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C HAPTER 2 Cardiac Emergencies And CPR. C HAPTER 2 - O BJECTIVES Recognize signs and symptoms of a heart attack Demonstrate how to give proper cardiopulmonary.

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Presentation on theme: "C HAPTER 2 Cardiac Emergencies And CPR. C HAPTER 2 - O BJECTIVES Recognize signs and symptoms of a heart attack Demonstrate how to give proper cardiopulmonary."— Presentation transcript:

1 C HAPTER 2 Cardiac Emergencies And CPR

2 C HAPTER 2 - O BJECTIVES Recognize signs and symptoms of a heart attack Demonstrate how to give proper cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Utilize the automated external defibrillator (AED) properly to give care Demonstrate how to clear an obstructed airway from a conscious and an unconscious victim

3 C ARDIOVASCULAR D ISEASE An abnormal condition that affects the heart and blood vessels. An estimated 80 million Americans suffer from some sort of Cardiovascular Disease Most common Cardiovascular Diseases include: Coronary Heart Disease/Coronary Artery Disease Atherosclerosis Arteriosclerosis Stroke Heart Attack/Cardiac Arrest

4 A RTERIOSCLEROSIS AND A THEROSCLEROSIS Arteriosclerosis is the hardening or thickening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which fat deposits collect on artery walls. This build up doesn’t just occur later in life. It starts as early as the age of two. Things that contribute to the build-up High cholesterol High-fat diet High blood pressure Smoking


6 H EART A TTACK May result from a shortage of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle

7 S IGNS AND S YMPTOMS OF A H EART A TTACK Chest Pain, Discomfort or Pressure Discomfort in other areas of the upper body in addition to the chest Trouble Breathing Differences between men and women Both experience chest pain Women’s pain is atypical

8 W HAT TO DO ? Call 9-1-1 Have the person stop what they are doing and rest comfortably Loosen any tight clothing Closely watch the person Be prepared to perform CPR Ask if they have a history of heart attacks Be calm and reassuring Talk to bystandars DO NOT try to drive them to the hospital yourself

9 C ARDIAC A RREST The heart stops beating or beats ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain or vital organs.

10 C ARDIAC C HAIN OF S URVIVAL Early Recognition/Access Early Recognition and early access to the emergency medical services system Early CPR Early Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Early AED Early Automated External Defibrillation Early EMS Early Advanced Medical Care

11 CPR FOR ADULTS Press down at least 2 inches 30 compressions to 2 breaths Breaths should last about 1 second

12 CPR FOR A CHILD Press down at about 2 inches 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths Breaths should last about 1 sec.

13 CPR FOR AN INFANT Press down about 1 ½ inches 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths Breaths should last about 1 second

14 A DVANCED D IRECTIVES Instructions that describe a person’s wishes about medical treatment. Living Wills Allows a person to refuse only medical care that “merely prolongs the process of dying” Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care A document that authorizes someone else to make medical decisions for that person in any situation in which the person could no longer make them for him/herself.

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