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Copyright © 2007 Quest Software SQL Server Consolidation: Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2007 Quest Software SQL Server Consolidation: Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2007 Quest Software SQL Server Consolidation: Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance

2 Today’s Speaker Brent Ozar is a SQL Server Domain Expert based in the Houston area with Quest Software. Brent has a decade of broad IT experience, performing systems administration and project management before moving into database administration. In his current role, Brent specializes in performance tuning, disaster recovery and automating SQL Server management. Previously, Brent spent 2 years at Southern Wine & Spirits, a Miami-based wine & spirits distributor. Brent has experience conducting training sessions, has written several technical articles, and blogs at

3 Consolidation Phases 1.Problems 2.Possibilities 3.Performance 4.Planning & Priorities 5.Post-Consolidation 6.Payoff

4 Phase 1: The Problems


6 Datacenter space Datacenter cooling Datacenter power Budget cutbacks Maintenance & licensing

7 Phase 2: The Possibilities One Instance, One OS Separate Instances, One OS Separate Instances, Separate OS’s (Virtualization) HP PolyServe

8 Factors in the Decision Security Memory Storage Extreme performance needs Maintenance windows Disaster recovery planning SQL Server versions Time

9 Phase 2: The Possibilities One Instance, One OS Separate Instances, One OS Separate Instances, Separate OS’s (Virtualization) HP PolyServe

10 Phase 3: Performance Can’t oversubscribe servers Need to know loads Can’t just use average numbers

11 10 Phase 3: Performance Monitor Counter list at

12 11 The Manual Way: Analyzing Data with Excel

13 12 The Manual Way: Analyzing Data with Excel

14 13 The Manual Way: Analyzing Data with Excel

15 14 The Manual Way: Analyzing Data with Excel

16 15 Phase 4: Planning & Priorities Baby steps: one server at a time Biggest loads go first Detach/reattach versus backup/restore Plan B: Backout Back up right away and take measurements AFTER backups, watch the jobs

17 16 Phase 5: Post-Consolidation Ongoing performance monitoring Be ready for complaints Know your loads before adding more Watch out for rogue users & apps Plan for service packs & new versions

18 17 Post-Consolidation Chargebacks Track storage growth by application

19 Phase 6: The Payoff Lots of work Lots of manual paperwork Lots of risk So who gains the reward?

20 The Payoff: How One DBA Got Paid


22 Covered what consolidation is Covered who needed to put in work Covered the risks Covered the mitigation (new software needed)

23 The Payoff: How One DBA Got Paid


25 Real-World Use Case DBA tasked with environment wide consolidation project. –Where do I start? –What data do I collect? –How do I create different scenarios? –How long can I expect the target machine(s) to handle the consolidated load? –How do I balance space requirements vs. performance requirements? –Once I execute the consolidation project how do I confirm the target server(s) are performing as expected? –How do I communicate this to the executive level? 24

26 Got Questions? Here’s Where To Go Next: Quest Product Resources: Blogs, Tips and Resources:

27 26 How We Can Help 1.Collecting Data a.Capacity Manager for SQL Server b.Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise 2.Indentifying the destination a.Benchmark Factory b.Capacity Manager for SQL Server 3.Creating the Project a.Capacity Manger for SQL Server b.Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise 4.Consolidate! a.LiteSpeed for SQL Server b.Toad for SQL Server / Change Director for SQL Server

28 Consolidation, Quest and You… Discovery Wizard for SQL Server (Beta) –What’s out there? Stop the sprawl! Benchmark Factory –How much can that machine handle? Replay real workloads at higher virtual user loads. Capacity Manager –Collect, Forecast and Plan Spotlight on SQL Server –Performance monitoring and historical collection LiteSpeed for SQL Server –Migrate faster (and don’t forget to revamp your backup strategy based on the disk savings). Change Director for SQL Server –Compare and sync Toad for SQL Server –Develop, Manage and Tune 27

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