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Vermont Information Technology Leaders PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar September 13, 2011 Andy Finnegan Division of Medicare Financial Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Vermont Information Technology Leaders PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar September 13, 2011 Andy Finnegan Division of Medicare Financial Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vermont Information Technology Leaders PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar September 13, 2011 Andy Finnegan Division of Medicare Financial Management Fee For Service Operations CMS RO1 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

2 This presentation was current at the time it was published or uploaded onto the web. Medicare policy changes frequently so links to the source documents have been provided within the document for your reference. This presentation was prepared as a tool to assist providers and is not intended to grant rights or impose obligations. Although every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information within these pages, the ultimate responsibility for the correct submission of claims and response to any remittance advice lies with the provider of services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) employees, agents, and staff make no representation, warranty, or guarantee that this compilation of Medicare information is error-free and will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of the use of this guide. This publication is a general summary that explains certain aspects of the Medicare Program, but is not a legal document. The official Medicare Program provisions are contained in the relevant laws, regulations, and rulings. CPT only copyright 2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. Applicable FARS\DFARS Restrictions Apply to Government Use. Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein 2 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

3 2010 Incentive Payments: Distribution Available this late summer/fall eRx: August–September PQRI: September–October Paid as lump-sum to the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) under which the eligible professional’s claims were submitted or to the GPRO TINTIN decides distribution within practice 3

4 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar Electronic Remittance Advice (RA)For eligible professionals receiving 2010 eRx/PQRI incentive payments in 2011: LE indicator appears instead of LS 4-digit code indicates incentive type/reporting year 2010 eRx = RX10 2010 PQRI = PQ10 4

5 eRx…It’s not too late to start participating in the 2011 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program and potentially qualify to receive a full-year incentive payment  Eligible professionals may begin reporting eRx at any time throughout the 2011 program year (January 1-December 31, 2011) to be incentive eligible  eRx is a separate incentive program from Physician Quality Reporting, with different reporting requirements To successfully meet reporting criteria and be considered incentive eligible, individual eligible professionals must report the eRx measure at least 25 times(for eligible patient encounters) and Medicare Part B PFS allowed charges for services in the eRx measure’s denominator must be comprised of 10%or more of the eligible professional’s total 2011 estimated allowed charges 5 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

6 Determine whether or not you are eligible to participate in the program. A list of professionals who are eligible and able to receive an incentive for participating the eRx Incentive Program is available on the CMS eRx website at: 6

7 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar Review the 2011 eRx Measure Specification, which is available as a downloadable document in the eRx Measure section of the CMS eRx website, to determine if this measure applies to your practice 7

8  Determine if your practice has the resources needed to participate: Do you have a “qualified” eRx system/program that is being used routinely?  Generates a complete active medication list incorporating electronic data received from applicable pharmacies and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), if available  Selects medications, prints prescriptions, electronically transmits prescriptions, and conducts all alerts (defined below)  Provides information related to lower-cost, therapeutically appropriate alternatives, if any (the availability of an eRx system to receive tiered formulary information would meet this requirement for 2010)  Provides information on formulary or tiered formulary medications, patient eligibility, and authorization requirements received electronically from the patient’s drug plan, if available Note: All functionalities must be enabled 8 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

9  Do you expect your Medicare Part B PFS charges for the codes in the denominator of the measure (listed below) to make up at least 10% of your total Medicare Part B PFS allowed charges for 2011?Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) G-codes:90801, 90802, 90804, 90805, 90806, 90807, 90808, 90809, 90862, 92002, 92004, 92012, 92014, 96150, 96151, 96152, 99201, 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215, 99304, 99305, 99306, 99307, 99308, 99309, 99310, 99315, 99316, 99324, 99325, 99326, 99327, 99328, 99334, 99335, 99336, 99337, 99341, 99342, 99343, 99345, 99347, 99348, 99349, 99350, G0101, G0108, G0109 9 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

