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Conservazione della natura (Nature preservation) Vivaistica in situ (Nursery in situ) Le Azioni (The Actions)

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Presentation on theme: "Conservazione della natura (Nature preservation) Vivaistica in situ (Nursery in situ) Le Azioni (The Actions)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Conservazione della natura (Nature preservation) Vivaistica in situ (Nursery in situ) Le Azioni (The Actions)

3 Myricaria germanica

4 Tipico habitat di Myricaria (Habitat typical of the Myricaria)

5 Infiorescenza di Myricaria (Myricaria's flowering)

6 Myricaria con semi (Myricaria with seeds)



9 Preparazione fitocelle (Preparation of the phyto-cells)

10 Innaffiatura (Watering)

11 Piantina da seme (Seedling)

12 Vivaista in serra (Worker in the greenhouse)

13 Fitocelle (Phyto-cells)

14 Trapianti in aula (First transplantation )


16 Preparati per le serre (Ready for the greenhouse)

17 Innaffiatura (Watering)

18 Habitat di Myricaria (Myricaria's habitat)

19 Piantina da seme (Seedling)

20 Lavoro in serra (Works in the greenhouse)

21 Piantina da seme (Seedling)

22 Fitocelle (Phyto-cells)

23 Piccoli arbusti da serra (Small bushes)

24 Preparazione del trerreno (Preparation of the ground)

25 Piantine pronte da trapiantare (Small plants ready for transplantation)

26 Preparazione terreno (Ground's preparation)


28 Piante trapiantate (Transplanted plants)


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