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Hardships of the Great Plains Settlers. Lack of building materials  Few trees  Lumber shipped in:  expensive.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardships of the Great Plains Settlers. Lack of building materials  Few trees  Lumber shipped in:  expensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardships of the Great Plains Settlers

2 Lack of building materials  Few trees  Lumber shipped in:  expensive

3 How did they adjust? Used Sod that busted up for houses Used Barbed Wire for fencing in crops When money was made from crops/ bought wood.

4 How did people adjust? Windmills helped to get water to areas Steel Plow helped break through sod

5 Natural Geography Mountain range both sides Hard to travel out Water was not always available. Land near rivers and streams taken quickly.

6 Climate Conditions Winter- blizzards Spring – tornadoes, hail, floods Summer- extreme heat Fall- dry grass/fires spark

7 Isolation *Travel between settlements difficult Communication not available. Made them independent.

8 Lack of revenue Farming only way to make money Far away from industry If had bad year for crops/ disaster for farm.

9 Rail Road How do you think the railroad helped the settlers overcome some of these hardships?

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