10 Once you have decided to participate in the 2011 eRx Incentive Program, follow these steps when reporting the measure: Bill one of the CPT or HCPCS G-codes noted on slide 10 for the patient you are seeing  Report the following G-code (or numerator code) on the claim form that is submitted for the Medicare patient visit: G8553 -At least one prescription created during the encounter was generated and transmitted electronically using a qualified eRx system 10 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

11 Electronically generated refills not associated with an eligible patient visit do not count and faxes do not qualify as eRx  New prescriptions not associated with a code in the denominator of the measure specification are not accepted as an eligible patient visit and do not count toward the minimum 25 unique eRx events  If multiple prescriptions are electronically prescribed at one eligible patient visit, this only counts as one eRx event 11 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

12 An eligible professional will not be subject to the 2012 payment adjustment if one of the following applies: The eligible professional is not a physician (MD, DO, or podiatrist), nurse practitioner, or physician assistant as of June 30, 2011 (This determination is based on the primary taxonomy code in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)) and does not generally have prescribing privileges, and reports g-code G8644 (defined as not having prescribing privileges) at least one time on an eligible claim prior to June 30, 2011; 12 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

13 The eligible professional does not have at least 100 cases containing an encounter code in the electronic prescribing measure’s denominator; The eligible professional’s allowed charges for covered professional services submitted for the electronic prescribing measure’s denominator codes is less than 10 percent of the eligible professional’s total 2011 Medicare Part B PFS allowed charges; 13 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

14 The eligible professional reports a significant hardship code and CMS determines that the hardship code applies and is granted an exemption; OR The eligible professional becomes a successful electronic prescriber for purposes of the 2012 payment adjustment by reporting the electronic prescribing measure via claims for at least 10 unique electronic prescribing events for patients in the denominator of the measure between January 1, 2011 and June 30, 2011 14 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

15 A group practice that is participating in the 2011 eRx group practice reporting option will not be subject to the 2012 payment adjustment if one of the following applies: The group practice reports a significant hardship in its 2011 self-nomination letter for participation in the eRx Incentive Program group practice reporting option and is granted an exemption; 15 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

16 The group practice becomes a successful electronic prescriber. The group practice becomes a successful electronic prescriber for purposes of the 2012 payment adjustment by reporting the electronic prescribing measure via claims for between 75-2,500 unique electronic prescribing events (depending on the group practice size) for patients in the denominator of the measure between January 1, 2011 and June 30, 2011. 16 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

17 Significant Hardship Exemptions. Section 1848(a)(5)(B) of the Act provides that the Secretary may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt an eligible professional from the payment adjustment, if the Secretary determines, subject to annual renewal, that compliance with the requirement for being a successful electronic prescriber would result in a significant hardship. 17 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

18 In the CY 2011 MPFS Final Rule, CMS established the following two significant hardship exemptions in the form of g-codes for purposes of the 2012 payment adjustment: The eligible professional practices in a rural area without sufficient high speed internet access (report code G8642) The eligible professional practices in an area without sufficient available pharmacies for electronic prescribing (report code G8643) 18 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

19 Changes to the Medicare eRx Incentive Program for Calendar Year 2011 Since publication of the 2011 MPFS Final Rule, CMS has received public comments raising concerns that the Medicare eRx Incentive program did not better align with the Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive Program as well as the need for additional significant hardship exemption categories. To address these concerns the following changes have been finalized: 19 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

20 Modify the existing 2011 electronic prescribing measure to address uncertainties related to the technological requirements of the Medicare eRx Incentive Program: The existing 2011 electronic prescribing measure is revised to indicate that a qualified electronic prescribing system includes certified EHR technology as defined at 42 CFR 495.4 and 45 CFR 170.102 20 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

21 Provide additional significant hardship exemption categories for purposes of the 2012 payment adjustment: The eligible professional or group practice must demonstrate that one of these situations applies to the respective practice: Eligible professionals who register to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs and adopt certified EHR technology; Inability to electronically prescribe due to local, state, or federal law or regulation; Limited prescribing activity; or Insufficient opportunities to report the electronic prescribing measure. 21 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

22 Extend the deadline for requesting significant hardship exemptions to November 1, 2011. This extended reporting deadline would apply to the two significant hardship exemptions established in the CY 2011 MPFS Final Rule as well as the additional significant hardship exemption categories above. 22 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

