15  Used for healing surgical incisions.  Occasionally used for removing necrotic tissue from pressure ulcers.  The dressing is damp when applied to the wound  This is a Sterile Procedure

16  GS-Gf9Mk GS-Gf9Mk

17  c-ZTUI c-ZTUI

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