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Opportunities and Hardships in the West BPQ: Was the West a land of opportunity or a place of hardship?

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1 Opportunities and Hardships in the West BPQ: Was the West a land of opportunity or a place of hardship?



4 “The West” Observe the map and think about “The West”. Make a list of 5 things (anything) that comes to your mind about “The West”. 1. 2. 3. 5.

5 Mythology of the West Mythology- Collected myths of a group of people stories. True or False?

6 The Western Frontier Primary Source Primary Source Analysis Tool Observe: Reflect: Question: Summarize your observations and reflections in a paragraph. Combine ideas, work together as a group.

7 Example:

8 JOHN GAST'S "AMERICAN PROGRESS" (1872) Manifest Destiny




12 "The Promised Land--The Grayson Family, 1850." (1850). William S. Jewett.

13 Opposing Attitudes toward the west expansion 1. Rewrite the assigned fragments in your own words. 2. Discuss your fragment with members of your group. 3. Compare and contrast Americans attitudes toward the west expansion.

14 Opposing Attitudes: William E. Channing John O’Sullivan Americans

15 Vocabulary (left side) Transcontinental railroad Chisholm Trail Homestead Act Exodusters Reservation Assimilation Dawes Act

16 Transcontinental Railroad A railroad line was built to California. Money for the railroad came from government subsidies (payments) and opened the west to settlement.

17 Chisholm Trail Trail followed by cowboys to bring cattle to railroads stations so that they could be shipped to northern cities for beef processing.

18 Homestead Act Law that granted free land to settlers willing to cultivate land in the Great Plains.

19 Exodusters Former slaves who organized a migration to Kansas to find economic opportunities and to escape racism.

20 Reservation An area of federal land that was set aside for tribe. Usually these lands were unproductive and Native Americans’ way of life.

21 Assimilation To adopt the ways of another culture : to fully become part of a different society, country. Attempt to force Native Americans to be absorbed into the dominant culture.

22 Dawes Act The law supported the government’s assimilation policy by breaking up tribal lands into individual allotments (pieces) that families could own or sell.

23 Migration: Push and Pull Factors A PUSH factor is something that PUSHES you away from the place you are leaving (negative) A PULL factor PULLS you towards a place you are going (positive)

24 Do you get it?? Are the following examples of PUSH or PULL factors?

25 Do you get it?? New job in another state

26 Do you get it?? New job in another state Hurricane Katrina

27 Do you get it?? New job in another state Hurricane Katrina Religious Persecution

28 Do you get it?? New job Hurricane Katrina Religious Persecution The right to vote or get married

29 The disappearance of the American frontier According to the 1890 Census, the American frontier was “close”.

30 Frederick Jackson Turner Frederick Jackson Turner was an American historian in the early 20th century, based at the University of Wisconsin until 1910, and then at Harvard.

31 Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance of the Frontier in American History (1873) In his essay Turner present the notion of “The closing of the Frontier”. He argued that the untamed wilderness and vast open spaces of the frontier shaped American culture and history in profound ways.

32 The West shaped American culture and history in profound ways. Turner’s Ideas The West create an unique American Identity. Individualism and Self-reliance. Strong sense of equality Bravery and creativity Social mobility Economic freedom and democracy

33 The New Western Historians A group of historians argued that Turner missed part of the story about the west Turner’s picture of the west is idealist, incomplete, and one-sided (focused on Anglo- American experience only).

34 The West shaped American culture and history in profound ways. New Western Historians’ Ideas The west is an ongoing process, not completed. Social divisions. Conquering and exploiting Military and government support Interactions with diverse cultures.

35 Apply Use the cards provided to better understand the point of view of each side of this historical debate. Turner vs The New Western Historians

36 So who got their history right? Complete the table. Answer the questions with specific examples.

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