23 Require submission of significant hardship exemption requests for the 2012 eRx payment adjustment via a web-based tool for individual eligible professionals and via a mailed letter for group practices that are participating in the 2011 eRx group practice reporting option. Instructions on how to request a hardship via the web-based tool will be available on the eRx Incentive Program website at 23 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

24 IT’S NOT TOO LATE FOR 2011 PHYSICIAN QUALITY REPORTING SYSTEM 24 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

25 2011 1% incentive payment Reporting mechanisms for individual eligible professionals Claims Qualified registry Qualified EHR Reporting periods for individual eligible professionals12 months: January 1–December 31, 2011 6 months: July 1-December 31, 2011 (claims and registry-based reporting only) Individual eligible professionals may report individual Physician Quality Reporting System measures or measures groups 25 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

26 Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Section 10331, March 2010) Provides Physician Quality Reporting incentives through 2014 and added PFS reductions starting in 2015Authorized incentive payment amounts for each program year2007 –1.5% subject to a cap 2008 –1.5% 2009, 2010 –2.0% 2011 –1% 2012, 2013, 2014 –0.5% Authorized payment adjustment to fee schedule amount beginning in 2015 for those who do not satisfactorily report2015 –98.5% 2016 and subsequent years –98.0% Supports public reporting of quality data 26 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

27 It’s not too late to start participating in 2011 Physician Quality Reporting and potentially qualify to receive an incentive payment A new 6-month reporting period began on July 1 You can begin reporting data for July 1-December 31, 2011 using any of these 4 options Claims-based reporting of individual measures (6 months) –report 50% or more of applicable Medicare Part B FFS patients on at least 3 individual measures OR on each measure if less than 3 measures apply to the eligible professional Claims-based reporting of one measures group for 50% or more of applicable Medicare Part B FFS patients of each eligible professional (with a minimum of 8 patients) (6 months) Registry-based reporting of at least 3 individual Physician Quality Reporting measures for 80% or more of applicable Medicare Part B FFS patients of each eligible professional (6 months) Registry-based reporting of one measures group for 80% or more of applicable Medicare Part B FFS patients of each eligible professional (with a minimum of 8 patients) (6 months) 27 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

28 Other : Several patient-level measures in the program only need to be reported once per patient per reporting period Find an applicable measures group that could be reported via registry for a potential 12-month incentive (registry-based reporting of 1 measures group for 30 patients) See 2011 Physician Quality Reporting System Measures List and 2011Implementation Guide –Decision Tree (Appendix C) for specifics List of qualified registries is posted on CMS website 28 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

29 29 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

30 30 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

31 Eligible professionals can choose whether to report individual quality measures or a group of related measures (aka “measures groups”) 194 individual measures, including 44 registry-only measures, 20measures for EHR-based reporting, and 20 new measures 14 measures groups: Diabetes Mellitus, CKD, Preventive Care, CABG, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Perioperative Care, Back Pain, CAD, HF, IVD, Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, CAP, and Asthma (new) Registry-only includes: CABG, CAD, HF, & HIV/AIDS Back Pain measures group are reportable as a measures group only 31 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

32 When reviewing the measure specifications and reporting instructions for individual measures and measures groups, notice that each measure has a QDC (which consists of a Current Procedural Terminology [CPT] II code or a G-code) associated with it Note that several measures allow the use of CPT II modifiers: 1P, 2P, 3P, and the 8P reporting modifier Only allowable CPT II modifiers may be used with a CPT II code Eligible professionals should use the 8P modifier judiciously for applicable measures and measures groups they have selected to report8P modifier may not be used indiscriminately in an attempt to meet satisfactorily reporting criteria without regard to meeting quality improvement goals 32 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

33 Reporting QDCs for Physician Quality Reporting measures CPT Category II code(s) and/or G-code(s), which supply the numerator, must be reported:  on the same claim as the denominator billing code(s)  for the same beneficiary  by the same Eligible Professionals (individual National Provider Identifier or NPI) who performed the covered service as the payment codes, usually ICD-9-CM, CPT Category I or HCPCS codes, which supply the denominator  for the same date of service (DOS) Claims can not be re-submitted just to add QDCs 33 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

