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POVERTY Poverty is the state of being without necessities of daily living, often associated with need, hardship and lack of resources across a wide range.

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Presentation on theme: "POVERTY Poverty is the state of being without necessities of daily living, often associated with need, hardship and lack of resources across a wide range."— Presentation transcript:

1 POVERTY Poverty is the state of being without necessities of daily living, often associated with need, hardship and lack of resources across a wide range of circumstances … Internationally, people who lack food and shelter for minimal needs are said to be living in absolute poverty. Poverty in Australia, however, is generally relative poverty. People are considered poor if their living standards fall below an overall community standard, and they are unable to participate fully in the ordinary activities of society. Folio 1 & 2 GlossarySource: Healey (ed.), Poverty and Social Exclusion,Issues in Society, vol. 320, 2011, p. 58.

2 ABSOLUTE POVERTY Folio 1 & 2 GlossarySource: Healey (ed.), Poverty and Social Exclusion,Issues in Society, vol. 320, 2011, p. 58. When a person does not have access to the bare minimum requirements to sustain a healthy life, for example safe drinking water, shelter and regular food. RELATIVE POVERTY When a group in society receives significantly less than the average person in that society.

3 Folio 1 & 2 GlossaryAspin, Focus on Australian Society, Longman,2 nd edn., 1996, pp.107-8.

4 Folio 1 & 2 GlossarySource: Healey (ed.), Poverty and Social Exclusion,Issues in Society, vol. 320, 2011, p. 58. POVERTY LINES These are set at minimum income levels considered necessary to achieve a decent standard of living. Two commonly used poverty lines in Australia are 50% of median income and 60% of median income. MEDIAN

5 Folio 1 & 2 GlossarySource: Healey (ed.), Poverty and Social Exclusion,Issues in Society, vol. 320, 2011, p. 58.

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