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Pricing Financial Derivatives

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1 Pricing Financial Derivatives
Bruno Dupire Bloomberg L.P/NYU AIMS Day 1 Cape Town, February 17, 2011

2 Addressing Financial Risks
Over the past 20 years, intense development of Derivatives in terms of: volume underlyings products models users regions Bruno Dupire

3 Vanilla Options European Call:
Gives the right to buy the underlying at a fixed price (the strike) at some future time (the maturity) European Put: Gives the right to sell the underlying at a fixed strike at some maturity Bruno Dupire

4 Option prices for one maturity
Bruno Dupire

5 Risk Management Client has risk exposure
Buys a product from a bank to limit its risk Not Enough Too Costly Perfect Hedge Risk Exotic Hedge Vanilla Hedges Client transfers risk to the bank which has the technology to handle it Product fits the risk Bruno Dupire

6 OUTLINE Theory - Risk neutral pricing - Stochastic calculus
- Pricing methods B) Volatility - Definition and estimation - Volatility modeling - Volatility arbitrage


8 Risk neutral pricing

9 Warm-up Roulette: A lottery ticket gives:
You can buy it or sell it for $60 Is it cheap or expensive? Bruno Dupire

10 2 approaches Naïve expectation Replication Argument
“as if” priced with other probabilities instead of Bruno Dupire

11 Price as discounted expectation
Option gives uncertain payoff in the future Premium: known price today Resolve the uncertainty by computing expectation: Transfer future into present by discounting Bruno Dupire

12 Application to option pricing
Risk Neutral Probability Physical Probability Bruno Dupire

13 Stochastic Calculus

14 Modeling Uncertainty Main ingredients for spot modeling
Many small shocks: Brownian Motion (continuous prices) A few big shocks: Poisson process (jumps) t S t S Bruno Dupire

15 Brownian Motion From discrete to continuous 10 100 1000 Bruno Dupire

16 Stochastic Differential Equations
At the limit: Continuous with independent Gaussian increments a SDE: drift noise Bruno Dupire

17 Ito’s Dilemma Classical calculus: expand to the first order
Stochastic calculus: should we expand further? Bruno Dupire

18 Ito’s Lemma At the limit If for f(x), Bruno Dupire

19 Black-Scholes PDE Black-Scholes assumption
Apply Ito’s formula to Call price C(S,t) Hedged position is riskless, earns interest rate r Black-Scholes PDE No drift! Bruno Dupire

20 P&L of a delta hedged option
Break-even points Option Value Delta hedge Bruno Dupire

21 Black-Scholes Model If instantaneous volatility is constant :
drift: noise, SD: Then call prices are given by : No drift in the formula, only the interest rate r due to the hedging argument. Bruno Dupire

22 Pricing methods

23 Pricing methods Analytical formulas Trees/PDE finite difference
Monte Carlo simulations Bruno Dupire

24 Formula via PDE The Black-Scholes PDE is Reduces to the Heat Equation
With Fourier methods, Black-Scholes equation: Bruno Dupire

25 Formula via discounted expectation
Risk neutral dynamics Ito to ln S: Integrating: Same formula Bruno Dupire

26 Finite difference discretization of PDE
Black-Scholes PDE Partial derivatives discretized as Bruno Dupire

27 Option pricing with Monte Carlo methods
An option price is the discounted expectation of its payoff: Sometimes the expectation cannot be computed analytically: complex product complex dynamics Then the integral has to be computed numerically Bruno Dupire

28 Computing expectations basic example
You play with a biased die You want to compute the likelihood of getting Throw the die times Estimate p( ) by the number of over runs Bruno Dupire


30 Volatility : some definitions
Historical volatility : annualized standard deviation of the logreturns; measure of uncertainty/activity Implied volatility : measure of the option price given by the market Bruno Dupire

31 Historical volatility
Bruno Dupire

32 Historical Volatility
Measure of realized moves annualized SD of Bruno Dupire

33 Estimates based on High/Low
Commonly available information: open, close, high, low Captures valuable volatility information Parkinson estimate: Garman-Klass estimate: Bruno Dupire