34 34 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

35 Determine if you are eligible to participate See> Overview > Downloads Review the 2011 Physician Quality Reporting System Measures List, and determine which measures apply to practice To help select measures, search for billed codes: Single Source Master Code Table(claims/registry for individual measures) Understand the measures and how to report them! Claims processed by the Carrier/MAC must reach the national Medicare claims system data warehouse (National Claims History file) by February 24, 2012 to be included in the analysis Claims for services furnished toward the end of the reporting period should be filed promptly. Review RA notices from Carrier/MAC to ensure receipt of N365 remark code for each QDC submitted N365 indicates, "This procedure code is not payable. It is for reporting/information purposes only. 35 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

36 If reporting using claims, ensure billing software and clearing- house can capture all the codes and associated modifiers used in Physician Quality Reporting for the measures selected Discuss with vendors if applicable Submitted charge field cannot be left blank (use $0.00 if able or a nominal amount such as a penny) Review reporting principles (if using claims) and specifications for each measure or measures group selected Begin reporting on appropriate Medicare Part B FFS patients via CMS-1500 form or electronically Or, submit through a qualified registry (work with registry on specifics) 36 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

37 CMS Physician Quality Reporting website  CMS eRx Incentive Program website  2012 PFS Proposed Rule  eRx Proposed Rule> Downloads or directly at 06-01/pdf/2011-13463.pdf  Frequently Asked Questions  Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs  Physician Compare 37 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

38 QualityNet Help Desk: Portal password issues PQRI/eRx feedback report availability and access IACS registration questions IACS login issues Program and measure-specific questions  866-288-8912 (TTY 877-715-6222)  7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. CST M-F or You will be asked to provide basic information such as name, practice, address, phone, and e-mail Provider Contact Center: Questions on status of 2010 eRx/PQRI incentive payment (during distribution timeframe) See Contact Center Directory at EHR-ARRA Information Center: 888-734-6433 (TTY 888-734-6563) 38 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

39 Common pitfalls with Physician Quality Reporting Missing your eligible population Reporting incorrect information Using incorrect specifications Quality-data codes Individual National Provider Identification numbers Missing the reporting frequency Confusing with other CMS programs (Meaningful Use) Knowing who to call for help 39 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

40 Enrollment Revalidation Section 6401 (a) of the Affordable Care Act established a requirement for all enrolled providers and suppliers to revalidate their enrollment information under new enrollment screening criteria. This revalidation effort applies to those providers and suppliers that were enrolled prior to March 25, 2011. 40 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

41 Newly enrolled providers and suppliers that submitted their enrollment applications to CMS on or after March 25, 2011, are not impacted. Between now and March 23, 2013, MACs will send out notices on a regular basis to begin the revalidation process 41 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

42 Providers and suppliers must wait to submit the revalidation only after being asked by their MAC to do so. The most efficient way to submit your revalidation information is by using the Internet-based PECOS. 42 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

43 All institutional providers and suppliers who respond to a revalidation request must submit an enrollment fee via Pay.Gov (reference 42 CFR 424.514). You may submit your fee by electronic check, debit, or credit card. Revalidations are processed only when fees have cleared. To pay your application fee, go to and type “CMS” in the search box under Find Public Forms, and click the GO button. Click on the CMS Medicare Application Fee link. 43 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

44 Upon receipt of the revalidation request, providers and suppliers have 60 days from the date of the letter to submit complete enrollment forms. Failure to submit the enrollment forms as requested may result in the deactivation of your Medicare billing privileges. 44 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

45 When you receive notification from your MAC to revalidate: 1. Update your enrollment through Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) or complete the 855; 2. Sign the certification statement on the application; 3. If applicable, pay your fee thru; and 4. Mail your supporting documents and certification statement to your MAC. 45 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

46 Questions? 46 PQRS, eRx and Enrollment Revalidation Webinar

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