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Chapter 3 Section 1 (Part 2) Section 2 (Part 1).  England begins to loosen its grip on the colonies  As long as the raw materials from the colonies.

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1 Chapter 3 Section 1 (Part 2) Section 2 (Part 1)

2  England begins to loosen its grip on the colonies  As long as the raw materials from the colonies keep coming to the homeland and colonists keep buying everything was okay  Shipping laws (a.k.a. Navigation Acts) were lightly enforced

3  Most colonists still considered themselves British (still loyal)  Colonies assemblies which were elected by voters (who could vote?)  King appointed governors of the colonies  Governors controlled the assemblies, judges, and colonial trade.

4  Assemblies paid the salary of governors.  The colonists influenced the governors from laws to judges.  The colonies are starting to decide how to make decisions and ultimately govern themselves independent of the King + Parliament

5  Plantations dominate the Southern colonies  They grow cash crops-crops grown for sale rather than for farmer’s own use. (for profit)  Farmers grow their own crops  Plantation owners have workers

6  The South was mostly self-sufficent, there are few towns. Most people live on plantations.  Planters are extremely wealthy and begin to control much of the South  Plantations were a testament to their wealth. Planters had balls, banquets, and parties that lasted days.  Plantation Virtual Tour Plantation Virtual Tour

7  Women were second-class citizens  They were schooled mostly in domestic tasks most, even rich, women had little education beyond basic reading and arithmetic  They had control of their houses but little else.  An average Southern women would help on the farm, sew clothes, and clean.  A plantation owner’s wife had servants do the work.

8 Year 1610 (Jamestown 1608) Population Around 350 1625 (Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630) 1,980 164150,000 1688 (Glorious Revolution) 200,000 1702270,000 1715435,000 17491,000,000 17541,500,000 17652,200,000 1775 2014 Estimate 2,400,000 317,000,000

9  1600s around 40% of the immigrants are indentured.  After 1630 fewer come to the colonies.  They could escape prison or poverty in the colonies but conditions were very rough.  Planters needed more workers. They turn to African slaves.

10  Work in groups examining the 4 wanted posters  How do these documents describe slavery and slaves?  If you could sum up life on plantation with one word (school friendly) based on these documents what would it be? Words to describe slavery: 1.1

11  Match the statement in the first column with the correct ending in column two.  (Please be prepared to justify your answers.)  Extension:  What statement surprised you the most? Slavery has existed slaves and made them fight in the gladiator arenas. The ancient Egyptians usedexist was in Africa. The Romans usedfor a very long time. After the fall of the Roman Empire when there was a bad famine (a time of starvation). However, one place where it did in battle were forced to become slaves. Some people who were captured trade from which there was no escape. Others were made slaves asslavery became less common. Some people agreed to become slaves and forced Africans to become slaves. After 1440, white Europeans came to Africa punishments for their crimes. Slavery became an international slaves to build the Pyramids.

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