34 Move based estimation Leads to alternative historical vol estimation:
= number of crossings of log-price over [0,T] Bruno Dupire

35 Black-Scholes Model If instantaneous volatility is constant :
Then call prices are given by : No drift in the formula, only the interest rate r due to the hedging argument. Bruno Dupire

36 Implied volatility Input of the Black-Scholes formula which makes it fit the market price : Bruno Dupire

37 Market Skews Dominating fact since 1987 crash: strong negative skew on
Equity Markets Not a general phenomenon Gold: FX: We focus on Equity Markets K K K Bruno Dupire

38 Skews Volatility Skew: slope of implied volatility as a function of Strike Link with Skewness (asymmetry) of the Risk Neutral density function ? Moments Statistics Finance 1 Expectation FWD price 2 Variance Level of implied vol 3 Skewness Slope of implied vol 4 Kurtosis Convexity of implied vol Bruno Dupire

39 Why Volatility Skews? Market prices governed by
a) Anticipated dynamics (future behavior of volatility or jumps) b) Supply and Demand To “ arbitrage” European options, estimate a) to capture risk premium b) To “arbitrage” (or correctly price) exotics, find Risk Neutral dynamics calibrated to the market K Market Skew Th. Skew Supply and Demand Bruno Dupire

40 Modeling Uncertainty Main ingredients for spot modeling
Many small shocks: Brownian Motion (continuous prices) A few big shocks: Poisson process (jumps) t S t S Bruno Dupire

41 2 mechanisms to produce Skews (1)
To obtain downward sloping implied volatilities a) Negative link between prices and volatility Deterministic dependency (Local Volatility Model) Or negative correlation (Stochastic volatility Model) b) Downward jumps K Bruno Dupire

42 2 mechanisms to produce Skews (2)
a) Negative link between prices and volatility b) Downward jumps Bruno Dupire

43 Strike dependency Fair or Break-Even volatility is an average of squared returns, weighted by the Gammas, which depend on the strike Bruno Dupire

44 Strike dependency for multiple paths
Bruno Dupire

45 A Brief History of Volatility

46 Evolution Theory constant deterministic stochastic nD Bruno Dupire

47 A Brief History of Volatility (1)
: Bachelier 1900 : Black-Scholes 1973 : Merton 1973 : Merton 1976 : Hull&White 1987 Bruno Dupire

48 A Brief History of Volatility (2)
Dupire 1992, arbitrage model which fits term structure of volatility given by log contracts. Dupire 1993, minimal model to fit current volatility surface Bruno Dupire

49 A Brief History of Volatility (3)
Heston 1993, semi-analytical formulae. Dupire 1996 (UTV), Derman 1997, stochastic volatility model which fits current volatility surface HJM treatment. Bruno Dupire

50 Local Volatility Model

51 The smile model Black-Scholes: Merton:
Simplest extension consistent with smile: s(S,t) is called “local volatility” Bruno Dupire

52 From simple to complex European prices Local volatilities
Exotic prices Bruno Dupire

53 One Single Model We know that a model with dS = s(S,t)dW would generate smiles. Can we find s(S,t) which fits market smiles? Are there several solutions? ANSWER: One and only one way to do it. Bruno Dupire

54 The Risk-Neutral Solution
But if drift imposed (by risk-neutrality), uniqueness of the solution Diffusions Risk Neutral Processes Compatible with Smile Bruno Dupire

55 Forward Equation BWD Equation: price of one option for different
FWD Equation: price of all options for current Advantage of FWD equation: If local volatilities known, fast computation of implied volatility surface, If current implied volatility surface known, extraction of local volatilities: Bruno Dupire

56 Summary of LVM Properties
is the initial volatility surface compatible with local vol compatible with (calibrated SVM are noisy versions of LVM) deterministic function of (S,t) (if no jumps) future smile = FWD smile from local vol Extracts the notion of FWD vol (Conditional Instantaneous Forward Variance) Bruno Dupire

