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Water Quality Control Division
Colorado NetDMR Training Program Water Quality Control Division
Instructor Mark Lombardi Water Quality Control Division
Phone: CDPHE-NetDMR help Phone
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Overview Why NetDMR? User Roles Training process
E-Reporting Rule System Benefits Why NetDMR? Regulatory authority grants Signatory access Local administrator controls Edit & View access User Roles Test NetDMR Production NetDMR Training process Training material this PowerPoint the file Weblink to EPA’s Permittee and User’s Guide PDF document Weblink to EPA’s online tutorials Additional Information
E-Reporting Rule
E-Reporting Rule What is it? Why do we need it?
When will it become law? How will it be implemented? What does it affect? Waivers? “States Readiness” deadline, consequences if not met
E-Reporting Rule What Is the E-reporting rule New Federal Regulation
No more paper Permit requests and periodic reports online through the internet Changes how you report, not what you report
E-Reporting Rule Why do we need it? A step toward leaner government
Facilitates transparency (CORA/FOIA) Rapid data availability for better decision making
E-Reporting Rule Important dates Public input until December 12, 2013
Effective date, (best guess) August 2014 Within 12 months Colorado must achieve “States Readiness” (90% compliance)
E-Reporting Rule How will it be implemented?
Modify existing permits to require electronic reporting Written into new and reissued permits
E-Reporting Rule What does it affect?
Discharge Monitoring reports (DMR) Notices of intent (NOI) Notices of termination (NOT) No exposure certifications (NEC) Low erosivity waivers (LEW) Sanitary sewer overflows (CSO & SSO) Periodic reports
E-Reporting Rule Annual waivers possible Meet hardship requirements
Economic hardship Limited internet connectivity Religious prohibition Annual application to document continuing need
E-Reporting Rule If state misses “States Readiness” deadline
Dual reporting will be implemented by EPA Direct electronic to EPA using their eNOI & NetDMR systems -- & -- Report to state also, using our existing methods
System Benefits
Why Use NetDMR? Work from anywhere
No application to install & maintain Sign DMRs using your smart mobile device while on vacation
Why Use NetDMR? Streamlined Group processing
Sign, up to 100 DMRs at a time as a batch submission Only 5 mouse clicks to code a batch of up to 100 DMRs as “no discharge”
Why Use NetDMR? Copy of Record (COR) legal proof of timely reporting.
Documents who submitted and when. Verifiable copy of DMR & attachments. Created automatically when DMR is sent
Why Use NetDMR? Automatic DMR status Tracking
From, Ready for data entry, → To, Ready for signing, → To, Signed, → To, Completed.
Why Use NetDMR? Store documentation in the “cloud”.
Attach lab results, cover letters & process documentation to each DMR Search for individual DMRs by Permit ID, outfall, monitoring period, tracking code, even who edited it or submitted it Download bundled documents at any time as a zip file
Click “Add Attachments” to append cover letters or other docs
Attach Documents Names of appended documents cannot contain any spaces or special characters. May be PDF, Word or Excel format but PDF is preferred. Cannot be larger than 20megabytes. Preferred naming format is PermitID_FileType_YYYY_MM.pdf Click “Add Attachments” to append cover letters or other docs
Attachments Browse for attachments within your computer
File types: PDF, MS Word, Excel or Zip Append files up to 20MB. File names, no spaces, no special characters (= + & $ ^ % *). Naming convention: PermitID_FileContentType_YYYY_MM.pdf (YYYY=4 digit Year, MM=2 digit Month)
Why Use NetDMR? Streamline your work flow With one mouse click
Send your data to the EPA - & - Send the COR and attachments as a .zip file to everyone on an list To records To archive To trustees
Email Notification List
View Permit Details (Page) Check the box “Add COR and Attachments to Notification” before signing DMRs. Type an address and press “Add”
Why Use NetDMR? NetDMR is synchronized with your permit
DMRs are always current Modifications update automatically Check against permit to discover database coding errors
Why Use NetDMR? NetDMR checks for errors every time you save data.
It flags limit exceedances It flags blank data fields It flags database incompatibilities
Why Use NetDMR? Import data, format CSV text file Compatible software
AllMax, Operator10 Hach, WIMS Excel spreadsheet Use template found in “
Training Process
Paper NetDMR Currently, you mail or hand deliver paper DMRs!
Currently Mailing or hand delivering paper DMRs! Create Practice Account “Test NetDMR” Request permit access Be approved Submit practice eDMRs online Call to have someone check your DMR for errors ** Continue to submit official DMRs on paper Create Official Account “Production NetDMR” Request permit access Be approved Submit official DMRs online ** Paper DMRs no longer required Transition to online reporting Two accounts at different websites One for practice One for official reporting NetDMR Test website: NetDMR Production website:
Roles & Responsibilities
Regulatory Authority (CDPHE)
Roles & Access Regulatory Authority (CDPHE) - grants signatory access & provide technical support Regulatory Authority (CDPHE) Signatory - sign and submit DMRs. First signatory * receives all roles automatically 1st Signatory *Administrator *Editor 2nd Signatory No Admin No Edit Alternate signatories request additional roles separately Editor Viewer Administrator Administrator - Approves or denies administrators, editors and viewers Editor Viewer Editor - enter, & edit DMRs & CORs View – Safe, can’t change data
Permit/DMR Access Request
Linking your account to a permit Signatory first After 1st signatory, other roles become available 2nd Signatory Administrator Editor Viewer
print, sign, and mail original to CDPHE
Subscriber Agreement “Test NetDMR“ Don’t print just call (303) for access. Test or Production? “Test NetDMR” Ignore Subscriber Agreement call me for access "Production NetDMR” Print, sign, mail Subscriber Agreement(s) allow 2 weeks for processing “Production NetDMR” print, sign, and mail original to CDPHE
Additional Information
Resources Getting Started hyperlink NetDMR Users Guide
Click link or copy and paste to browser address bar then click “Getting Started” at top of page NetDMR Users Guide Click link or copy and paste to browser address bar EPA’s training materials Click link or copy and paste to browser address bar CDPHE Contacts us at: Or call us at: (303)
E-Reporting Rule More info on Proposed E-Reporting rule
Published in the Federal Register, July 30, 2013 The Federal Register: Proposed E-Reporting rule EPA Proposed NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule information
Handouts Package Handouts packet This PowerPoint.
NetDMR_Handouts (.zip folder) DataImport – Templates and instructions for uploading data to NetDMR from Excel files. eDMR_DataEntryHelps – Definitions of data entry codes and naming conventions of documents attached to eDMRs GettingStartedInProduction – Instructions for creating an account and requesting permit access in the “Production” NetDMR environment. GettingStartedInTest – Instructions for creating an account and requesting permit access in the “Test” NetDMR environment. PermitAdministration – How to grant access to Editors, Viewers, and other Administrators within your organization. Regulations – Essential portions of federal and state regulations
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