57 Extracting information

58 MEXBOL: Option Prices Bruno Dupire

59 Non parametric fit of implied vols
Bruno Dupire

60 Risk Neutral density Bruno Dupire

61 S&P 500: Option Prices Bruno Dupire

62 Non parametric fit of implied vols
Bruno Dupire

63 Risk Neutral densities
Bruno Dupire

64 Implied Volatilities Bruno Dupire

65 Local Volatilities Bruno Dupire

66 Interest rates evolution
Bruno Dupire

67 Fed Funds evolution Bruno Dupire

68 Volatility Arbitrages

69 Volatility as an Asset Class: A Rich Playfield
Index S Implied VolatilityFutures Vanillas VIX C(S) VIX options RV C(RV) VS Realized VarianceFutures Variance Swap Options on Realized Variance Bruno Dupire

70 Frequency arbitrage Fair Skew Dynamic arbitrage Volatility derivatives
Outline Frequency arbitrage Fair Skew Dynamic arbitrage Volatility derivatives

71 I. Frequency arbitrage

72 Frequencygram Historical volatility tends to depend on the sampling frequency: SPX historical vols over last 5 (left) and 2 (right) years, averaged over the starting dates Can we take advantage of this pattern? Bruno Dupire

73 Historical Vol / Historical Vol Arbitrage
If weekly historical vol < daily historical vol : buy strip of T options, Δ-hedge daily sell strip of T options, Δ-hedge weekly Adding up : do not buy nor sell any option; play intra-week mean reversion until T; final P&L : Bruno Dupire

74 Daily Vol / weekly Vol Arbitrage
On each leg: always keep $a invested in the index and update every Dt Resulting spot strategy: follow each week a mean reverting strategy Keep each day the following exposure: where is the j-th day of the i-th week It amounts to follow an intra-week mean reversion strategy Bruno Dupire

75 II. Fair Skew

76 Market Skews Dominating fact since 1987 crash: strong negative skew on
Equity Markets Not a general phenomenon Gold: FX: We focus on Equity Markets K K K Bruno Dupire

77 Why Volatility Skews? Market prices governed by
a) Anticipated dynamics (future behavior of volatility or jumps) b) Supply and Demand To “ arbitrage” European options, estimate a) to capture risk premium b) To “arbitrage” (or correctly price) exotics, find Risk Neutral dynamics calibrated to the market K Market Skew Th. Skew Supply and Demand Bruno Dupire

78 Theoretical Skew from Prices
? => Problem : How to compute option prices on an underlying without options? For instance : compute 3 month 5% OTM Call from price history only. Discounted average of the historical Intrinsic Values. Bad : depends on bull/bear, no call/put parity. Generate paths by sampling 1 day return recentered histogram. Problem : CLT => converges quickly to same volatility for all strike/maturity; breaks autocorrelation and vol/spot dependency. Bruno Dupire

79 Theoretical Skew from Prices (2)
Discounted average of the Intrinsic Value from recentered 3 month histogram. Δ-Hedging : compute the implied volatility which makes the Δ-hedging a fair game. Bruno Dupire

80 Theoretical Skew from historical prices (3)
How to get a theoretical Skew just from spot price history? Example: 3 month daily data 1 strike a) price and delta hedge for a given within Black-Scholes model b) compute the associated final Profit & Loss: c) solve for d) repeat a) b) c) for general time period and average e) repeat a) b) c) and d) to get the “theoretical Skew” t S K Bruno Dupire

81 Theoretical Skew from historical prices (4)
Bruno Dupire

82 Theoretical Skew from historical prices (5)
Bruno Dupire

83 Theoretical Skew from historical prices (6)
Bruno Dupire

84 Theoretical Skew from historical prices (7)
Bruno Dupire

85 EUR/$, 2005 Bruno Dupire

86 Gold, 2005 Bruno Dupire

87 Intel, 2005 Bruno Dupire

88 S&P500, 2005 Bruno Dupire

89 JPY/$, 2005 Bruno Dupire

90 S&P500, 2002 Bruno Dupire

91 S&P500, 2003 Bruno Dupire

92 MexBol 2007 Bruno Dupire

93 III. Dynamic arbitrage

94 Arbitraging parallel shifts
Assume every day normal implied vols are flat Level vary from day to day Does it lead to arbitrage? Implied vol Strikes Bruno Dupire

95 W arbitrage Buy the wings, sell the ATM
Symmetric Straddle and Strangle have no Delta and no Vanna If same maturity, 0 Gamma => 0 Theta, 0 Vega The W portfolio: has a free Volga and no other Greek up to the second order Bruno Dupire

96 Cashing in on vol moves The W Portfolio transforms all vol moves into profit Vols should be convex in strike to prevent this kind of arbitrage Bruno Dupire

97 M arbitrage In a sticky-delta smiley market: K1 K2 S0 S+ S- =(K1+K2)/2
Bruno Dupire

98 Deterministic future smiles
It is not possible to prescribe just any future smile If deterministic, one must have Not satisfied in general S0 K T1 T2 t0 Bruno Dupire

99 Det. Fut. smiles & no jumps => = FWD smile
If stripped from implied vols at (S,t) Then, there exists a 2 step arbitrage: Define At t0 : Sell At t: gives a premium = PLt at t, no loss at T Conclusion: independent of from initial smile t0 t T S0 K S Bruno Dupire

100 Consequence of det. future smiles
Sticky Strike assumption: Each (K,T) has a fixed independent of (S,t) Sticky Delta assumption: depends only on moneyness and residual maturity In the absence of jumps, Sticky Strike is arbitrageable Sticky Δ is (even more) arbitrageable Bruno Dupire

101 Example of arbitrage with Sticky Strike
Each CK,T lives in its Black-Scholes ( ) world P&L of Delta hedge position over dt: If no jump ! Bruno Dupire

102 Arbitrage with Sticky Delta
In the absence of jumps, Sticky-K is arbitrageable and Sticky-Δ even more so. However, it seems that quiet trending market (no jumps!) are Sticky-Δ. In trending markets, buy Calls, sell Puts and Δ-hedge. Example: S PF Δ-hedged PF gains from S induced volatility moves. Vega > Vega S PF Vega < Vega Bruno Dupire

103 IV. Volatility derivatives

104 VIX Future Pricing

105 Vanilla Options Simple product, but complex mix of underlying and volatility: Call option has : Sensitivity to S : Δ Sensitivity to σ : Vega These sensitivities vary through time and spot, and vol : Bruno Dupire

106 Volatility Games To play pure volatility games (eg bet that S&P vol goes up, no view on the S&P itself): Need of constant sensitivity to vol; Achieved by combining several strikes; Ideally achieved by a log profile : (variance swaps) Bruno Dupire

107 Log Profile Under BS: dS=σS dW, price of For all S,
The log profile is decomposed as: In practice, finite number of strikes CBOE definition: Put if Ki<F, Call otherwise FWD adjustment Bruno Dupire

108 Option prices for one maturity
Bruno Dupire

109 Perfect Replication of
We can buy today a PF which gives VIX2T1 at T1: buy T2 options and sell T1 options. Bruno Dupire

110 Theoretical Pricing of VIX Futures FVIX before launch
FVIXt: price at t of receiving at T1 . The difference between both sides depends on the variance of PF (vol vol). Bruno Dupire

111 RV/VarS The pay-off of an OTC Variance Swap can be replicated by a string of Realized Variance Futures: From 12/02/04 to maturity 09/17/05, bid-ask in vol: 15.03/15.33 Spread=.30% in vol, much tighter than the typical 1% from the OTC market t T T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 Bruno Dupire

112 RV/VIX Assume that RV and VIX, with prices RV and F are defined on the same future period [T1 ,T2] If at T0 , then buy 1 RV Futures and sell 2 F0 VIX Futures at T1 If sell the PF of options for and Delta hedge in S until maturity to replicate RV. In practice, maturity differ: conduct the same approach with a string of VIX Futures Bruno Dupire

113 Conclusion Volatility is a complex and important field
It is important to - understand how to trade it - see the link between products - have the tools to read the market Bruno Dupire

114 The End

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